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Everything posted by demonique

  1. The current thing is dogs breakfast.
  2. The job at MFC is too big for a trainee coach!!We are basket case!Not in the business of training coaches,more in the line of getting our team off its knees and learning how to win ASAP, and then to dominate. Sorry, just thinking big!!!
  3. Well, I'm usually wrong in most things,but i think there is a good deal of player power going on here, not all of them but several players aren't giving it their all. A bit of a protest to force change maybe!!! Just saying is all!! But going by body language by the several players i think there maybe a bit of truth in that!! I just can't figure it out any other way, surely, they just can't be that bad. they can't have all contracted ME !! Its like they have completely forgotten how to play football!!
  4. May as well start the pre season training now!! Frawley out , could break records by huge amounts by what we lose by now!!! Also no point putting in our young players and have all their confidence smash out if them!!
  5. How much does a bag of spuds cost these days!! Because we have a glut of em !!
  6. Well faaarkkk me!!! What a absolute shocker !! Rodin should never be played again for us ! A waist of space !! Jones heaps of touches but no help !!
  7. Quite frankly no one could coach this mob ,, bloodless hopeless skills by our bums !!
  8. He is responsible for the playing group. If he can't get them up for the game?? Well, he has to go !! End of story !! The players obviously have no respect for him We know that the players are so down in confidence and Mark Neeld cannot do anything to change that. We really do need an experienced coach , because this basket case requires elite know how !
  9. We have do e much much worse , but I reckon Gary Ayres would be a good fit!!he is well respected and he has coached before ! I know this will cause a big song and dance by Demonlanders , but i am ready for desperate measures to get us out of this mess that couple of newbie coaches have put us in !
  10. It is a rotting corpse of a club. It's the culmination of decades of total mismanagement And it is now all falling apart to the point where the AfL has to step in to save what is the founding team of football !! Very poor look for the code if we go down the pan!! While they prop up GWS !!
  11. Funny feeling I have not wanting us to win!! Want it al to come to a head so we can move forward!! Stop this going in reverse at warp speed!
  12. Royal is a cancer to our team. I've mentioned it before, he stuffed our back line 2 years ago after Wellman had it purring in 2010 Mids are ok then as well. Just hopeless now !!
  13. Well they have certainly got a lot of sorrows to drown!! Driven to the DEMON drink week after week !!
  14. Ok so he has had hip trouble, didnt read all reports!! i apologise, but still would have picked Wines even before I saw him in his first match
  15. Mate, how they picked him over Wines is another mystery. just another mystery that has spilled forth from the Dees!! Toumpas sure cant run, he is so slow. Lurch in the Adams family would run him down!!
  16. Our players have been bashed and smashed for years now and I marvel how they turn up week after week to get another hiding. and , they look like a team absolutely devoid of any positivity and confidence. And James frawley I am quite sure has had a guts full !! How can you soar like an eagle when you fly with TURKEYS ?
  17. Colin sylvia will probably go along with James Frawley, is there anybody else with free agency at end of the season? I wouldnt blame any of them leaving, I would if I was a pro footballer with limited time left to make a mark on the game.I am so happy for Jarod Rivers getting a taste of playing in a successful and winning team. Why would they stay?with no hope, no success and not the slightest glimmer of it in the near future!!
  18. I would expect some measure of improvement, but not being blasted back to the footballing stone age!!! UNACCEPTABLE!!! after years of empty promises!! Rebuild on rebuild on rebuild, its a FARCE Look I love the club, but they are a joke and an embarrassment and it has been hopelessly managed from top to bottom for decades, lurching from crisis to crisis ad infinitum!!
  19. Look Pal, I have been a supporter of this Club for 60 years and I don't rock up to every game, but to say only a true supporter turns up when its all gone to Rats droppings is bull dust. we all contribute in many ways whether it be through your attendance at major debacles or you financially contribute with memberships. i wont be there tomorrow but will be there next week bringing my very aged mother,and , by the way , every time I have dragged her in we have always won handsomely and she is actually a Carlton supporter, well , I am not going to take her there am I!!! No its been 50 years of mostly heart ache and if I didn't have another life I would have gone stark staring crazy!!
  20. I think we need a priority pick when it comes to coaching staff and management !!
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