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Everything posted by demonique

  1. I feel they should keep it but don't be so quick to give it out willy nilly. It has to be earned through courage and leadership, Ideal number for a captain!!??
  2. Well, you may be right about him being a champion but I believe his body will let him down. he may well be a great player for a couple of years but in the not so long run I feel his degenerative knees will shorten his career, absolutely crazy offering a 6 year deal with those sort of bucks, but then it not their money they are playing with is it ? BASTARDS
  3. It didn't shield us from the $cully contagion, Fecking rotten system that allows this crap to happen!!! Honestly I can't blame the kid for taking the big bucks but he should have been shown some class and integrity and been upfront with the MFC instead of putting everybody through this charade and infecting the team with suspicion and doubt. To me it was obvious that he was on his way, the body language spoke volumes, especially after the win over Essendon while singing the song. He has also been playing bruise free football I reckon. However onward and upward,it is the way it is and we had better get used to the new free agency scene and the run for cash where professionalism is the name of the game and loyalty goes to the highest bidder!!
  4. Correct, so obvious. He had to make an excuse to make that happen, I feel it was all a smoke screen of bogus issues.
  5. I have probably missed this info but "How much was GWS given to set this enterprise up with? They seem to have a bottomless pit of loot to get whoever they want!! and to [censored] everybody off to boot!!
  6. I think that as time goes on and a coach hasn't been announced it becomes more likely to be MM. If we haven't heard anything throughout September then i feel sure it will be MM.
  7. I do hope we get Clarko but I also want a few more mill put into the football dept as a whole. A fantastic coach is one thing but he can only do so much!!
  8. Thanks for that, I didn't want to start splitting hairs with Old 55.
  9. You are so right! It is through pain and frustration that we put down these lines on this website and it is a sort of therapy that we do so. I'll rant and rave but there is no chance of me jumping ship!! Too much emotion invested in "em"
  10. I have never rated the Dogs, they are/were nowhere near a flag,so,they got to the finals, nowhere near a grand final victory!!! I would be very disappointed if they went for Rodney Eade, 7 years for a mediocre result, been there , done that!!!!! Clarkson? A big yes Malthouse ? Ok if they want to, but they would have to have a Magpie like budget to invest into the football department!! Matthews?--another big yes Roos?- Why not, just not sure I'd like the game style we'd be watching, but what the hell if he brings us a flag!!
  11. Why is that? is it because he is too good?
  12. What on earth has happened to them in 12 months? They are like headless effing chooks, effing embarrassing!!! For the life of me I don't know why I keep up this masochistic habit following this mob. They are such a distant team to the one I started following 56 years ago. Lack of basic skills, lack of tactical nous, lack of football brains. If they hire Rodney Eade to be coach, that will see me off I'm afraid. Having Scott West is more than enough Bulldog influence for me
  13. well, the back line certainly hasn't covered itself with glory since Wellman shot through. it was a big strength last year for us, this year, totally disorganised!!
  14. I feel we are a festering scab when it comes to management. what do all these people do for Gods sake, CEO, director of this, general manager of that, Its just so top heavy !!
  15. For years now and I do mean YEARS, we have not developed any muscle!! Look at the shoulders of our lot compared to ANY other team, we are WEEDS in comparison. And this was so during Danihers day. We should only be a season behind the Blues in development ,because they tanked the 2 years before our two years. Oh well perhaps thats 2 years worth of development, it looks like we will be hopeless for years to come I'm afraid! In had the feeling today that the players are NOT actually trying. Trengoves miss has me puzzled!!
  16. The only soft spot he has is in his head!!!!
  17. Kennett is less than human. He has never passed up the chance to sink the boot in when Melbourne are at a low ebb, not to mention our "Jimmy" I hope now Alistair Cookson gives the Kennetts Kingdom the flick and throw himself at US. What an arshole Kennett is?
  18. Yes, I've noticed that fact, When we are good we are fabulous when we are bad we are downright atrocious!!
  19. You misunderstand what I am driving at, its peoples perception of us. The snow thing. We are a football team like the rest of them! trying to win the best way we can. Teams don't stand for this or that,a reason to play!! thats a load of crap
  20. None of it can be proved either way. Total waste of time to investigate. Honestly , many, many people would love to see the end of our football club, they are just so ready to kill us by a thousand cuts!
  21. The Pat Smith thing claiming we stand for nothing is a class issue I feel. Certain people( Pond Scum) love it when people above them on the social order are down and hurting and they enjoy sinking in the boot. They used to call us Silver Tails and it is all about the politics of envy. I'm glad this drama has happened, a chance to clear the air, We will forge on and we will be successful. As a previous contributor mentioned , we formed the game, we are the Mother and Father of this game, and they hate that fact!! So,lets move on and prove to that SACK OF LARD and others like him we have the BALLS to prevail.
  22. He had Junior last year!! now I'm not saying he would have made a big difference but he was a very good leader and certainly had another year in him to get our younger players further along the track of development and guidance
  23. I disagree, if he's going, do it now, don't want a lame duck dead man walking coach. This Geelong debacle was the straw that broke the camels back and consigned Dean Bailey into history.
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