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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. That said above, plus no one will want to deal with Carlton during any trade week again.
  2. I wouldn't mind getting Aaron Black from WA (the taller Aaron Black). If we go mids 1&2 (which we should), i reckon we have to go tall with picks 11 & 18. I'd prefer to take 2 KPP's rather than 1 KPF and 1 ruck. Rucks can be selected with later picks. Depending on who's available at 11 (should anyone good drop), i wouldn't mind getting one of Talia/Panos at 11 and Black at 18 (should he be there)
  3. One cannot pay over the odds for Aaron Davey, it is impossible. Flash singing for 4 years, whilst maybe a year too long for some, will give that much more sense of stability for Aussie and Liam, particularly Liam. If 4 years is what it takes to keep him on, with a salary of what would be around 2.2 million, then i'd gladly give him it, knowing that we are not tight on salary cap, but more importantly, because it will keep Liam Jurrah at our club and he is invaluable.
  4. Couldn't say it any other way. Wells is a list clogger, i wouldn't even give pick 18 for him.
  5. Alwyn Davey goes missing far too often in matches.
  6. pass, too old. much rather give the spot to a kid.
  7. He is extremely underrated by those supporting the MFC. He is our only half decent ruckman at the club. PJ is like a bloody yo-yo (but can't seem to get the gearstick out of reverse atm), jury is still out with Meesen, and Spencer is so uncoordinated it's not funny (he is not going to be the great hope everyone thinks he could be). Jamar is by far and away our best ruck man, he averaged 10 hitouts more than PJ a game, plus he can take a decent pack mark. His kicking is a little iffy, but he just needs a little confidence in front of the big sticks. Jamar for Captain
  8. Nothing wrong with questioning the decisions of the club, particularly when one is a member.
  9. If he hasn't expressed a desire to leave, and he is important to us, he wouldn't be going anywhere. No matter how much poking and prodding a club does
  10. Yep, still coming to terms with it. Although, if scully and trengove come to the club, where is the space for McLean (Don't forget Viney will come in eventually too). What irks me, is the bloody FD saying that we are now in a very strong position, re - rebuild. Um, we are trading away a player that is meant to be in that group of players. It's like saying "i'm gonna sell my 2008 Volvo xc90 and buy the 2009 volvo xc90".
  11. Sign him up now. Col is a champ, a very damaging player too. McLean wasn't. I will storm down to the MFC and demand an explanation and an apology, if one of these guys were to leave, before ripping up my membership.
  12. went out to dinner then came home to all this commotion. Geez i hope the other player that is rumoured to want out is not one of Davey, Sylvia or Jamar. McLean was expendable, the other 3 aren't.
  13. He better bloody not go anywhere (Col), i just got his number put on my guernsey. Go Col you champ!!!
  14. gotta go with a KPF with pick 18 (assuming we pick up 2 mids wit , we need one pure and simple. Sure there aren't many good quality one's out there at the moment, but some could develop nicely. Panos probably won't be around come pick 18, Griffiths going down reiterates that he is very injury prone. That leaves Carlisle, Black and Temel. I suppose that draft camp will help determine the pecking order as well, but i'd have Black, Temel then Carlisle as my choices (griffiths maybe if around come pick 35). We are still 2 months out from draft day, so lots can happen in that time.
  15. yeah well who gives a crap about what Hutchy thinks. There are no talls in this draft worthy of pick 2, i would say that Trengove and Martin are miles ahead of any tall. Scully and Trengove for me thanks. Scully is academic, and i reckon Trengove is bridging the gap between the two of them. Trengove is a must IMO. If we want a tall there will be one available out of Butcher, Panos, Carlisle, Griffiths, Black and even Temel, come pick 18 (if we haven't upgraded). Of those talls, the last 4 would be most likely to be around when it's our turn to pick. I wouldn't mind getting more info on Black
  16. The MFC website at this time of year is a little slow on news (given it is now post-season). No doubt it will pick up come trade week and Draft time. The MFC itself, has always kept us members in the dark of what is really going on behind closed doors (in terms of injuries). A classic case was that of Wonaeamirri this year (little news on him for the entire season). All it said on the website was 4-6 weeks (or whatever it was). I find this frustrating, particularly during the season. Off-season, that's a different matter. As for Sam Blease, there has been little to no info on him provided by the club. If it wasn't for demonland/ology, i would still have no clue as to how he is going with his re-hab (still don't have much of an idea either). The club really needs to improve in this area, as members are the life-force of this club. Hopefully with big Jim on board, things will change. PS. Get well soon Jimma
  17. Apparently Griffiths went off in the 1st quarter with an injury <_< as good as it would be for him to be drafted by us, he does seem to be quite injury prone
  18. Nor should we, if we are looking at picking up a KPF that's half decent. We need to upgrade this pick (a player plus 18 for a pick in the low to mid teens)
  19. He would also have a hell of a lot of plates, rods and pins holding his leg together (making it stronger than if it wasn't broken).
  20. Yep, dangle that PSD carrot over his head, and keep on reminding him that they showed his brother the door. He would be a handy player yes, but not at too great a cost
  21. You can think that, but if we are to draft Scully and Trengove with our first 2 picks, then we definately need to get a KPF with our next pick (currently 18). I don't think it's foolish to pick a player that has only turned 18 and fills a need in our list. IMO it's blatantly foolish to even expect Burgoyne to be anywhere near his best footy from a couple of years ago (and has been average ever since) as well as the fact that his knee seems to be very flimsy with apparently not much cartilage left. Lets draft Burgoyne because he was a great player a couple of years ago. That's more foolish IMO. No point getting excited about a 'has been player', when we can use pick 18 on a decent KPF (Panos, Griffiths, Carlisle) who will still be coming into their best football when we start to mean business (as opposed to Burgoyne who's career will almost be over). Sure it will be a higher risk this year at 18 to pick up a KPF, given the so-called depth of the draft, but it's an even greater risk to pick up a player who would add to a surplus of midfielders in our team and for that player to have questionable fitness. Hence why i would take him in the PSD or for a lower pick. And i think you are getting too caught up in the media hype of a shallow draft, as this doesn't become known until a couple of years down the track. Taking a risk going for an 18 year old, or taking a risk going for a former great player with questionable knees??? I know which one i'd go for
  22. If we give up any of our top 20 picks, for a player (even one as good as Burgoyne) that will be 27 shortly who also has dodgy knees, i will go on a killing rampage down at the MFC. PSD pick 1 would be okay, as we would be getting something for nothing (MFC can no longer afford to be seen as a nice club). With picks 1,2 &18 we would get Scully, Trengove and a decent KPF. We've been through too much pain these past 3 years to stuff it all up at the final hurdle.
  23. Geez there are some absolute numbskulls on this board now. Trade Davey away and you may as well kiss the potentially great careers of Jurrah and Wonaeamirri goodbye. They look up to Aaron like an older brother, and with him gone they will most definitely go back in their shells and either quit football or become list cloggers. Davey is worth so much more to us than just himself, he is worth 3 players. Never mind the millions of dollars we will lose from a marketing perspective that Aaron provides. As Napoleon Dynamite says, "Gosh.....Idiot"
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