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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. As i have stated in other threads Pauline Hanson is not my cup of tea but it is foolish for anyone to ignore her. There is a massive revolt against immigration in the western world. It might be impolite to mention it but it is there none the less. Abbott who everyone including myself thought was unelectable won the last election in a landslide with a 3 word slogan. " stop the boats" Turnbull just got smashed because he was silent on it. Brexit - europe is letting in mass imigration that could freely sail through to the uk. The uk said no thanks. Trump - unhinged individual who i don't think anyone could argue will bring stability to the USA or world. Yet has his hands on the keys to the white house on the back of anti-immigration policies. There is a clear trend. I don't know the answer but i do know shouting racist doesn't work.
  2. Nutbean - you say you have friends that don't believe in climate science. Then you say if anyone of your friends revealed they voted for Hanson you wouldn't continue the friendship. One of Hanson's core policies was to scrutinise climate science. What if your friends who felt strongly about climate science, which you clearly accept, voted for her for that reason only? I found Hanson abhorrent 18 years ago. I still cringe at her "asian invasion" speech. Whilst she is not my cup of tea her policies are much more well thought out this time around.
  3. But put them straight back on like any fad diet.
  4. The gay person I am closest with that is against gay marriage believes that marriage is a necessary evil (his words not mine) to provide the best environment to raise a child. He is also a believer in a bit more promiscuity than traditional marriage allows. I have another gay mate, quite high profile too, who is worried that churches will be forced to provide the ceremonies. That he is concerned about that baffles me somewhat but I respect his right to an opinion. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with their opinions just stating that gay people, like everyone else, have political leanings. To generalise that all gay people think one way on a contentious and largely political subject is offensive. Just google gays against gay marriage and you will see it is much more common than the media will have you believe.
  5. As someone who has gay friends that are against gay marriage I think everybody has a right to an opinion without being dubbed homophobic. I also think love is a universal right and would condemn anyone who argues otherwise.
  6. In: grimes He needs to get to 100 games. The family barraks for Melbounrne. Both boys in the family play AFL football. It is not unreasonable to think he might have a son in the future who can play footy. We can't make the finals. We owe him and it is in our best intersts.
  7. I was very critical of VDB at 1/2 time. Watched him closely in the 3rd when he moved into the middle and he was great. Hopefully he continues that form next week.
  8. Point 1 is very interesting. Part of me wants to argue that I suspect you believe the voters are uneducated when they vote against what you believe to be the best outcome. Burt after reading your asterisk I completely agree that people who vote for someone just because they always have and more than likely because their parents always have are letting down the democratic process. Having said that the Brexit vote was a one off it is not a case of the people just voting for what they always have.
  9. Boris Johnson is the exact opposite to Malcolm Turnbull. The winner of an intensely fought national referendum but with an ego in check enough to put the country first over his own ambitions.
  10. Choke - I really rate your opinion and appreciate your courtesy when we disagree (which is always). We are polar opposites politically. It seems you don't like democracy when the vote doesn't go your way. To say it is political manipulation of the media is a stretch. Both with Brexit and Trump the media class were/is clearly in favour of Remain and Hilirary respectively. There was a massive fear campaign about leaving the EU and a massive fear campaign (probably rightly) about the unhinged Trump becoming President. But the people are rebelling against political correctness and the political class. It is the people who booed Adam Goodes and in their heart believed it was because of his behaviours but were told by the the political class and media they were racist. They are rebelling against political correctness all over the Western world.
  11. Good post nutbean. I was saying support for bigger Government is a left wing thing and it clearly is. There obviously needs to be a balance. The further left you go the more tax you support, accompanied by larger Government and State control. The further right you go, the closer you get to pure free markets and ugly nationalism. In regards to good Government v Bad. I would much prefer a good Government of the opposite persuasion to mine than a bad one from my political persuasion. The closer to the centre the major parties are the more likely you get a good result. In the coming election I would love to vote for Labor because I don't like Malcolm Turnbull but I can't because of Shorten's policies and campaigning. I won't hijack this thread because I will write about it in the election thread.
  12. You obviously don't have much of a political understanding. When I correctly stated the political Left advocates bigger Government, it is stating a fact. It is not even an argument let alone a "straw mans argument".
  13. Hold your breath and think about ignorance for a second. Are you arguing that left wing politics support smaller Governmet? I have correctly stated that the EU is about big Government and that is a left wing thing. Nothing else. You can argue with yourself about the pros and cons of the Brexit if you want but when you do it is ironic to call me ignorant.
  14. Difference is the tax payer is paying for the ABC's propaganda.
  15. It has everything to do with the left. The EU is about large Goverment which is text book left wing politics. The people voted against it.
  16. I think Jack Viney and Daisy would make a great couple...
  17. I though Jack Watts new found attack on the ball was more to do with our improved player development namely Macca. So many training reports had him doing boxing, wrestling and grappling away from the main group. But there would have to be an element of walking taller knowing Jack Viney has your back.
  18. I didn't watch the game so only going off the demonland votes but Hunt seems have polled exceptionally well. In such a wet slog I would have expected bigger bodied players with more experience and much longer time in the system (gym) to do well.
  19. We are so far ahead of the game on this it will benefit the MFC. I don't know how but i have confidence PJ does. We already have the best female footballer in the land on our payroll.
  20. Trengove - clean in close Trengove - he is coming...
  21. He had the cleanest hands of anyone today in a game handballs were over used.
  22. Well we have given him a go and he is worse than i could have imagined. It's funny in a week where Daniher has been bravely raising money for Motor Neuron disease research, Morrison has been condeming the use of the word "guys" when addressing a group of people. Says it all really.
  23. One of the most stupid posts i have ever seen on demonland.
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