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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Freo imo need to rebuild. We need to ourselves bring in young talent in this years draft, so no 1st round trade this year, but i'd entertain next years first round & this years second round pick for him.
  2. Interesting......................https://www.afl.com.au/news/2019-04-18/speedy-docker-puts-contract-talks-on-hold-to-focus-on-footy
  3. I'll think you'll find that the major % of communication is non-verbal
  4. Actions speak louder than words. Put up and shut up
  5. Totally agree DZ. If he has a good year and shows development, he'll get his just desserts. If not, then he won't be worthy of even close to half a mil. Either way, Weid isn't worth 650k, good year or bad.
  6. Give it to Max, Clarry and Brayshaw. They're the most deserving.
  7. funny, as that's what we do a lot of as well
  8. More impact from him last night, but i still think he needs to drop at least 5+ kgs. My thoughts on Petracca trying to run:
  9. Has quite a boot on him too. Listening to them mfc.com.au post-game interview, he got his 55m shot off the side of the boot. Imagine if he flushes one!
  10. Despite his obvious favoritism for the Cats and a bit of a monotone, Whateley is imo one of the best callers.
  11. Always different what you see at the ground compared to on tv. Hate watching it on the box, can't see the whole goings-on.
  12. Yep. Not seeing the towering overhead marks that we saw last year. He clunks them for breakfast, so something is definitely amiss at the moment. Means we can get better. Good.
  13. The truth sometimes hurts red, nothing vindictive about it. Maybe a little curt, but none of us are getting any younger and our time is very much now. No point beating around the bush
  14. Have to agree with you SWYL. Too slow to run off half back or through the middle, way too slow to run a wing. If HFF is his place, mustn't go up the ground too far. Nothing wrong with that (particularly for a bloke that carried a team during the dark years). Captain's game tonight.
  15. weekend is looking so much brighter already, and it's only Thursday!!!
  16. Funny how we all see it, yet the coaching department seem to be clueless.
  17. Needs to get hungry. Insatiable even.
  18. Pace in the forward line, whoooda thunk it?
  19. Umps making it hard for us to win our first. Pr!cks
  20. It is a disgraceful rule that is so far in the opposite direction of being in the spirit of the game.
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