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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. Thanks nurse's assistant john dee. I'm dumber for having read that. Let's address the facts instead of dancing around them like you do.
  2. (1)0 Dr John, my words were used in appropriate context. Don't try and twist them. (2) Sorry to interrupt your "conversation" but this is a public forum. What era are you from? I bet you have seen plenty of Melbourne premierships.... (3) Ad-Hominem attacks are a poor form of argument that you seem to specialise in. I don't mind a bit of banter, accompanied by a joke or some form of wit ,but your are lacking. (4) Let's get back to arguing climate change where you are out of your depth despite your vitriol.
  3. Does anyone know how to get a list of players that started as subs last season?
  4. Hate to make this about Jack Watts but... All the training reports in the second half of last season had him doing boxing, wrestling etc... With specialist coaches, away from the main group. I though it worked and towards the end of the season his 1 on 1 competitive work improved from hopeless to o.k. It will never be his strength. i have Jack Watts and Kent as the real break outs this year.
  5. Perhaps you should have said that in the first place. I can only respond to what you write. Kindergarten insults aside,you pre-empted your long winded response with a number of "probablies". In my book that indicated you were making assumptions. You probably disagree ?
  6. I like how all the lefties on here think the royal commission into Union corruption was a witch hunt and a waste of money despite the arrests that have followed but think a 3rd royal commission that Pell has yet to face is justified.
  7. Still trying to learn to read, are you Wrecker? This is what I said: "The link you’ve used for some reason doesn’t work for me, so I went to what’s probably a more a more substantive and probably more sober summary of the Soon, Connolly and Connolly (SCC) paper (on Watts Up With That?) than the blog version you’ve relied on." As I said before: go away. You're not worth dealing with. I can read just fine thanks. Just highlighting your very lengthy response is based purely on assumptions.
  8. Petracca breaks his toe playing basketball, albeit being stupid. Perhaps wear shoes next time truck and no reverse slam dunks. But he owns up to it despite no-one else being there. Jeremy Howe breaks his finger in front of a crowd and makes up a ridiculous story. Make no mistake Roos has built a culture.
  9. I don't think anyone is calling for George Pell to be Australian of the year. But thanks for your misguided response.
  10. Thanks Choke. Like always I agree with you and reason but see it from a slightly different perspective. I have nothing against wind, solar, renewables and infact hope they thrive. I just don't buy into this argument that big oil is funding climate change denialism (I am certainly not payed by big oil) because at the end of the day big oil will buy into the most efficient and profitable way of producing energy. Apparently we've passed the tipping point so no use worrying now. I say that a bit in jest like the climate scientists who are getting the sack at CSIRO at the moment and trying to argue the science isn't really settled they still need to do their models....
  11. Normally you can get a good read on legislation by those against it. When Get Up and the Greens (Watermelons) are vehemently opposed to something it is a good indicator we are signing a beneficial deal. Having read the TPP this is no exception. Long live capitalism. And it will.
  12. What happened in the first 2 Royal Commissions he fronted? If this Royal Commission, like the previous 2, finds in his favour will you want a 4th, regardless of his medical status? If he was a refugee I bet you would be more concerned about his health situation.
  13. I like how you can't even open the link but write umpteenth paragraphs in response anyway.
  14. As I said at the start. He is no Neil Daniher. Perhaps they should change the criteria so we get more worthy winners and not just activists hacks.
  15. EH - This is what lefty lemmings just don't understand. If solar, wind and renewable's were cost effective, efficient and likely to be the way forward the wealthy fossil fuel industries would just invest in them. That is how capitalism works. Telstra didn't oppose mobile phones and broadband internet when they owned all the land lines. They adapted and invested in the better technology. Sadly at the moment the socialists want Government money to subsidies inept technology. You can bet your bottom dollar if the renewable technology improves the fossil fuel industry will be at the forefront of investing in it.
  16. I'd add Gawn to that list even though he has played little football and only a handful of good games. Outside of Hogan he is the player we can least afford to lose through injury.
  17. Just watched Australian of the year on Q & A and I like him. Still would have preferred others but perhaps I should listen more to the Chokes of the world...
  18. At least Watts is only smiling at training. Colin Garland has an onfield look that upsets enough posters on here to think he is not in our best 22 despite Roos saying in the mid year review he is our most consistent performer.
  19. I think you have nailed it. Appreciate your perspective.
  20. Hahaha so is the Northern Territory News. You haven't answered the question about all the missing heat / energy? Or would you prefer to reference the guardian (left wing rag), who reference someone else. Why not just reference the original source? Apologies about the 70% - I didn't realise you were replying to another post.
  21. We have a never ending platform for social warriors. You see it everywhere and anywhere that the public has to pay for their opinion. Not least on our tax payer funded ABC. Australia day should be about achieving for Australia and a yarn amongst mates. I hoped Australian of the year would go to a bloke who has motor neuron disease and against all odds went on a high rating tv show knowing full well his body could fail him live on air. This bloke went on to gather an army, walk to the g and raise much needed money for a very underfunded cause. He raised awareness for motor neuron disease like never before and it is now getting the attention it deserves in Australia and we will be at the forefront of finding a cure. Or it could be the first woman jockey every to ride a Melbourne cup winner. Up against more international horses & money than ever as well as the preferred male jockeys. Michelle Payne who had her intellectually disabled brother by her side to share in the glory as the strapper. They are great Australians.
  22. I love how you think Jo Nova is for rattlers of tin pans but reference a left wing rag like the guardian to make your point. I also like your bit about oceans making up 70% of the surface area. You realise that the satellite data cover upwards of 98% of the atmosphere? Are you one of those that think the missing heat / energy is hiding in the deap oceans (where it can't be measured) or have you got some other great explanation for the complete failing of climate science predictions?
  23. I know someone who was at that concert booing them off the stage.
  24. Exactly my point. Why don't we give it to someone who has achieved already and has the respect of the Australian people. Australian of the year has become about giving a "platform" to a vote of an out of touch panel.
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