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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. Ha ha ha! Brown for a No.1 draft pick? And a number 14, and a reasonable player, and a 1.2 million per year contract at least... Maybe Mitch Clark saw the writing on the wall and really, really dislikes Campbell Newman?
  2. I always thought the chorus of Bob Dylan's song 'Silvio' was relevant. Silvio Silver and gold Won't buy back the beat of a heart grown cold Silvio I gotta go Find out something only dead men know Also, it's not an age thing, that Pason Pit stuff is cliche, pretentious and tuneless. Not hating, just saying.
  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The better our midfield gets at putting pressure on, the better the value we get from Rivers and his particular strengths, like reading the play, knowing when to zone off, when to move to assist another defender, that sort of thing. Plus, given that he is getting a useful game even when all of our tall defender options are present (Frawley, Garland, Tom McDonald, and Rivers) it hardly seems like we have a great need to ditch him for lack of space..
  4. Hmm... I'm not convinced we have drafted all that badly. Cue the cliches like 'too early to tell about x and you can't judge after so much early injury distruption to y. I do think though that there have been a couple problems (or tendencies) that seemed to creep into the decision-making. 1) Trying to be too clever. Not taking the 'obvious choice' in favour of making the attempt at plucking out a surprise. The drafting equivalent of going for the high mark deep in defence, instead of the spoil. 2) Too much thinking about 'nice' players who would make for pleasant conversation over a middle-class dinner party where everyone is comparing their children. Nice is nice, but it is not the same as leadership or determination, or even behavioural discipline, and I think we may have looked too hard at the wrong character features. 3) A whole mess of sentimentality. The classic being the absurd clinging on to Newton, matched with the ruthless despatch of McDonald. You could say that the 'retirement' was a ruthless act carried out with unmanaged and decidely not ruthless emotions, and the mix-up left everyone a bit frayed at the edges. On the other hand... Neither Gysberts nor Cook (as examples brought up on this thread) were irrational decisions. Gysberts was a highly rated midfielder believed to have the poise in a pack to complement the grunt of Jones and Moloney. In fact, on gysberts profile at the time, if you dripped him into this draft a lot of us would be saying 'Yes! That guy is what we are looking for'. Maybe he still can be, it's not as if he has had a chance to show his value yet. Cook was taken as a true key tall forward option. Anyone going to argue with that need? And, in needs comparison with Darling, we already had many players marked as prospects for the 'third forward' role Darling was expected to fill - Petterd, Green, Sylvia, Bate, Dunn, Morton, and Jurrah. If even two of those had come through as reliable options/rotations up forward by now, would we really care about missing Darling?
  5. Five years of failure and we have netted a grand total of pick 1 and pick 18 as priority picks, and people want to kick up a stink about one game in 2009 in which we were in front at the final siren and were beaten by a set show Jordan f'ing McMahon, who had kicked two behindsand at least one out on the full for the day... and was playing as a forward when he is a defender. Sigh. Collingwood (2005), Hawthorn (2004/2005), Footscray (2004), Essendon (2006) Carlton (2007), West Coast (2008) and even St Kilda in 2002 managed to lose their last four games of 2002 by 1, 7, 11 and 18 points... Perhaps Melbourne's crime here is that they are the only club to not build a period of success on the back of their tanking?
  6. Hmm... let's imagine that as punishment they take away our round 1 draft pick. Net result - Jack Viney goes at pick 23(ish), and really all we lose is pick 23. But hey, that's just another side effect of the AFL making their rules up on the run with no long term or consistent vision. (except of course TV deals, which they have shown to be quite strong at)
  7. The number of threads being started with nothing new to add, just people needing to put their feelings at the top of a page, is reaching plague proportions. I guess it is a mark of the emotional strain of the season and last five years, and the fact that aside from the obvious* there isn't much w can speak of that might decisively change the situation *(need mids with speed, poise and defensive effort + need more forward marking power + need to stablise defence + need general fitness and effort levels to improve) Note: 'genuinely dynamic and effective game plan' not included in 'obvious' because, given other factors, who knows what the game plan could deliver, really?
  8. We can easily pick out half a dozen players who will clearly not be held onto at the end of the year, who are currently getting regular or semi-regular games, plus a few more who are 'touch and go' whether we persevere with them for another season, then another set that are contracted next year. We will cut as much as a quarter of our list a the end of the year, and that'll be from guys currently getting games. They'll be replaced with 4 mids from the first 25 or so picks, plus whatever selections we can get or improve while offloading 'unrequired' players, and whoever we can grab through free agency given that our salary cap space is going to open wide up again both this year and next as experienced, and some highly paid, players get the chop. That team will be Neeld's team. And despite becoming even younger (hell, we could be younger than Gold Coast by the end of 2013) it should at least be able to function to his plans. Sigh, I don't want to sound like I am super-optimistic or complacent. I really hate our current performances and they are simply not acceptable, showing clear lack of 'duty-motivation'. I think this is the core of the problem, the culture problem that just about everyone alludes to in their comments. Melbourne players past and present have been readily motivated by various things that are mostly personal. Whether it was glory, money, emotional circumstance, or simply the excitement of attacking football. But what is so clealy missing, over the course of seasons and right down to individual moments, is the motivation that comes from within, to improve, to perform consistently, to make the defensive efforts and the unrewarded running to offer options. That, I think, is what Neeld is working to generate. And it is also a known strength of Neil Craig's. So, for all the rubbish right now as players struggle to build their 'internal, duty-driven' motivation, I do believe in the future.
  9. I dislike trade speculation but can't shake the urge, sometimes. Mostly I prefer to look for trades where a player will probably be better off making a fresh start somewhere else, it keeps my conscience soothed. I think all of Bate, Dunn, Morton, Spencer, Bennell and Jetta are in that category. Whether traded or simply 'released'. We should not expect to get too much for them, of course. But you never know, they could get themselves that little slice of 'Stephen Armstrong' luck going to a club that needs exactly what they bring, and hit some form and make a good run of it all. All have serious limitations but can play a role in a tam that has the 'core talent' to cover it. Joel MacDonald may find himself being one of those players who make multiple moves over their career. His mature body and good efforts are appreciated but like the others mentioned he has limitations which are maddening for supporters. We are blessed with a good stock of highly mobile tall defenders, plus a range a options and possible developing players. As much as I think it is nice to have some key defenders who can be a forward mixer, I don't think it is a good permanent option. As such, defence is well stocked. Port would, presumably, want a mature and ready mifielder to help compensate for the loss of Boak to anywhere, whether to us, Geelong, Essendon, Carlton, etc. Whichever club seals tht deal (if it happens) would love to be able to offer, say, Colin Sylvia plus a good draft pick. Like most people, I feel that little bit uneasy disposing of Sylvia because at any moment he could burst into a genuine star player. On the other hand, I'm expecting that our 2012 draft will feature four high-quality midfielders. With that in mind, Sylvia seems a lot less 'essential'. If Brent Moloney wanted to leave for a fresh start, that would be understandable. I'd rather give him next year to see if he can correct this astonishing form slump. I'm assuming that Brad Green and Aaron Davey will play out ther remaining careers with Melbourne, however much longer or shorter that is. Wouldn't it be great to see each of them regain a last burst of form and do a 'comeback tour' to leave on a high note, on their own terms?
  10. Something the club does do, that works well, is things like offer the 'kick to kick on the 'G' session after the smallest-crowd games against interstate opponents at the 'G, on Barassi signing sessions at the Melbourne shop at the 'G'... ...at the 'G... ...at the 'G...
  11. I was mulling this over today actually. I would expect our inclusions to count a full set of 4 mids from the first 4 picks (3,4,12ish, 22ish) , 2 rookie upgrades (Nicholson & Magner), an a possible extra, such as Chris Knights through free agency. My list, in order of most likely to 'go', runs - Green - Retires Spencer - today's game just confirmed he is not AFL, for all his fight. Bate and Dunn - 25 year olds with approx 100 games to their name who still only breakin because of injuries, and who wll be quite redundant following our next draft. MacDonald - Much the same sitation as Bate and Dunn. Jetta and Bennell - Another pair whose fates seem to be in step, for dfferent reasons. If you could combine the strengths of each, you'd have a great player, but they are simply not 'complete' enough for AFL. Possible re-rookie option? Morton - sometimes nice, sometimes a fright. Might just be moved on politely, but may well stay another year, or even be rookied. Petterd - This breaks my heart, and I'm desperately hoping he'll step up and give some good games late in the year. I'd persevere because I see him as being as versatile and valuable as Howe is shaping to be. But quite possibly he could fee ike he is stagnating admight want to move on for his own reasons with the clubs sad blessing. I am still a softie at heart though - at the very least I hope Dunn plays out every game for the season to each the 100 milestone. And let's face it, a few of those guys would be quite handy as mature bodies for a club like Gold Coast, Warnock style.
  12. Magner is churning along more than ok for a first year player, nevermind his VFL experience. He raised expectations with a great start, will be interesting to see how he goes after the bye. I don't see any question marks on his current or longer term usefulness to the club. Frankly to say he is our 'big liability' is as stupid as it is insulting to Magner. I very, very rarely address anyone personally in forums, I'm not into stirring or pointless confrontation, but on this occasion 'Gotzy15', would you mind just pulling your head in, please? Thank you.
  13. Yep, Demons over 'Pies 6-1. They'll gloat anyway because their single win in '58 defended their record of four consecutive wins. Lesser known is that Demons are also 4-1 against Essendon. That's something we can all enjoy together.
  14. He really went in hard today, but I didn't think there was much that was pointless, thoughtless or seriously excessive violence. Maybe I need to see the video. Something I did really notice is that the guy is faster than I expected from such a tank of a body. Very promising. Gave me a little shiver of remembering that we really do have some good young (or not as young, but 'new to AFL' prospects who are beginning to show a little.
  15. Hmm... putting some thoughts together. Cale Morton has improved his confidence and involvement quite a bit this year, and I get theimpression it has been through a lot of positive and supportive talk around him. However, he still makes horrendous super-clangers which can cripple our momentum and turn the rythm of a game. Clearly, those clangers are emerging from total brain-farts which are still confidence based. Confidence in that particular moment just implodes I get this quiet feeling like his confidence has been taken a far as it can by 'support'. Now the coaches need to challenge him, really confront his failings, hope that he now has the strength to face them and the bristling frustration it causes, and by 'practicing' dealing with that, get to that next point of confidence. If the occasional blast works, it could be the making on Cale Morton. If not... well, it isn't going to break him, it will just mean we have found his limit as a football player. But if there is one thing that is completely obvious, it is that Cale's problems are pretty much all born from a lack of confidence and belief.
  16. Sellar did the job last week that let us try Garland up forward. Definitely giving a great effort. Not a flawless player obviously, but he is also now doing what we brought him into the club to do and deserves respect for that. Not glossing over quite a poor start, but feeling good about the club, and the player, persevering and getting some reward.
  17. Well, for Melbourne's needs at the moment, I'm all about established, potent midfielders who can also kick a goal. Place to look for a shortlist? Brownlow medal counts, of course. If you could knock a couple of years off ages, I'd be going Judd, Ablett and Watson. As a boxed set, they'd complement eachother beautifully and would just be unstoppable. I've heard of sharking off opposition hitouts, but with those three, your opposition would be sharking off your clearances. Of younger guys, I'd be considerig Cotchin, Dangerfield and Fyfe. Getting back on the Reality BusTM - I'd reckon Chris Knights would be a nice 'option' as a player looking for a fresh start, on a comparativey low-price and reasonably short contract, with possible big 'upside'. I'd love Dion Prestia for some extra hard working, hard tackling, quality young presence. Plus there's the 'he was a Demon as a kid' bonus points. I'll save my final 'realistic wish' for just getting all our unfortunate midfield kids a good clean run without injury.
  18. I think he partly gets away with it because he often looks like he has just tripped himself up as much as anyone else. As for Hird's call, maybe he was the only person actually sucked in by Jetta's dive?
  19. That Bennell and Jetta were from the same club (or was it opponents in a WA grand final?), drafted one after the other, and were good friends and rivals in their junior career always puts the two of them together in my mind. I find it interesting (but probably spurious, really) that each of them seems to have all the strengths thag the other lacks. Jetta doesn't seem to have the damaging power that Bennell (sometimes) has, while Bennell lacks the mongrel and tackling effort that I see coming from Jetta. Real shame for Jetta, I had really hoped to se him develop this season and find out how he goes. I definitely haven't written him off as an AFL player but as other's have pointed out, we're looking at four early picks and thn whatever else comes through, lined up for the alleged deep/super/amazing/fantabuloso/mega draft of awesomeness. I would reckon that Neville Jetta's AFL career isn't quite over, but he's not likely to see next season at the Demons. I can even envisage him spending a season or two of WAFL and one day coming back to AFL as a mature, tough player 'picked for purpose'. May even slip into a strong team looking for a top-up. But right now, al I've got is best wishes for the so far unlucky kid.
  20. Hmm.. ok, a bit of footy speculation to take my mind off things... I go with a shortlist for each year, no offense to several honourable non-mentions each year of course, and a couple of players still on a 'path' that could prove exceptional. The Shortlists; 2007 - Kruezer, Cotchin, Dangerfield, Rioli, Grimes, Ward, T. Walker. 2008 - Naitanui, Hurley, Ziebell, Sidebottom, Yarran, Shuey, Zaharakis, Redden, Hannebery, Jurrah, Rockliff, Suckling. 2009 - Martin, Fyfe, Jetta, Barlow... and the rest get a bit too early to tell. 2010 - Swallow, Gaff, Heppell, Darling, Prestia, and again, too early to tell for most. That's 27... I'll cut a few and make a team of sorts... For: Hurley, Darling, Rioli, Prestia, Fyfe Mid: Cotchin, Dangerfield, Ward, Ziebell, Sidebottom, Shuey, Zaharakis, Redden, Rockliff, Martin, Barlow, Def: Grimes, Yarran, Suckling, Heppell Ruck: Kruezer, Naitanui Aside from a couple of freak ruckmen, the list really makes clear the old story of young midfielders coming into their prime much faster than key position players. There's a lot of key defenders from those years who are 'going alright' but might mature into something very valuable, though.
  21. Spotted an article where North's Scott noted that the player's effort had been 'un-North Melbourne-like'. Aside from being a bit unwieldy as a phrase, it got me thinking. You can't say that Melbourne have played an 'un-Melbourne-like' game for many years. Certainly not in a bad sense! Even in the better days, we were never consistent enough to establish a reputation for anything positive. In a way it is making me think of the new coaching panel's job. To get them playing 'Neeld-like' football whether they like it or not, (which I gather mostly means relentless contested efforts and hard running to get to contests and zones) and to establish that n the club culture so that failure to do so can be called 'un-Melbourne-like'.
  22. Dylan Grimes... in that draft we were out of it by the time the rookie draft came through. We had already picked up Scully, Trengove, Gysberts, Tapscott, Gawn and Fitzpatrick. Grimes was next on the list after Fitzpatrick. Always remember on the night, Jordie McKenzie had agreed to stay on the rookie list and extra year so we had a better draft selection. At the other end of the scale... guess who's seventh disappointing year at the club (a fifth second chance, via the rookie list) was given a priority over drafting Dylan Grimes...
  23. I'd like for it to not be handed out every year. Only for when someone has consistently shown a real standout effort. And no, blogging doesn't count as community commitment, Harry O.
  24. I think there's something good in it every time we make a noise that makes us sound like a club on the hunt for the best. Instead of 'oh, they've got nothing' the story is 'oh, they have space for something'. Like fighter pilots talking about a 'target-rich environment'.
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