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Everything posted by demonique

  1. Haven't been keeping up with things as much as I have in the past, but has Craig Cameron been replaced with someone yet?
  2. I believe Bruce has lost his nerve, he has never recovered mentally after being flattened by Guerra a few years back IMO
  3. I know it is early days but nothing like forward planning. OUT: White (1),Yze(2),Bruce(3),Jamar(4),Carroll (5). All for various reasons including 1 Over the hill, 2 Selfish, 3 Brainless, 4 No Guts, 5 Slow, 6 Can't kick,& Can't think and run at the same time. 8, No awareness, 9, Can't handball. Heaps a other reasons you could throw in. Whether they are gone we'll soon see but I'm sure there will be surprises among the predictables when the big cull comes at the end of the season!!! So depressed after todays match to put it mildly!!!!!!!!
  4. When he developes some balls and learns to run better than Daffy Duck he might get a chance
  5. Maybe I'm just being simplistic but it semed to me that what they wanted to know is what you wanted from a membership and how much you were prepared to pay!
  6. It is typical though when his team is doing well both on and off the field he takes pot shots at the weaker teams. We all know we have severe problems and having this [censored] sinking the boot in does himself a disservice but also the AFL in general. He should be building the product up not crapping on it!!
  7. You've got to be joking, having a laugh!!! You can't be serious, you are indeed a sick puppy!!!!
  8. I feel that is exactly what you do.Geelong is that template, but we move out of the G and move in at Cranbourne, play those interstaters there and the so called biggies at the G. If that fails to excite get ready for the Gold Coast Demons!!
  9. I have to put my hand up and fess up,I didn't attend because I have another life and I also live at the far end of the Mornington Peninsula and I really couldn't work up the enthusiasm to drive all that way for the dross they are serving up right now. I am getting on in years and I don't want to waste days being more miserable than usual!!!!!!!!! So sorry can't take the stress. Stress can kill you!!!
  10. By the time our blokes figure out this so called ,run and carry style the vogue will be some thing else, like, get it and kick to one your blokes style and we will be stuffed all over again . I'm usually a half full sort of person but the Dees have sucked me dry this year on top of last years rubbish Plans come and go, wasn't tempo football all the go a couple of years ago? I'm prepared to give DB a go and getting this team fixed, but I have to say the game is looking more like Rugby Union than the "Footy" I knew, perhaps start looking for Rugby coaches?
  11. I repeat, he is not the future. They have heavily relied on Neitz for far too long and now look and see what has happened, cannot continue the huge mistakes of the past by playing players because of reputation ala ND
  12. Think about it ,if David Neitz was a a player without his history, you'd want him dropped!!! Nobody should be included because of what they have done in the PAST if they can't hack it now
  13. I was mauled mercilessly for suggesting this last year. He is too old, too slow, can't catch a cold and cannot pick the drop of the ball. He has gone on too long.For Gods sake David pull the pin on a great career and give someone younger with the hunger have a go, you are not the future.
  14. I think Bucks is making the false assumption that Melbourne players can actually play football at the moment. DB is no doubt fully aware of what his bag of useless, slovenly, sloppy, lazy sorry arses are capable of doing , he has to keep going through the motions being professional and doing what he can do, not a lot at the moment until that ax begins to swing, roll on the day!!!!!!!!
  15. I reckon 20,000 members think they know what they are talking about as well. Opinions are like A___soles, everybody's got one unfortunately.
  16. Was just wondering about our logo The bottom of a big red arrow pointing downwards on a blue background, looks prophetic don't you think?
  17. If you were the new coach and you have been dumped on from above and have discovered that your list is absolute shite________what would you do, well, if our league was run like the EPL you'd scrap all the players you though weren't up to it, you'd maybe [censored] the odd marquis player to get some dough to go out shopping for a new team. We can't do that unfortunately we have to make do, but in the meantime he has to find out who can or cannot play(Phase two) Trapper went I suppose (Phase one)Its going to be real interesting come trade time!!!!!
  18. I think/know we have many dead men walking, literally, because they ain't bloody well playing
  19. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear!!!!!!!period DB is on a fact finding mission to see how bad his players are and how to deal with what he has been left with, to see where they can play if they can can play, poor bastard I feel for him!! Its not he who handballs to the wrong guy. Last week I was having a go at the fitness chief, that is obviously not the only problem. They are hopelessly out of their depth on the field of play. To you fans who are going to the Cattery next weekend, you are absolute heros and I can recommend a good shrink to give you people a checkup from the neck up
  20. Very attractive odds, easy three bucks
  21. He has to battle on as there is nobody else ------------so sad!!!!!!!! The planning for the day that Neitz retires has not happened. Newton is not the answer ,too slow, runs like Daffy Duck
  22. When I lived in the States many years ago New Orleans football team were having an horrendous season. Going to their matches wasn't very cool and not where you wanted to be seen going, so they went to their games with brown paper shopping bags with holes cut out over their heads so they couldn't be identified, perhaps we could do that with enviromentally friendly green bags when we go to see Melbourne play!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a thought!!!!!!!
  23. I critisised Neitz last year when I thought he was ordinary and I had the whole of the Demonland fraternity rip into me. I critisised him 2 years ago also.He is a passenger, A PAST champion He's a forward, his job is to get goals, or make goals happen for Christs sake. I can only pray that Bailey knows what he is doing, but we are in for a long run of pain. Cale Morton should be a great player, I saw him dance out of trouble today on several occasions. Weetra is having a nightmare introduction to the big time. McLean is so bloody slow, too busy stuffing around hooning in his UTE!!! How many handballs to some poor slob who was under the pump? What rubbish play. To rub salt into the wound, I thought Trapper played really great last night and he has actually put on some muscle as most players do when they are traded from the DEES
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