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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. I quoted Einstein to prove a point. I never compared myself to him. Then I explained the context because you completely misinterpreted it. Go back and read it. If I quoted Obama that doesn't mean I am comparing myself to him. Or think I am am the President. If I quote Shane Warne it doesn't mean I think I can all of a sudden bowl spin. When I quoted Einstein it was just to point out the greatest Scientist ever went against the consensus.
  2. Can someone give me a list of players out of contract at the end of this season to panic about first?
  3. You would fit right in teaching with that socialist attitude.
  4. A few points here. 1) Saying Tony Turnbull is a massive insult to Tony Abbott. Abbott repealed the carbon tax as promised, got rid of the mining tax as promised, stopped the boats as promised (and we were told couldn't be done), signed free trade agreements with China and Japan. Turnbull has done ummmm 2) It is more concerning that Turnbull was business partners with Wran than Turnbull's name being called out in the Panama papers 3) Avoiding tax legally is not a crime. The CFMEU has been found guilty in a Royal Commission of systemic criminal activities. Both maybe unethical but only one is illegal.
  5. You do realise Einstein disagreed with the consensus? The second sentence is just embarrassing for you. I don't think I have ever seen someone make up a quote like that when everyone can see what has been written.
  6. Einstein who knew a little bit about science famously said "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong." I'm happy to stick with Einstein and you can have "the whole lot of them all over the planet", whatever that means.
  7. I have looked for footage previously and not been able to find it. The funniest thing I have ever seen in football. Jim Stynes was his own man. There will never be anybody else like him. So glad he wore red and blue.
  8. The same ones that said the drought we were having would be permanent?
  9. Too right. I keep pointing out that the earth has previously been hotter, wetter, colder and higher in CO2 ppm. The fools argument is that Carbon Dioxide is driving climate. The leading body of the fools is the IPCC who have well documented predictions dating back to the early 90's that completely overstated the warming that has actually occurred since industrialization.
  10. Fantastic news. Carbon Dioxide has reached 400 ppm and the world hasn't warmed anywhere near even the minimum predictions for this threshold. Any logical person would rule out Carbon Dioxide as a driver of climate.
  11. Was a typo saying 29, meant to type 20. Garland has an amazing attention to detail. He will be a line coach one day. Just hope it is for us.
  12. Next few weeks will be telling. Colin Garland is one of the most astute footballers to play for Melbourne in the last 29 years. Expect he would rather coach than play in the 2's.
  13. My best mate barracks for the lions and I watched just about every game with him during their glory years. Oliver is a Voss clone. No sweeping handballs just yet but everything else is a perfect match. Salem is a lot like either of the Scott brothers off half back. Tough and skilful. Tyson reminds me of Simon Black. In and under at every single contest. Clean hands. Hogan is a mix between Bradshaw and Jonathon Brown. Strong as an Ox. Hits the scoreboard Max Gaw is much better than Clark Keating Jeff Garlett better than Heart We just need a Nigel Lappin ( Mitch White) and Jason Ackermanis (Bernie Vince too old?)
  14. When Hogan kicked 7 we got belted. Hogan is a weapon but sometimes he will just have to create space and draw defenders away.
  15. Sorry to nit pick again but when you keep contradicting yourself it is hard not to. It is funny you write that what is happening is unprecedented then in the next sentence you acknowledge it has happened before.
  16. I have not once talked about OZ forests but since you keep bringing it up I will remind you it is global warming we are talking about.
  17. EH - The earth is billions of years old. What happened to the King Billy Pines 1,000 to 1,500 years ago? I like that you have changed your tune and are now writing that the pine forests haven't experienced fire very often as opposed to your above post which said pine forests are burning that have never burned before.
  18. Choke I thought you were an expert on this? We are talking about fully grown pine trees here. Not growing or freshly cut. They are highly flammable. It is amazing you think otherwise. Please point me to your greener mates who somehow believe pine trees are non-flammable. I have a good pyramid scheme I can sell them.
  19. Whelan was running around in 3/4 length sleeves at one stage.
  20. This is why sceptics are winning the debate and climate change is off the political agenda. Facts win out in the long run not alarmism. Pine trees are highly flammable. Any insinuation that a pine forest burning down is some kind of proof of climate change is just laughable.
  21. The AFL were never going to suspend him. We are trying to build a pre-ANZAC day game. There is nothing more ANZAC than sticking up for your mates.
  22. I'll probably draw a picture of Alex Rance but apart from that I agree with you completely.
  23. I was largely slammed on DL for saying I would never vote for Turnbull when he first replaced Abbott. I stand by it. The love media cheered him into the position but would never vote for him when it came to the crunch. Now he is Malcolm in the middle with no one of the left or right liking him. He stands for nothing. Looks like the election is going to be fought on Manus Island - the people in detention Labor's legacy Carbon Tax - Labor wants to bring in some kind carbon credit programme. The Liberals dont. Negative Gearing - Liberals want no changes, Labor want to remove / amend the way it works. Who knows what Turnbull actually believes about any of the above. I know where Shorten and Abbott stand.
  24. Not sure why everyone is so critical of Freo / Ross Lyon. If Sylvia just has a good pre-season they will be alright.
  25. My favourite bit is where you say forests that have never burned before are burning. I couldn't even script that.
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