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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Come on Sam, at least play a good trade bait game!
  2. Geez now I've heard everything! I respect people who don't make winning everything but to take it to a point where you don't even like competition like that girl is bizarre!
  3. This is what I don't understand. We aren't asking for perfection or wins and awesome performances every time. We are asking for a level of commitment that is required to become a finals team that will hopefully go on to contend for top honours. I get all the cliches. I know its a two team sport and you can't win them all, I know the players probably do care and I know that its hard to play footy etc but for crying out loud we've had 8 stabs against top 9 sides and blown them all. All I would have liked was to win 2 of them, 20%! But you get made to feel like you're asking for too much by the numpties that are happy to be bottom feeders for the rest of their life.
  4. This has stuck in my craw all season. We were told it was going to burn in the guts but here we are, in the same position. Was all in our hands but we gassed it. Time is now. By Monday the time will have passed.
  5. They should include Psychology sessions in the membership. Sorry couldn't help it, never gets old!
  6. We really have no idea how that forward line will line up currently. If you do then maybe you can give me the lotto numbers as well.
  7. Yeah its a bit of same old same old when you hear that. "oh they weren't ready last week but this week they will be fired up!". Newsflash: This is the week. No more wake up calls this is it make or break. The reward will be incredible, the consequences will be absolutely dire.
  8. layzie


    Haha. Anyone seen the series Tom vs Time? Meant to be pretty good.
  9. layzie


    Certainly does. Will be interesting to see what happens in the AFC East when Brady finally goes.
  10. They seem to get sucked in by the crowd more than ever. They may not be but it certainly feels like it.
  11. Oh this is just my local gym tipping comp!
  12. Hope so, doesn't always help to be consistently liked in the media I guess.
  13. layzie


    Yeah that's right, sorry I meant more like who could challenge them in playoffs or even an AFC Championship game. As far as in division I'm sure the Bills, Jets and Dolphins are improving but it still seems laughable that they could mount a challenge.
  14. I will. I'm 7 behind the leader so gotta go all out now, might even pick Freo as well.
  15. Freo has a reasonable record and really should have won down there last year. Geelong are flakey, question is are they flakey enough to fall over MFC style in a game that matters like this?
  16. Pretty concerned. I can definitely see us getting the raw end of the stick. Can only hope its not to the levels of the Port game, that was a complete tire fire.
  17. Yeah absolutely. You see so many perennial loser teams over the years finally break through that it just feels like we are the one that everyone has forgotten about and continues. Everyone gets their Cinderella story except us.
  18. layzie


    He may but gee who are the challengers? The Steelers, Colts and Bengals just seem like 'nearly men' teams. Sorry if that's harsh. I would like to see Luck get a full go at it with a half decent line.
  19. This is something I can really get behind, unfortunately I've never heard Kelly linked once with us not even a whimper of speculation. Just seems like wishful thinking at this stage
  20. layzie


    All about the NFC no doubt about that! Always has been really ?
  21. Weather we like to admit it or not, we’ve had a pretty big target on our backs all year. Many people like Derm have been waiting to see us arrive so it’s little wonder they say things like this when we don’t.
  22. Yeah in my mind's eye I see a real gallant performance but falling short because it's a bridge too far. Then a whole lot of opposition people saying that we did well to rally them and that we should be proud and me having to tell them any less than a win didn't cut it. It's a big task
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