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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. I'm glad everyone is on board because i think Maynard could be the saviour. In all seriousness we are building a side with a diversity of strenths. Maynard has size and clean hands.
  2. Gun laws in USA are ridiculous. Thank goodness we had Howard to fix our local problem. $7.40 Minimum wage is ridiculous. Thank goodness we had Abbott to stop the boats and illegal immigrants undercuting the minimum wage in droves.
  3. Choke - I will put it to you that the fact I am willing to bet and put my money where my mouth is. Is because I am centre right, conservative and worry about real world problems that are measurable. Unlike, unaccountable left wing theory, that never eventuates. I wouldn't bet on that either.
  4. Could i call you a sceptic? What is your stance on co2 driving climate change?
  5. Thanks Macca. I thought you lefties wanted to ban advertising for gambling agencies when the odds are stacked completely in their favour? I'm holding all bets on Trump lasting his term at even money. Step right up...
  6. Choke - how does the fact checker work? Is 15% lies over Trump's lifetime, his political career or just the statements that the fact checkers bother to check?
  7. It's disastrous. Unfortunately, the boy who cried wolf media wont be able to point the attention to it that it deserves.
  8. AF can you give me some kind of trigger warning before you post stuff like that in the future. I am dumber for having watched it. Of course the Paris based left leaning OECD will rank Labor Governments as better economic managers than Liberal. The OECD supports bigger Government. The more bloated the bureaucracy the better you will rank.
  9. Follow up article from The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-4216180/How-trust-global-warming-scientists-asks-David-Rose.html#ixzz4YaKwBBWV
  10. Thats racist, mysoginist and homophobic.
  11. Hitler was a teetotaler so is Trump.
  12. Co2 is good for grapes by the way.
  13. Can't believe one of my own threads has been hijacked by climate change. That's my job.
  14. Thanks Hardtack. Without subscribing (just reading your quotes above) that seems to confirm what i keep reading.
  15. Thanks for all the replies but can someone just link to a study that shows non-drinkers can expect to outlive even alcoholics? There seems to be a tidal wave of studies showing the opposite.
  16. DrDc No i am really looking for studies described exactly as i stated. Common sense might say one thing but i am asking for anyone to provide a study or sample set proving it false.
  17. The irony is the global warming establishment have stopped using the reliable sattelite data and have begun getting a cross section of data from unreliable sources to validate their theory. The head in the sand above is a good example of climate alarmism and unreliable data. Bit of sand from the mouth might prove some local warming. Lets use it.
  18. Whilst I encourage posters personal stories (positive or negative) the aim of my post was to see if anyone could find an epidemiological or longitudinal study that suggests drinking might reduce your life expectancy compared to non-drinkers.
  19. In a thread impossible to derail, can I possibly try and derail this one? I have written a thread on drinking in the General Board. Would appreciate comments. $cully, Trump and Hitler were / are teetotaler's.
  20. Right back at you. Everything in moderation. Are you increasing your mortality rate by abstaining?
  21. Whelan who most will agree is back pocket of the century, missed with a neck injury before we realised how good he was. Woey had a hammy. Brad Green was punched in the throat and taken off the ground in the first quater. Look back and Essendon were the best but we were unlucky.
  22. Thanks Bossdog. You personify what I believe is healthy living. I am starting to question if abstinence is detrimental to ones health.
  23. Thanks nut. Part of the pressure is because i have previously pressured others. Part of the pressure is because over a number of years i have actively sought out the company of others at social events who are drinking. I tend to avoid the really drunk or really sober.
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