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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I think I see the makings of a new business here...I'm thinking of setting up a sweatshop making sow's ears from silk purses... any takers?
  2. ??? your post is the first to mention him in this thread.
  3. I'm watching, but I haven't noticed him... I think I heard them say he wasn't playing? They were reeling of a long list of names of the top GWS players who aren't playing - great because it shows just where the Bummers are at now... and that is is absolutely nowhere considering they have a few of their "better" players back in (I think just 6 top up players this week).
  4. Sounds like the main character out of Flannery O'Connor's novel Wise Blood. Your neighbour's name wouldn't be Hazel Motes would it?
  5. Tht is hardly the point... they may not sue as such, but they certainly could get the site closed down.
  6. Yes, how dare they have lives outside of football.
  7. I doubt he'll be too concerned.
  8. Look, if it makes you all feel better, just think back and see if you can recall what happened the last time he kicked three in a first quarter (I think it was).
  9. Clark just kicked his third goal with 6 minutes to go in the first quarter!!
  10. Perhaps its easier for the non-members to complain as they feel that every such event/mistake justifies their not having paid up.
  11. Was it a bright sunny day? Probably finding some shade so he can check the images on the camera's screen.
  12. An award?? I'd like to see a whole town named after him... that would have to be the best place on the planet. Oh... hang on.
  13. But that still dodn't stop Jones training with the team in Shanghai a short time later... hard as nails
  14. Another season like last year and the Jones boy WILL be awarded an AA place and will give the Brownlow a big nudge.
  15. We are a completely different club now. If Bennell is flying I don't think we stand a chance against the Suns, but if we can tame him, I think we will run them very close (even to the point of a narrow victory). I think the seeds of self-belief within the club are starting to sprout and that will make a big difference (in my opinion, last week's performance against the Dockers will have reinforced that).
  16. What, we knew someone was likely to stand on Hogan's foot?
  17. I think for some of the comments that appear in these kinds of discussions, put a sock in it would be far more appropriate.
  18. Ridiculous statement!! He has been unfortunate in that he got a knee in the back and a stud in the foot. How on earth do those events give the impression that he is made of glass? Unlucky? yes... made of glass? never!
  19. Well, I'm happy with the club now... I called them asking if I was to purchase a Demons jumper from the online store, whether they would be able to get it signed by the players so that I could give it to my son for his 13th birthday and we could pick it up on match day; this was because we won't get down from Sydney in time to attend any training sessions. The girl I was speaking to (Ally) asked who his favourite player was, to which I had to answer Mitch Clark. After a polite chuckle she asked me who his favourite current MFC player is, to which I answered Col Garland followed closely by Nathan Jones. She to took my mobile number and said she would find out what they could do and call me back later. Well, she did call me back not too much later (maybe half an hour or so) and informed me that they would be happy to organise a jumper and get it signed by the players (looks like it will be more than just Col) and have it in the post to me later today (so we should receive it in the next couple of days)... all at no cost to me. So well done MFC and more particularly well done Ally!!
  20. While on the subject of the Sunnyboys, I got to know Peter Oxley reasonable well through his time as bassist in a band called Shy Imposters who also featured Richard Bergman on guitar; the Sunnyboys evolved from this band. They also did a superb version of Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit. The biggest shame about Peter Oxley was that he closed down his Newtown Pizza Restaurant.
  21. Ahhh yes (did you recognise me from my avatar?)... that was 2013 before the disaster that was the Port Adelaide game. Well who knows, we may bump into each other at this game.
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