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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. We have been crying out for a decent stay at home forward. Sure our game plan is attack from the backline, but too often we slow our transition up between HB and the centre because there is no one in the forward line (we are sometimes too quick for our own good). This is where Robbo would have been fantastic, as he pretty much refused to leave the forward 50. Hale would provide a tall target with half decent hands (automatically goes above PJ), a big body for contests - where if it isn't marked, he'll atleast force the ball to ground and he's a physical big body. So long as we don't give up more than our 2nd round pick, i would be happy to have him come to the Dees. Would we still draft a KPF this draft @ 12??? I think so, given it takes a while for the big fellas to come on. Hale could help us get into the finals, Our KPF at 12 could help us win a premiership. Small steps, but progress will be made.
  2. I understand where you're coming from Jungle Dee. Bate has been pushed down the pecking order this year. The problem with him is that he is as inconsistent now as he was the day he first walked into the club. People forget that he was drafted a year after Sylvia. Had Sylvia not pulled his finger out in '09 & '10 people would have been demanding him to be traded. Bate should be treated no differently. He seems lazy, is extremely slow in terms of both pace and in the head, was rarely sighted taking an overhead mark this year, has poor awareness and the turning circle of Queen Mary 2. When he is on though (which is rarer than a full moon) he can dominate a game. He needs to have a bloody good year next year (for a full year), or his name should be put on the trade table.
  3. If we give up our 1st rounder (even if we swap 1st round picks with the Kangaroos) i will not be happy. North can go forth and multiply as far as i'm concerned. They demand a mid 20's pick (end of 1st round) for a player they barely played this year. GTFO North. If this is the case, then North should be paying all of his contract. GC can have him if that's their asking price. Would be happy to give up a 2nd round pick, but not swap of 1st rounder, we could get a slider, or at worst, a very good KPF.
  4. Demongorm is right in saying it was reported that we were interested in Tom Lynch of St.Kilda (to many a bemused demon fan). We already have the original in Matthew Bate. Poor reporting one feels.
  5. Until Morton gets back to his best, and performs on a more consistent basis, Cam Bruce is a required player.
  6. Depends on what player, but i would definitely be all for such a trade.
  7. That's looking less and less likely. Doesn't bother me either way, so long as Jones plays more long and direct.
  8. A quality player indeed. He's an 80 metre player, he runs 20 then thumps it 50-60, is quick, tough and has a very accurate and penetrative kick. If Nathan Jones chose to leave, Dion would be the replacement for Jonesy.
  9. Have to agree with you. If it were for Maric and a latish pick, that would be good for us. We have the likes of Wonaeamirri, Bennell, Jetta and Maric all vying for the small forward role (Petterd easily has Maric covered in terms of a HFF, and Davey when he plays there). If we are able to swap an excess player for one that can fill 2 needs, it would be a win for us (no matter how bad people think Hale is).
  10. Here's what you do, go get yourself a ruler and have a look at 4 cms. People saying if only he was 3 or 4 cms taller, you gotta be kidding me. For such an insignificant amount, 4 cms is nothing. Look at Jared Brennan, he's listed as 195 cms, but he isn't seen as a KPP. Body shape has got a lot to do with which position one can play. Jack Darling has the body of a KPP. What would be advantageous moreso than his height, would be his arm span. If it is long, then that more than makes up for his 'lack of height'. Besides, we already have our 195+cm forward. We now need one to split packs, Darling does this with aplomb and he applies fantastic forward pressure. I'd have him any day of the week over a 195+cm KPF that is lazy. FYI, the likes of Lockett, Modra, Dunstall, Ablett and even Fevola (sure he's and idiot, but he kicks lots of goals) were no taller than 191 cms and have done pretty well at FF.
  11. Adelaide's first round pick is pick 14. So Warnock for 14......where do i sign!!!!!!
  12. School holidays must have started. However, i did enjoy YM's rumours and even Rudeboy's before him (we were after everyone in the afl, according to him).
  13. So not only do we lose pick 12, but we lose a KPD (what happens if another KPD goes down for us), for a ruckman who does not justify us giving up Warnock alone (let alone pick 12). A huge no.
  14. Not questioning your sources, or your 'vibe', but i'm wondering why we would invest in a 29 year old ruckman, who keeps getting niggling injuries (although he played 22 games this year). Even if we were a remote chance to 'get' him, i would be thinking that he would cost too much.
  15. The only thing against him, is that he had a 'sex romp' whilst on camp when he was 17. Come on, what did you want to do when you were 17??? The guy likes to have sex..............stop the presses He's a real goer, tries his hardest and applies great forward pressure for a big man. As for his height, big woop. Gary Ablett snr was 185cm, Dunstall was 188cm, Lockett was 191cm, Lloyd was 192cm, Neita was 192cm, Fevola is 191cm. And for anyone who thinks he is arrogant, i doubt it would be more than Buddy at the same age (and he turned out alright).
  16. If you're including Jones in this talent group, i must disagree with you. Jones was drafted in 2005 and has had 5 years to develop and mature. He's had plenty of time to show us what he's got, he no longer has 'potential' as he should have reached said level by now, if there were improvement left in him. Too little, too late if we're waiting for Jones to 'fully mature'.
  17. Bingo. Jack is now 16/17??? For 14/15 of those years he lived in Melbourne. His life is basically in Melbourne. Plus there's the huge factor of playing at the G every week as well. Geez, playing at AAMI or the 'G (that's a tough one)..........or even in the middle of NSW. I do find it funny how so many have gotten extremely paranoid over 'losing' Viney. We haven't even got him yet. Melbourne have been in His and Todd's ear for quite some time, Adelaide are just panicking because they feel they are getting robbed of a player who has only played 8 or so games this year. Boo Hoo.
  18. Very courageous putting himself in front of Edwards and taking the hit. Having said that, prior to his injury, he was absolutely murdered by Harvey (who exploited his lack of pace). What's more concerning is the coaches failing to change the match-up. He is in the same boat as Moloney IMO. Both give 100%, but they are limited in what they provide, leadership aside. Jonesy has a a bit more toe than Moloney though, plus better endurance. If said rumour is true in that we are putting him on the trade table, maybe we are just seeing what possible offers we could get. If we were to do this, i would have thought Warnock would be put on the table too.
  19. Um, do you know what you're talking about???? http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/07/24/1058853197167.html
  20. If Bate was the one player GC took from us, i wouldn't be overly upset TBH. The problem with Bate is he is still as inconsistent as the day he first walked into the club. He arrived at the club 1 year after Sylvia did, meaning he's been with us for 6 years come the end of the year. What he produces is not good enough for a 6 year player. I can probably count the amount of good games he's played on my hands. Then there's the fact that he's slow, has a turning circle of a semi-trailer and his peripheral awareness is very poor. He plays a good game every now and then, but then he strings together several poor performances. After 6 years, it should be the other way around. Put it this way, i'd rather GC take Bate than Petterd.
  21. Kelvin Moore can say what he likes. His team lost, ours won. Sour grapes. All i know is, particularly in the first half, we would have been lucky to be playing at 40%. If you look at Richmond's recent wins, all teams they played have lost the match, Richmond haven't won it. Sydney lost it and Adelaide lost through their own simple turnovers and inaccurate kicking. Let Kelvin keep living in dream land. As for me, i'll take the 4 points thanks.
  22. You've got to play it moment by moment, contest by contest, quarter by quarter and regardless of what the scores is, do not except what is going on.
  23. It is because we are a very young inexperienced team that we lost those close matches which you've highlighted. No shoulda, woulda, coulda stuff. It was our lack of experience that cost us those games and handling the pressure of those situations. But at the same time, it also staggers me to believe how close we have come in all these matches. Sure, we have put in some pretty ordinary efforts, and have been very ordinary in various patches, but we have also seen how good we can be. The Swans game was unbelievable (literally........ i struggled to believe that it was the MFC handing out that smacking). Who knows, with another couple of years experience, maybe we win those close games and get into the top 4 (top 2 is where you control your destiny though).
  24. Is it me just me, or do our players get comfortable after a win at home??? We are absolutely shocking when interstate, and we aren't much better back in Victoria most of the time. I understand we are developing a young team, but we are so bloody inconsistent and it's the more senior players that constantly let us down. But yeah, we really need to lift, and for those who think, we are young what do you expect, i at least expect all 22 players to give it their all. We just drop our heads so quickly when we are down and with no momentum, we barely give a yelp.
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