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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. I know jayceebee quite well, and he continues to reassure me that Jack Watts will be a very good player for us, as i have my concerns. Whether or not what he said above was tongue in cheek or not, i don't know, as it is so hard to convey tone through writing. However, he is a staunch supporter and believer in Jack Watts. I think what jayceebee is referring to with the Natanui comment, is that we really did ourselves no favours in winning 5 games back in 2007. We could have picked up both Watts and Natanui if we'd 'list managed' a little better in 2007. But then all these other possibilities wouldn't have come about, such as Sam Blease and would have we won fewer than 5 games last year if we had of had him? I have noticed however, whenever Natanui is mentioned on MFC boards, everybody gets extremely defensive. Everyone on this board realises that there's an elephant in the room, but simply refuses to acknowledge it. I hope Jack Watts becomes a great player, better than NicNat would be great, but no one can deny that Natanui will become a very good AFL player. If you do, you're just living in dream land. It's as simple as that.
  2. The heads at the AFL are starting to lose the plot. HAving a final 9/10 would be ridiculous. It's ridiculous enough to have half of the teams make the finals each year. The Bombers highlighted the flaws in such a system last year, when they qualified for the finals with only 10 wins. What a joke! 10 wins is definitely not deserving of a finals spot (they then got belted the next week, and rightly so). When there will be 18 teams in the comp, a finals series of 8 teams would give the AFL a lot more balance. Competition will be greater for finals spots, with those who make it being more deserving than say a Bombers team of 2009.
  3. Max Gawn - Falcon (as in 'Falcon Gawn' - Mario on the NRL footy show)
  4. Lets see if we can come up with some beauty's. Scully - Dana Trengove - Noah (no r) Gysberts - ? Tapscott - ? Gawn - Big F##ker Fitzpatrick - ?
  5. It's a big risk drafting Thorp, one which we should go for though. He's still young, hopefully being de-listed will make him smell the roses and drop the tickets on himself, and one cannot just lose talent. However, i still think we should go tall at 11. If we were to take Thorp in the PSD, then i would seriously look at Talia. Our backline is set, yes, but Garland is still an unknown due to his injury, and Thorp is no guarantee. Talia can play both forward and back, aiding our KPP stocks. Then go with Vardy at 18. 1. Scully 2. Trengove 11. Talia 18. Vardy PSD. Thorp This would be how i would approach the upcoming drafting period, as it boosts our forward stocks as well as another potential KPB/KPF, our rucks and midfield.
  6. Every time the ball goes anywhere near Jurrah, you can feel the crowd rising in their seats in excitement and anticipation of the next miracle he is about to perform. The miracles, the cult following - Jesus has got nothing on this bloke. As for Sylvia, what a champ. If i was ever going to turn, he'd be the bloke. Go Col you legend!!!!!!!
  7. I think during the season it is only once a week also. Plus we get to train at some very good facilities. Players who are getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars are having a sook about driving around 45 mins. to and from training??? Where's my violin, quick!
  8. Sure, it was an absolute tragedy that he went down in his prime, but he also became a very good CHF/FF for us. He could no longer fly, so he just bustled the other players out of the way. A true MFC champ, who persevered and still became a very good player.
  9. It's because the majority of draftees (especially now with the new age restrictions) will be at the end of year 12, with their VCE exams. Such an important stage of their lives needs as little distractions as possible.
  10. I wouldn't have thought he would be doing too much until mid November, given he will have year 12 exams.
  11. You'd be more comfortable with a very injury prone Griffiths???
  12. Yep, Col is my favourite player (although Jurrah isn't far behind). From the past, it would have to be the Wiz.
  13. Let's not also forget that during the season we would only be training at Casey once a week, every other session would be held at Gosch's Paddock and the ground currently being dug out (as pointed out by Cameron Schwab with his photos). In Brock's defence though, it can take up to an hour to travel along the Monash alone in bad traffic (which is almost every rush hour - it is a really [censored] road, considering that it is the major corridor out to the SE suburbs and the greater population of Melbourne.).
  14. I would not give up any of our first 4 picks for Burgoyne. Yep, not even 18, as i believe 11 and 18 need to be used on drafting KPF's, as that is an area that is needed to be addressed significantly more than getting Burgoyne. If we were to get him through the PSD then i'm all for it. As for the Jamar situation, he will not command a pick 8 or 9 from Port (we got pick 11 for McLean, there's no way we can work 2 miracles in a week) and he is worth more than a second rounder IMO. He's now, what Sylvia was last year, more valuable to us if we kept him than traded him. Jamar is our #1 ruck atm, PJ seems to be enjoying going backwards on his roller coaster career, Meesen is an unknown (3 decent games is not a good indicator) and Spencer will need to improve out of sight (he is a dud and a liability on the field atm, and will only turn out to be as good as Blake of Geelong, at best)
  15. Is that the bloke NM continually rave about as their next big thing?
  16. I wouldn't be considering Carlisle or Black at pick 11, tbh. Nor do we need Stevens (why trade McLean for pick 11, then pick up Stevens with it????). Talia, Butcher or anyone that drops from the top 10 should be picked with #11 (preferably a KPP), then with 18, draft Black, if available.
  17. Wouldn't we just use the white clash guernsey we've got now?
  18. Meh, if we are to gain Shaun Burgoyne, it would have to be through the PSD (unless PA realise pick 34 is better than nothing )
  19. That said above, plus no one will want to deal with Carlton during any trade week again.
  20. I wouldn't mind getting Aaron Black from WA (the taller Aaron Black). If we go mids 1&2 (which we should), i reckon we have to go tall with picks 11 & 18. I'd prefer to take 2 KPP's rather than 1 KPF and 1 ruck. Rucks can be selected with later picks. Depending on who's available at 11 (should anyone good drop), i wouldn't mind getting one of Talia/Panos at 11 and Black at 18 (should he be there)
  21. One cannot pay over the odds for Aaron Davey, it is impossible. Flash singing for 4 years, whilst maybe a year too long for some, will give that much more sense of stability for Aussie and Liam, particularly Liam. If 4 years is what it takes to keep him on, with a salary of what would be around 2.2 million, then i'd gladly give him it, knowing that we are not tight on salary cap, but more importantly, because it will keep Liam Jurrah at our club and he is invaluable.
  22. Couldn't say it any other way. Wells is a list clogger, i wouldn't even give pick 18 for him.
  23. Alwyn Davey goes missing far too often in matches.
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