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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Yeah sure it's great, but remember, our biggest challenges in teams trying to out tank us will come against the tigers and Roos. I won't start getting excited until we are 3-16. Looking at that makes me a little sad, but i know that it is a necessary evil. 1 step back to take 2 steps forward. Onwards & Upwards.
  2. As my brother said last night, the point of being the number one draft pick is being the first to have your name called out on draft day. I reckon it's a great idea to have it on a thursday night, but why only on foxtel??? It also annoys me when the FTA stations covered it in their news of being live across the nation, they forget to tell us that it is only available to foxtel subscribers. But hey, as long as it's broadcast live on radio i'm not bothered. And i am not a fan of this countdown from 10-1, what a load of crock. Just call it like they always have, the reason why draft day has become such a huge occasion is also because the current method is working just fine. If it ain't broke why fix it.
  3. I am the type of supporter that, no matter what the merchandise looks like, i will always wear my colours to the football. Therefore, i voted no to 'would you be more inclined to purchase and wear Melbourne merchandise to games, if a better range was available'. Also, what ever happened to those Melbourne head bandannas that were skinny and long and you tied around your forehead (nothing like the bandannas worn by bikie gangs). I had 2 of them ages ago, one red and one white, i loved 'em and have since been devastated as i still can't find them. Get them into the Demon Shop now!!!
  4. Not to rain on your parade, but if we were to be giving up a priority pick, it would before the first round not after it. All the more reason that we need to gain such a valuable pick. Forget the additional good player, imagine the amount of supporter revolt should those in control at MFC decide to be too proud and ultimately too stupid to gain the priority pick. Looking at the pro's and cons of this priority pick. If we are to get it, sure the player might turn out to be a dud, but then again (and lets remember it's scully) he is more likely to become a very serviceable player. If we do give up the pp (god forbid), we will never know what could have been. In conclusion there is nothing to lose if we gain the pp, but there could be a huge amount to lose if we are naive enough to skip the pp. There is only cons should we skip it, and only pro's should we gain it.
  5. I cannot for the life of me understand why Cheyney isn't in the team every week. When he has played he has been very very good. But then Bailey sends him back to Casey. What more can he do to get a regular gig in the team? It's frustrating for me, so god only knows how Kyle is feeling.
  6. I would like to think Flash gets his temper under control before he is considered a possibility. Too many times he just has a brain melt when the opposition targets him. If he wants to become a very good footballer he needs to understand that he is going to get tagged and he needs to not only know how to break a tag, but how to deal with it mentally. If he were to get rid of these occasional errant snaps, then he would be just as good as any other candidate. The captain needs to display on-field leadership as opposed to off-field leadership. This is why i think that the McDonald captaincy, whilst pulling the heart strings, was not a very good one, IMO. Unfortunately his best and worst are starting to widen at an alarming rate and should have retired last year (the game has gone well and truly past him). Sure, it's great if a player bleeds for the club, but what's more important is on-field leadership. Players who don't display as much on-field, but are excellent off it can be put in the leadership group, as that's what it is there for. ATM there aren't too many that spring to mind when it comes to a standout on-field leader.
  7. Right you are rpfc. The 18 players you send out on the field will do their utmost to win. Players don't tank, they are to competitive in nature to do such a thing. It's all about the match day committee and Bails. Of the 31,000 members of this club, it would be a 20:10 split in terms of those in favor of 'list managing' to those against such a move. Either way there will be quite a few annoyed people come years end through the action the MFC have chosen to take. If common sense is to provail, then one would always chose the lesser of two evils (in this case, only having the 10k disappointed members as opposed to 20k who would be calling for blood).
  8. Agree with you hotgod. Let's look at how Jim was so excited in getting Jack Watts to the club last draft. If one can say think of Jim and his enjoyment, then one can equally say think of what the majority of Melbourne supporters want. short term pain for long term gain.
  9. Another great game by the Russian. He just needs to gain more confidence when kicking at goal.
  10. The reason i post now is because during the 3rd quarter? in the middle of the ground a smothered Warnock kick required Morton to go in hard and get the ball, sure he slid in, but he did not want to put his body on the line. All the supporters surrounding me agreed that it was a weak as pi$$ effort. Whilst he was decent for the rest of the game (minus an extremely poor turnover) it was this moment that really disappointed me. He needs to be told to put his body on the line. I don't expect a Brad 'i run back with the flight of the ball every time' Green effort, i just want to see that he isn't afraid of physical contact.
  11. Okay so this isn't three words but Morton needs to be sent back to the 2's and be sent a message. Too many times today he did not go in hard enough. I am starting to think he is scared of the contest. He needs to be told that AFL is a physical game and if he doesn't like getting touched, he should stop playing the game. He just frustrates me so much, he is so outside he's impaling himself on the boundary fence.
  12. Have to agree with all points here. It will be pointless if we win 5 or 6 games this year. Not only pointless but stupid. It's not so much the 2 picks that i want, i want Scully as he is by far the best prospect in this years draft. We stuffed up against the blues in 2007 and we better bloody not stuff up our situation again.
  13. I don't understand why 'Juice' is not in the side. Surely he should be in for the rest of the season to see if he is up to it or not. He needs an extended run to show what he can do (i'm pretty sure he's contracted for next year anyway). At least he chases and applies some form of forward pressure unlike Robbo. Sure he is a favourite of ours, but his time has surely come to a close as a player. I would, however seriously entertain having him as our forward coach should he retire, as he would mo doubt be a better coach than the dud that is Mahoney.
  14. short-term pain for long-term gain. That is all that needs to be said.
  15. Same here JACKATTACK, but it could only ever be for Melbourne, otherwise i'd run the rival club into the ground.
  16. I wouldn't have Johnson in their. He is a lazy footballer who needs a rocket sent right up his (you know where)
  17. If he's out of contract this year it's a very good thing, as we will sign him on for another 2-3 years. GC only gets to draft one uncontracted player from every club at the end of next year, not this one.
  18. The next few years all the quality will be gone due to the GC and WS. This highlights that if there is a tall to be taken this year, then it must seriously be looked at, as KPP's take longer to develop. However (and lets not jinx it) a scully & trengove combo is mighty tantalising. Having Said that a spine of Warnock, Garland, Scully, Watts, Butcher also looks pretty good.
  19. The problem is posters on this site who over-hyped him because he played all 22 games in his first year. Wow. It is commonly believed that he has pace, but it is rarely seen. Unfortunately Bennell has overtaken him in terms of position in the backline and will soon go ahead in midfield stakes too (if he hasn't already). There are a few that should be given the flick before clint, though.
  20. Yes, Morton does not like the contact side of football, that's why most of his disposals are uncontested. We all know that he is not the inside type, but for gods sake, someone's needs to toughen him up a little. The best part of footy is the physicality, i'm not asking him to put his head over the ball when 'Thug' Hall is charging at him with his knees up high, i just want to see Morton toughen up. He is extremely soft, embarrassingly so.
  21. Please don't get me started on the standard of umpiring these days. All of the nasty little weeds have ego's the size of mount everest. They think they control the game, and therefore run it and are above it. There are way too many rules and rule changes to adjudicate for umpiring to be consistent. The fact that the umpires association come out and say they will be targeting this or that on a weekend only highlights their unbelievable inconsistency. They, along with vlad and his crew in charge of the AFL, are the only one's that aren't held accountable for their actions. My old man says that there wouldn't be a game without umpires. Whilst i see where he is coming from, such a proposition of no umpires could not be any worse than what umpires are currently serving up week after week. Umpires are paid to adjudicate, not voice their opinion, so it would be a start if they just shut their gobs and get on with umpiring and not commentating. It's about time umpires are held accountable of their actions. PS. this is not a post venting my anger on the standard of umpiring last night. We were again very poor, and it is about time the media and we as supporters start seriously holding both the players and Bailey accountable for the drivel they continue to serve up. For those that say we have improved on last year, don't give me statistics to show otherwise, coz stats don't win games. We have neither taken a step forward or backward, and that is what is most disappointing. As for Josh Mahoney and his forward setup, if he is not given the arse at the end of the year, then we need to start raising questions on Bailey's ability to become a decent coach. A 6th grader would have more of a clue on how to run a forward line than this Port Adelaide hack. PPS. Yes i realise that i have now vented my anger, however it is not on the umpires.
  22. Hopefully he comes back to the Dees when we draft Jack under father/son.
  23. I find it unbelievable how so many people jump on the Butcher bandwagon, then off it because he has a bad day kicking at the goals. Lets look at the best FF's in the afl Brown - recently had a bad kicking performance Fevola - notorious for his off days kicking at goal Pavlich - the exception, yet is not considered the best FF Buddy - can kick 8.1 or 1.8 Riewoldt - his kicking problems have been well documented Geelong, the best team in the afl have a number of forwards with kicking issues and regularly kick a scoreline of say 14. 21 A couple of weeks ago, Butcher kicked 5 goals and we were licking our lips, now he has a bad day on the field and the knives are out??? It's not as if he has anything more important in his life at the moment (VCE)
  24. Although i'm 22 in September, i reckon i'll be the next 300 gamer for the might red and blue!!!
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