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Everything posted by demonique

  1. Sorrento is used by most Melbourne based AFL clubs!! I live down this way and clubs are here frequently
  2. I'm ready to jump at any past coach who has done it before, getting desperate as I get older, who would want to resurrect their coaching career? Rocket, Gary Ayres , Ratten , just chucking names around!!!
  3. Wouldn't care less if he is a [censored] , or anybody else for that matter, as long they get someone who can do the bloody job!!
  4. Mate , Melbourne cant be defended now, I too played golf yesterday and you just have to joke about it .. its just so bad, thats all you can do, please don't drag out your mashie and belt someone with !! :-)
  5. certainly this is big part of the disconnection between fans and club!! the other clubs had their suburban grounds that were a kind of a community centre as well, a focal point for the local team. we never had a heartland!!!
  6. Royal royally stuffed our backline when Wellman left for the Bombers, now he has royally stuffed our mids!! We have the raw talent with so many first round picks but the management of them is abysmal. Their development of them is non existant. The young players are sent out onto the ground totally unprepared and I blame completely the ineptitude of the football department together with rest of the morons upstairs. This entire MFC functionaries need to be locked up in a room and hold a no holds barred meeting to thrash out what has gone wrong and who is to blame!!! and then how to put Humpty back together again!! Paying hard earned money watching football that is not fit for human consumption for the best part of 7 years has worn me out, while i baulk at saying Ill leave, but i will withdraw until I see the X factor thats needed. They can keep my membership fees and i will rejoin, but hope they use the money wisely. Got better things to do than go to the footy and feel embarrassed wearing the colours and suffer the sympathies of oppo fans, so bad is it we get sympathy, how awful is that?-----thats what I got yesterday when I crawled out of the"G". i got up along with my long suffering wife, asked the Bomber fans I was sitting next to pardon us as we are leaving just after half time, they said "Oh sorry mate" in a downcast tone. talk about humble stuff!! Gut wrenching !!
  7. Delighted for Jared Rivers. Now knows what it's like to play in a great team!!
  8. I have sent an email if only for my own satisfaction, I sent it containing my great disappointment , etc etc blah blah and ended with an ultimatum, if there is no great improvement at the end of the season I will cancel direct debit and not rejoin next year. Sick of being swindled out of about $1000 to watch the unwatchable !!!!
  9. Kangas are my 2 nd team favourite , would be happy with that scenario
  10. Do you want child to be bullied and humiliated at school ? Then make him a Demon!! How many kids follow the Dees? Precious few and why indeed would they ?
  11. I said this maybe a couple of seasons ago about Royal, I cant believe he is still plying his trade with us. I thought when Neeld came that his time would be up but he still had a year or so of his contract to run. The whole place runs like an old boys network, speaking of Network ( I am as mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore) I have written to MFC this morning and vented. Hope many others have also !!!
  12. I have never been a fan of Brian Royal. Last year defence coach,they were rubbish!! This year mid field! Are total garbage!!!
  13. Titanic and deck chairs spring to mond
  14. Well my season is done, save the Collingwood match as my 91 year old Mum wants to attend. Other than that it certainly isn't much fun rocking up and watching the ongoing debacle that MFC are serving up. I really feel for Mark Neeld as he has been served up this pile of a steaming turd of a so called professional football team with heaps of dead wood and hacks that masquerade as footballers. Mark Neelds first address after the Brisbane shocker was his most truthful appraisal of the list he has inherited, didn't he say that there was only 4 players up to AFL standard of the 22 he picked? I believe that after he said those words, the back room boys have told him to pull his head in as they were trying to encourage more people to sign up for memberships, just my belief!! I think the Melbourne business and or football management should be more honest with us, the membership as to what we should expect of the season, such as, that we are going to be flogged by mega margins on a weekly basis, even many in the media expected far better than how this dismal season is panning out.!! Should have shown some honesty before the season started so we could have prepared ourselves for this season, talk about,"Our winter of discontent" certainly no Glorious summer coming our way any time soon with the son of Neeld!! I cannot remember a team with a new coach that immediately turned into a steaming pile of shite without any redeeming features!!! We only have from what I have seen so far this season is precisely those 4 players that Mark Neeld was referring to on day one that performs for us, all the rest are along for the ride to play their Jolly japes on the team with their hapless comic turns!! Think I'll watch local footy until this massive and extended team rebuild bares some fruit, to save myself of the severe trauma that this mob are giving me.
  15. I love the Demons, have done so for 58 years, but I hate this team and it's wretched style. Also I find the game far too scrappy now, too many players around the ball. Like school yard stuff of my youth!!
  16. The fitter our players become the better they will be. many of them are coming from a very low fitness base that its going to take time to get them up. it takes more than a few months!! The players that were fitter than the others when Neeld and Co took over are improving in leaps and bounds as the season moves on ala Jones, Clark ,Frawley!! Quite sure we will have a more successful back half to the season.
  17. It does"t alter the fact that the umpiring is pretty darn poor, witness last weeks debacle of the goal umpire, blooming heck he must have been lighting his pipe and not taking any notice to signal those as goals!! While we are all probably one eyed to greater or lesser degree, we really have been shafted by a few umpiring bloomers in crucial phases of play over the past couple of weeks
  18. so proud at the moment !!! light at the end of this long dark tunnel
  19. So right. We need mature age units to go with the young players. You can't overload developing youngsters!!! We could look into the WAFL , SANFL , anywhere to get these guys ala Magner WA and SA are far stronger leagues than VFL! I feel
  20. Its fair to say they will all improve to a greater or lesser degree, sort of a blank canvas. Very exciting for the future for what they will be able to do when fit enough!!!
  21. Yes, captains don't have to be the best player and Davey while not the best we have of course but when on song and a happy camper he is brilliant !!
  22. I know many players had a poor season for whatever reason, and Aaron Davey was certainly one of them. He can't turn to garbage just like that but I would give him a shot!! It might be the making of him. Perhaps Mark Neeld will have him in a role that fits his qualities Giving it too soon to a young player just adds an extra burden they don't need!!
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