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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Still haven’t watched it yet, I recorded it so I could listen to the DL podcast!
  2. It hurts to barrack for the pies. It really does.
  3. Yeah not feeling good about his future with us at all now. Think that would be close to it.
  4. It has to be all about forward pressure this week. I was hoping Garlett could be part of it with his speed but they clearly don’t feel he can get it done.
  5. Couldn’t give a rats arse about some umpire retiring. Can probably only name 3 of them.
  6. layzie


    Love 30 for 30. Elway to Marino is one of the best they’ve done and I really liked This was the XFL. Really enjoyed The Two Bills that was well done. The U and Trojan War are also great if you have even a passing interest in College Football.
  7. That game was a total bullcrap fest.
  8. Homework tonight is to figure out how we can get Gaff. Have it on my desk tomorrow morning.
  9. Yep, reading my mind on that one. There was so much dispair after Rd 23 last year that we’d have to wait 12 months to have another shot at it. We absolutely need to get this monkey off the back it is crippling. The rest of what you said also resonated. We just need some more encouraging signs.
  10. The Bombers are definitely right to wait on his contract.
  11. Quite the inexperienced forward line really. Guys who are either raw KPP, have missed a lot of footy or very young. Not saying it’s bad but hope they know what they’re doing.
  12. Good luck with that one Ken. Jack Watts is what we thought he was.
  13. Bit sick of this crap to be honest. We have a system in place to help struggling clubs and if you get things half right you should be competitive. Brisbane have set the precedent now when it never should have happened. Carlton fans still think the AFL owes them for the salary cap punishments that were to be fair over the top at the time but gee didn’t they tank enough to make up for that?
  14. Me too. Garlett only needs a few chances and can make something out of nothing. Not to mention would probably relish the conditions. Hannan will need to kick a couple AMD bring some serious pressure.
  15. Would have kept Garlett and not bother with Hannan personally but maybe it could work.
  16. I don't get the title. Is weak 2 something to do with the mentally weak discussion? Its 5 and I need a beer.
  17. We need to be desperate. The culture has been what it has been and its up to these guys to create their own new culture. It can absolutely happen.
  18. Come on Sam, at least play a good trade bait game!
  19. Geez now I've heard everything! I respect people who don't make winning everything but to take it to a point where you don't even like competition like that girl is bizarre!
  20. This is what I don't understand. We aren't asking for perfection or wins and awesome performances every time. We are asking for a level of commitment that is required to become a finals team that will hopefully go on to contend for top honours. I get all the cliches. I know its a two team sport and you can't win them all, I know the players probably do care and I know that its hard to play footy etc but for crying out loud we've had 8 stabs against top 9 sides and blown them all. All I would have liked was to win 2 of them, 20%! But you get made to feel like you're asking for too much by the numpties that are happy to be bottom feeders for the rest of their life.
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