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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. I think CW was referring to our 1st and 2nd picks in the draft, not picks 1 & 2. as stated in this new article, our legal team suspects that coercion may have been used to gain confessions. Now that gives us a pretty good legal foot to stand on, if we need to take this matter to court.
  2. Josh Toy just got de-listed. He would be at the top of the list, though it doesn't look all too flash, but he would be miles ahead of anyone else.
  3. I will say however, the silence coming out of our club is deafening. Surely someone would come out and defend the club, surely. I don't care if Don re-iterates that we'll strongly oppose any penalties, something must be said.
  4. Lets not forget Freo dropping half their team against the Hawks in Launceston, lose by 100+ points, only to back up the next week with all their stars back in the line up and beat the Hawks in an EF.
  5. we need O'Rourke's polish, pace and skill, we need Wines' hunger, physicality and intensity. We cannot lose. I'd go with Wines, purely because we wouldn't need to worry about our engine room for another decade with him and Viney lining up together. There's always classy mids, we'll nab one (or 4) in next years draft.
  6. I like, i like a lot. Put a line through CAC's choice, but make sure you put through 2 for Prendergast's choice (in permanent pen, no less).
  7. Hopefully we might land one of Jacobs or Toy in the PSD.
  8. Yep, a Barry Prendergast special. He rated him as the 4th best mid of that draft! Cook gone, Morton gone, Gysberts gone. MN & co are getting rid of a lot of Bailey and Prendergast's work. Our re-build has been an almighty failure. We may well be down the bottom for quite a few more years to come.
  9. Just throwing a cat amongst the pigeons here, but if Adelaide were penalised for the current predicament they are in and as such lost say their 17yo mini draft selection from last year in Brad Crouch (amongst other things) who went back into the 2012 draft, might we take him ahead of say a Toumpas/Wines? I would.
  10. Just throwing a cat amongst the pigeons here, but if Adelaide were penalised for the current predicament they are in and as such lost say their 17yo mini draft selection from last year in Brad Crouch (amongst other things) who went back into the 2012 draft, might we take him ahead of say a Toumpas/Wines? I would.
  11. Just throwing a cat amongst the pigeons here, but if Adelaide were penalised for the current predicament they are in and as such lost say their 17yo mini draft selection from last year in Brad Crouch (amongst other things) who went back into the 2012 draft, might we take him ahead of say a Toumpas/Wines? I would.
  12. It is a hard decision to make, one that i am not envious of. But think of it this way, if we were to draft Wines (along with Viney), we wouldn't have to worry about our engine room for at least a decade!
  13. I'm not saying it is written, just that imo, we would benefit greatest with Pederson playing in the back line. He is a big unit and seems to be pretty agile and decent kick.
  14. Wrong, our backline is not the least of our worries. What if Frawley goes down? Then we are farked, as we have no one to cover for him. We still need to bring in another big KPP capable of holding down CHB. I thought Sheahan would eventually take over this role but he is gone apparently. Unless we intend to stick McDonald on an intense muscle and strength gaining program over the pre-season, he won't be ready to hold down CHB on a regular basis for a few years yet. Unless of course we intend to use Sellar there, lol. Hopefully Pederson is still on the cards and Neeld has him pencilled in for CHB, whilst the younger one's develop.
  15. Yep, Mitch starts running next week. Dawes was already in training before taking a trip to the US with his GF i believe.
  16. I reckon the AFL, after receiving many a complaint for maximum compensation given to us for HWFUA (or whatever it is) defection, would have factored it in to our FA compensation. Sure they say that they are mutually exclusive, but that's a load of BS. Maybe they figured to let off some steam at us, since they found nothing to pin against us for the "tanking" debacle. The heads of the AFL have their own agenda to run, and no process within the AFL will ever be completely independent, given the ego's and power-hungry whores that are in charge of our game.
  17. Wow, okay mate. Not McDonald's twilight years you ignoramus, the role that Scarlett played in his twilight years and the role that Fletcher has been playing for the last few seasons.
  18. He would be ready to go if a game was played tomorrow. I think his stats are now ht:188cm, wt:90kg, that's impressive any way you look at it. Do we go for skill and pace, or do we go for mongrel, tenacity, etc...? Either way we cannot lose. What type we draft this year, we will make a priority to draft the other type next year. Throw in Pederson to cover the loss of Rivers, our KPP's are looking well stocked. All we would need to worry about would be midfielders and possibly another ruckman.
  19. So you are disagreeing with something i never said? Ok then, lol. Nowhere in my post did i even compare Pederson to McDonald. But on that topic, i would put Pederson in at CHB or FB before McDonald next year, as Tom isn't physically ready yet. Pederson at 100kg is more than ready to fill the spot for a few years, until Sheahan comes in. McDonald gets somewhat overrated on these boards. Sure he had an ok season and finished very high in the B&F (but looking at our team that's nothing to brag about), but he is desperately lacking in both his decision-making and foot skills. I'm not talking elite, but he is below AFL standard by a fair margin at present. Should he fix those areas, i feel his best position would be one like Dustin Fletcher or Scarlett in his twilight years. Not taking the big KPF's, but hurting the opposition with his athletic ability and rebounding.
  20. Garland is nowhere near being a half decent KPD. He refuses to stand directly next to his opponent and puts in half arsed efforts when he has to run. He is a lazy footballer. Too bad really, because if he fixes his attitude, he could well become River's replacement as the third tall in defense. I'd partner Pederson with Frawley in the key defensive posts, with an eye to bringing in Sheahan as our long-term CHB.
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