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Everything posted by praha

  1. This has nothing to do with Bailey and everything to do with the rubble of a team that idiot Daniher constructed. Green should have been traded 3 years ago, Johnstone was traded too late, Yze should have been retired by now and Godfrey, Ward and Fergason should have been delisted 2 years ago so as to make room for other players. I blame this debacle on Daniher. He created a fire and left it to burn to the ground. I hate him. He did nothing for this club and genuinly feel sorry for Bailey as he has to deal with another mans mistakes.
  2. It gave me a reason to leave Easter lunch with my future in-laws early.
  3. Me thinks on thread is needed for Melbourne bashing.
  4. He's a hack of the highest order. I've been saying it for years. So many people praise him but I never saw it. He can be a good player, but ultimately, he is soft. Reminds me of Woey.
  5. I get the same thing. Sometimes it finished on that, sometimes it takes a few seconds to load. Believe me, that first appearence is better then what you're subjected to when it fully loads. How embarrassing.
  6. I wouldn't call any of it "having a dig", I'd call it writing about the hard truth. Melbourne aren't a shambles. They're a joke (as a business).
  7. Somewhere in the MCG near a toilet and a food stall.
  8. They've redone the website, but god is it bad. Do these people know anything about web design? It's difficult to navigate through, especially if you're not familiar with the internet and in parts it looks like a home-made website. What the hell?
  9. I've been prepared for a while. I just hope that, while you were writing this thread, you were getting prepared for naive and blind people coming in and flaming you. I don't think we will finish last, but near the bottom.
  10. Melbourne FC > Melbourne Demons imo Mascots are a thing of the past. One of the smartest moves the board has ever done.
  11. What exactly did you want them to do? Have a 10 minute segment on the new Melbourne CEO, when they knew nothing other then him being the CEO? I mean, seriously, it's news. It's not a massive announcement. I think you're overblowing it.
  12. You guys have to consider that the shows plan was probably already drafted before the announcement came. An really, they mentioned it and that's all that was needed. I don't think it needed to be blown up.
  13. Maybe we will sign sponsorship deals with Range Rover and Mt. Buller. How funny/good would that be!
  14. Premier: St. Kilda Top 8: Geelong - Hawthorn - St. Kilda - Brisbane - West Coast - Port Bulldogs - Pies Spoon: Richmond Brownlow: Kerr Coleman: Franklin Rising Star: Don't know Story of the season: Demons set to move to Gold Coast in 2011(lol) Melbourne questions Our finishing position: 13th B&F top 5: 1. Jones, 2. Davey, 3. Rivers, 4. Meeson, 5. Bruce Leading goalkicker: Robbo Round 1 questions MFC's first goal: Brock Scoreline: Melbourne 13.7.91 Hawthown 15.15.105 Attendance: 52,098
  15. IMO, that shows how much he cares about the club. He is a quiet admirer. He sits back and watches it succeed, but when it doesn't he lets the people know. Nothing wrong with that. It's better to critisise then gloat, and I hate it when a journalist is bias. There job is to be honest and truthful and give their true opinion. You could say he is being bias by mainly writing articles on Melbourne anyway. His job isn't to point out the good when he directly has nothing to do with it. If there is something good to say, then say it. If you can't note down the negetives then you'll never fix them. And what good exactly is there to point out? That we "could" have a good season? I mean, really, that's all he could say. Putting in a good word isn't going to fix anything. It's just going to show how blinded he is to the problems this club has, like many of you.
  16. I didn't noticed it first hand, but now that I look it yet, yeah, there are a few mistakes. condemned - I got mine today, along with a whole bunch of nice stickers. I'm starting to like the "Melbournefc" and new logo more and more. It's so much more "Melbourne" then just a demon head.
  17. I didn't even know you could renew over the internet? Don't they contact you beforehand regarding newing? Maybe it's best to just ring them up and renew that way?
  18. I just threw up in my mouth a little... Thanks for the laugh, Yze_Magic *hug*
  19. Gary Lyon pretty much says that before you can fix a problem, you have to be able to admit there is one. I've said quite a few times that this club is in more trouble then we think it is, both off and ON the field. Everytime I say I think we're going to have a terrible year, I get the typical, "Have faith" or "I'm sick if people like you...blah blah BLAH!" I'm not crying. I'm not angry. I'm just being realistic. This club is an absolute rabble. Gardner won't admit it, Bailey isn't in a position yet (only early stages of career) to admit it. Also, how on earth can a man with a full-time position successfully lead a club in the presidency? I've got no doubt Gardner is a great business man, but we've gone backwards. He's found us a home, granted, but anyone really could have done that. Instead of being where Hawthorn is and was after only 3 years after the 96 debacle, we're still down the bottom on memberships and finances. Also, I sincercely believe that the only reason Daniher was with us as long as he was, was because the board wanted it to be a last resort (sacking him). He's still getting paid, isn't he? Even if his not, he was consistently inconsistent and we achieved nothing under him. Don't say we made the GF, because his teams down years overtook that GF appearence. MFC is a rabble. No, that's an understatement. This club is at a crossroad, with no GPS, no watch, no water, no phone. Nothing. One road takes it to success. The other takes is to death. We're half-way down the road to death. We went up the right road for a while, but suddenly, we've walked back and headed down the other. Many of you bag the AFL and its actions. I bless them. Without the AFL, we wouldn't be here. Our "profit" (if you can call a few hundred K a profit when other clubs are making millions) was because of the AFL hand-out. Without it, we would have been in the red, even with record membership. That's disgraceful. They say membership means a lot, yet we would have been in the red if not for the AFL, Even with record membership. Believe it or not, I'm looking forward to this year. You know why? Because I'm very, very, VERY curious to see where and how my membership money gets put to use during a terrible time.
  20. Having failed as a Melbourne president is hardly anything to cry over. Melbourne hasn't had a successful President in the last 30 years...
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