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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. Respectfulness has nothing to do with wages. I'm guessing a stripper that dresses as a nurse gets paid more than a nurse. Society respects the nurse. Your imaginary mens club that wants to keep women's wages down don't get a look in either I'm afraid. It is purely market forces. If, and I hope it does, the women's football is watched by the masses the dollars will come. Sponsors will be falling over to pay them.
  2. Speak for yourself. I thought Wheatley was Barassi reincarnated from the day he got the number. Barassi is a legend of the club but we need to move on and look forward. The most famous number at Melbourne will be our next Norm Smith medalist and I'm tipping it might be number 10.
  3. Hahahahahaha what race does the journalist have to be for you to start believing? And what previous employers are acceptable? When I read an article I tend to concentrate on the content...
  4. Toumpas no longer even a passenger.
  5. Astute move by Brayshaw. Couldn't leave with Lyon. Newman can't keep going. Best time possible to price yourself out and get another position while your profile is highest.
  6. Yeah it turned up. I also get an option for a 2018 membership if I go to enough games but I am still upset about the passing of Mohamed Ali so not sure I will make my quota.
  7. How times have changed. The President elect and ruler of the free world has galvanised his masses by rebelling against a politically correct world pushed by marxists socialism, the elites and a willing media who are predominantly elites and marxists socialists. Political overreach is always countered by an opposite extreme.
  8. Great post WJ. Hopelessly compromised draft. I hope we get Daicos at pick 47 because that is about as much joy as we can get for the pick. Instant gratification.
  9. He has said time and time again he is a negotiater not a career politician. In his book the art of negotiation he talks about taking an extreme position to begin with and then being talked down to the position he actually wants. I.e if you want to be paid $120k you tell the boss you want $200k and let him drag it back to $120k and let him think he won. I hate politicians lying on both sides of politics. It's harder to call negotiation a lie when he has documented how he does it. Time will tell but people will always be disapointed.
  10. Take your point but would argue that was more a disaffected mob chantingrather than group think.
  11. How many people of the right hide in "safe spaces" or need "trigger warnings" before something is too shocking for them to hear? The left might all share the same opinion and suffer from group think but thick skins they do not have.
  12. Anyone know how Oliver, Kent or Benken went.
  13. I doubt that would worry Eddie. Pretty confident his highest priority would be the PR.
  14. But nobody expected there would be a vacant poistion at collingwood (not buckleys) after Roos' 6 months in Hawaii. The balme and guppy debacle has left the door open for a brief return for Roos. A 6 month highly paid succession plan would be ideal for him. He always said he couldn't committ to a club because he wouldn't be around for the preseason.
  15. Well done Neal Daniher. A true inspiration. If only the Australian of the year award wasn't so politicised he would be even money for that as well.
  16. I know someone who was in that ridiculous other lot that tried to take over a couple of months ago. They haven't given up yet and in his words "we are not going away"
  17. I popped down for a bit. Nathan Jones was out there I believe for the first time. Viney was moving and kicking freely but is still in the rehab group. They did a drill in front of where I was standing with 3 cones setup in a triangle shape and a group of players behind each cone. The player with the ball would kick to a player at the front of either of the other 2 cones and then sprint there to stand on the mark. If he wasn't on the mark in time the instruction was the player receiving had to play on immediately and get it to the next cone. If the player did get close enough to the mark the receiving player had to fake one way then play on the other. And so on went the drill. The skills were pretty good. The emphasis in the drill is clearly to get the ball moving quickly.
  18. This is why I am fascinated with Cloke going to the Bulldogs. Cloke is a beast of a contested mark with a host of deficiencies. Will be interesting to see if Beveridge has a bit role for him.
  19. It's good in theory but I don't want to miss out on who is or should / shouldn't be wearing lycra in the crowd at training.
  20. Completely agree Nutbean. Some people also can't see the difference between arguing a topic and attacking posters personally. It's the same concept.
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