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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. I only had a small bald patch before saturday. Now i am completely bald except for 2 hairs and they have turned grey.
  2. WJ i am almost certain the AFL dictated that the players had to have been AFL listed previously to be eligible. I have a cousin who played in the premiership at Williamstown last season and had been tested by the bombers in the lead up to the draft but was ineligible to be taken as a top-up because he had never been AFL listed.
  3. The music is fine the neighbour is deaf. What he doesn't like is the empty stubbies over the fence. Perhaps I could load those with ants?
  4. Does the helicopter pilot blame carbon dioxide for the change? I wonder if the helicopter pilot looks exactly the same as he did 20 years ago or if his appearance has changed naturally over time. Perhaps I am going bald because of climate change.
  5. What I did seems to have wiped them out but I am not sure if it might be just a change of season thing and they are staying in the ground?
  6. dee-luded I am not sure we have ever agreed on anything before. There is a first for everything. I also think it might be many...
  7. Despite personally liking him I never thought Abbott was electable in the first place. Yet he tied his first election with Gillard when an absolute underdog and was only denied Government by 2 rogue ministers who betrayed their centre right electorates. He won the next election in a landslide. He polls terribly but on election day he seems to produce. It would be a step backwards for the Liberals to appoint him leader but a step forwards from Turnbull.
  8. This new deliberate out of bounds rule is working against us because we have a midfield stacked with contested ball winners and there are heaps less boundary throw ins now.
  9. Frost seems to come in and spoil as if he is a defender when the opposition are trying to take a mark and in a good position. He did it a number of times in the Nab cup. Dawes drops marks that he should take when then ball is kicked to him.
  10. He actually laid the best tackle of the round. It is just the umpires somehow called it a push in the back.
  11. Because height is important for the zone. You need to do a high hospital kick or handball to get over him. It also means the opposition need to use a tall to defend him even though he is essentially a decoy in our forward movement.
  12. Abbott has never hidden his motives, infact, he has worn his right wing ideology on his sleeve and that is why you hate him. Shorten has no conviction nor does Turnbull. Both, contrary to Abbott will say whatever is in self interest first.
  13. Fantastic and don't forget the blokes from this draft haven't had a realistic chance bar Oliver who is a freak.
  14. Thanks for that. Only caught the end. Apparently 11 of the 22 who ran out on Saturday have been picked by JT who has only been with us for 3 years. What they didn't mention was Brayshaw and Petracca still to come...
  15. I must admit I have been in the Frost is not a forward camp and a little bit unsure of his role but I have come around. Teams in recent years have grown accustomed to playing defensive half forward flanks who try and stop the opposition playmakers off the half backline. We are taking it a step further. Roos has always been a defence first type of coach. He has just adapted now after seeing Hawthorn and West Coast apply massive defensive pressure in their respective forward halfs. The rationale being if you get a turnover in your forward half it is more likely to result in a scoring opportunity. Scoring opportunities create goals which win games. It makes sense that we play Frost as a defensive forward but not the traditional type that mans up on a creative playmaker. Frost is just their to create turnovers and play a role in a zone. He has speed, aggression and height which are the perfect attributes to create a turnover in our forward half. He will frustrate us when he takes a mark inside 50 and sprays it but he is there to create goals not kick them. I also wonder if the new 10m from the mark rule will suit him in that our players might run by for a handball to take the shot at goal instead of him.
  16. Sydney and Hawthorn seem to be able to fit them all in.
  17. Spot on Nasher. I encourage every dee or potential dee supporter to get on board. The one thing i would add is the die hard supporters who have sat through the last 10 (or even 50) years of heart acge will get that bit more pleasure when we become great again.
  18. If he debuts on QB there is more chance he will bully the Collingwood players.
  19. It seemed to be a pattern following on from the nab challenge games. We would be winning contested possessions and centre clearances all day but the opposition would have a run on and get ahead. Then we would steam role them. modern footy runs in ebbs and flows. Both teams get run ons. If you lead in key stats your run ons will be more damaging.
  20. Perhaps but is she snorting off the glass when she looks into it?
  21. Thanks Nutbean. I respect your opinion. ATM despite disliking Shorten I know what he stands for. Better the devil you know...
  22. What is with the bad candidates? I find myself defending Trump in the Republicans thread, yet I dislike him. I dislike Turnbull but I could never vote for Shorten. I would vote for Albo or Scott Morrison. Is the grass always greener in another paddock?
  23. Agree but I think it might me a different type of addiction.
  24. Thanks for that rpfc. I think the most important stat this season for Melbourne will be where we create a turnover in our forward half. We have had an emphasis on it in at training and our forward press was noticeable in the NAB challenge games. Are these stats available?
  25. Abbott and Johnny H may have been on the opposite side of the political spectrum to your liking but they stood for something. Malcolm Turnbull is a joke. He is trying to campaign to the centre right on Abbott's record and the centre left on his history of climate change advocacy and being a republican. In reality he is isolating both sides with his inaction.
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