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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. So we bring Viney back in (who we know is prone to rushing his recall to the seniors) for a bloke who laid tonnes of tackles and applied heaps of pressure last week. Righteo ?
  2. Seriously wtf! It's like the entire club is trying to force a square plug into a round hole. Don't worry about just going from A to B, when we can visit X Y & Z along the way. These guys do know that we're meant to be playing footy right? Now that i think about it thought it makes sense, given that Goody's game plan is sinking (or is that sunk?).
  3. Then again Talia probably wouldn't have turned out half the player he is under our previous administration.
  4. Hang on rjay, you're forgetting that simple logic and Peter Bell don't go hand in hand.
  5. Maric, Tapscott, Grimes, Blease, Cook. We sure knew how to pick and develop them back then.
  6. Christ the FD doesn't have a bloody clue. OMAC and Wagner in, FMD. Should've given Keilty a run along with Sparrow. Both have way more upside than the dud inclusions. Another huge tick to Goody and his selection panel ?
  7. He's one of the few coaches i have time for. Is a quality coach and tells it like it is. Goodwin needs to take a page (or chapter) out of his book.
  8. Fully agree McQueen, could do with his forward skill and nous at the moment.
  9. Sam's contract demands are reducing by tens of thousands with every round. Not even worth $400,000 a year (then again, most on our list aren't either).
  10. Jones has been a warrior for us through the dark tears. His best football was when we were in our darkest hour, as the old adage states, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going". Unfortunately for Nate, old mother time has caught up to him and he is now unable to do what he was able to. The season is lost now and we don't have much to gain except maybe restore a little dignity. If he is fit play him for the remainder of the year, he deserves at least that (the Junior McDonald debacle still burns deep within many Dees followers of how not to treat our stalwarts). A great servant of our club and whilst not a champion of the AFL, he's very much a champion of the MFC who deserves to go out with dignity.
  11. It's disgusting Petraccattack. No other way to describe. The entire football club needs to held to account. Need to undertake an independent review of the entire club. Gone back 6 years in the space of 6 months.
  12. Sorry Olisik, but i think most need to be shown the door. Forward line very ineffective, team wide defense is absent and our mids refuse to run both ways. Bring in new coaches with fresh ideas and Goodwin needs to change his coaching style............to something reminiscent of being half decent
  13. coasting, as is the rest of the club. All thought it would just happen for us.
  14. We have gone back 5 years in the space of 6 months. Player's have gone backwards and so have the coaches. Heads have to roll, players' need a rocket (but not from the coaching department, as they seem to have no clue), coaching group needs fresh blood and new ideas, Goodwin needs to be held accountable, and the board needs a massive wrap over their knuckles for re-signing Goodwin way too early in the season. Simply unacceptable.
  15. Yep this club has been all talk and no walk for an eternity. Just shut up and do your jobs you overpaid hacks.
  16. Have to agree. Weid shows bugger all hunger or desperation for the contest. Agree that trade is a realistic option at years end.
  17. Agree Forest, it appears we went way too early on giving Goodwin an extension
  18. Not only will I quote you Wise, i’ll Blame you if we don’t get up.
  19. Don’t forget, they have the trading genius in Bell. Will demand at least 3 first rounders for him, just wait
  20. Knowing them though Moon, we’ll be the first one’s they say no to.
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