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Everything posted by Suzanna

  1. It's a pretty woeful game though isn't it? Was going to go, but being sick all week made it too easy for me to pike out and spend the night watching the telly from the couch. I am glad I didn't go now. At least that goal from Green was nice to see, but a few more would be better!
  2. How annoying is that? Footy should not be slave to the TV stations, but the AFL has clearly sold us out for all that lovely ca$h. Has Channel 7 never hear of filler programs? I like the 2.10 game, a 3.15 start is going to take a big chunk out of the evening, particularly when the next day is a (brace yourself for the use of a four letter word) WORK day.
  3. You are upset that he contacted the club AFTER the police? Hmmm. The police should have been his first call - he had to report the damage done by his vehicle. Yes, leaving the scene was not the right thing to do, but calling the police first was the right thing to do. If I had a car accident, I am sure I would be calling the police before my employer. And yes, I do have a position where my ethics count, so my employer could take action against me if I committed an offence (which Colin didn't in this case). Gee, give the kid a break - he is a young man (if memory serves from when I was that age, common sense is still developing, particularly in the male of the species) - he obviously realised he was in no condition to drive so gave the keys to his mate. Yes he left the scene of the accident, but you know what? If there were people there with camera phones (as apparently there were), he probably panicked, thinking of the bad publicity that was going to ensue. No-one was hurt, so taking off didn't put anyone at risk of injury. He probably wanted to clear out, get home, and make some phone calls from home. If the driver of the vehicle had stayed behind as he was legally obliged to do, then this story would have been a mere blip on the media radar. So the only thing Colin really did wrong, was to drink before training, which is why he was dropped from the IR team. This reaction from the club is more in the nature of a knee jerk one, and an overreaction. Yes, these young men are role models, but they are also human beings, with human failings. I think Colin's 'offence' is on the lower scale of some of the things that footy players have done in recent years, and really not deserving of all this hysteria. Did he hit anyone? Did he rape anyone? No. He was a passenger in a car that was involved in an accident, and he went home. He then called the police as he was supposed to do as the owner of the vehicle involved. Get off his back.
  4. Congratulations, and why didn't you sign up the new bub while still in hospital?
  5. Why would someone do such a thing? Why not? People lie all the time, particularly if they think it will grab them some fame (chk chk boom springs to mind) or they have a grudge, or for some other reason. I would put more weight on the fact that the bar owner/manager made a public statement saying Beamer did NOT pee in his bar. Unsubstantiated rumours are a wonderful thing, because you don't have to prove anything but can malign anyone you choose.
  6. I used to drive a Mini that only cost $400. Of course, that was when $10 would fill the tank.... Wonderful cars the old minis. I used to fit myself, my baby, his pram and the week's shopping into the car. I laugh when I see prospective parents rushing out to buy a station wagon so they can fit in the gear - all you need is a mini! Too bad it didn't have any door locks though - ever wondered why Mr Bean has a padlock on his? Well, now you know why!
  7. It must also be reported to police if there is property damage and the owner isn't present - however that again is a driver obligation. While Col wasn't driving, he probably needs to think twice before he hands his keys to a mate!
  8. Supposedly we get to play GC & GWC twice - hopefully that will just be four wins of many! Nothing wrong with being an optimist!
  9. To quote Meatloaf: "You took the words right out of my mouth"
  10. It would be good if we could have a couple of choices each year - if you didn't want the scarf (I sewed all mine together into a blanket, because to be honest, how many scarves can you wear?) you could pick option A or B. A couple of years ago there was a choice - the pashmina scarf or the tie - but how about scarf or alternative A or alternative B? Would it be too difficult to administer?
  11. Yes, but the chewy was always that awful, hard, floury one. Ah, there's some memories.
  12. I know, I love the "yellow and black" bit that is shouted out. Nothing like exercising the lungs at the footy is there? Funnily enough, I remember reading about a poll done of footy fans - out of all theme songs, Richmond was the favourite. Can't hear ours enough though!
  13. Yes, while not wanting to take anything away from Geelong's victory, all that blather about them being the 'greatest team ever' is a revisionist version of football history, surely?
  14. Has everyone seen this? It is hysterical: (Youtube)
  15. Trengove will make a good captain, but not just yet. He shows all the signs of leadership, but is still very young and needs time to mature first. Making him captain too soon would not be good for his development. Awarding him with number 9 was a prophetic move!
  16. Now that WHAT was said has become public, I am even MORE of the opinion that McGinnity was deserving of a penalty. Perhaps a more appropriate penalty would be for McGinnity to explain himself to some victims of sexual assault - since he obviously thinks that threatening to rape a woman is a funny joke, he might want the chance to explain his sense of humour to someone who has survived such an assault. Or maybe he could front the families of a victim who was murdered afterwards to cover up such a crime? What was said is SO far removed from "your Mum is ugly" or "I bonked your Mum last night" there is no excuse. It is not sledging. It is not acceptable. It is not footy. Remember that rape is not about sex, it is about violence. If someone had threatened this violence to YOUR mum (wife/girlfriend,daughter,etc...), would it still be ok? Watching the footage again, I was happy to see Red and Blue in there. I wondered what the fracas was about at the game. Had I known, I would have been waiting at the carpark to confront the creep myself. If you know women who are survivors of sexual assault, and you see the impact of this on their lives and the lives of their family, you would probably also be upset about this. If you have also seen the latest reports, you will hear Ricky saying that he didn't report the issue, but the umpires overheard it. While the umps often drive me nuts with their overuse of the whistle, they made the right call on reporting this one. This is not about the AFL trying to be warm and fuzzy, but a club reacting to something unacceptable done by one of their players. And remember they only reacted because the umps heard, if that had not happened, WC would have let him get away with it. This is not 'political correctness gone wrong' but instead it is a case of sending a message that threats such as this are not acceptable. To those of you who think that this sort of behaviour is ok, shame on you. For those of you who don't think that women are meaningful in an AFL context - if all those little kiddies' mums withdrew their labour, there would be no AFL in a few years. Someone's MUM takes them to training, washes their gear, and does canteen duty. Someone's MUM makes sure they eat good food so they grow big and strong and able to play the game we all love to watch. Someone's MUM deserves a lot better than this.
  17. I don't know about scared, that was one hard tackle he put on to get the ball over the boundary line. I'm glad I wasn't the one he was tackling because I think I would still be laying on the turf!
  18. As a mum myself, I do find that offensive. Why should it be ok for someone to villify me, just to get a reaction from one of my children? Have they ever met me? Do they know me? I have been in a position where someone has personally attacked me just to hurt someone else - and it is a really bad feeling. If I have done something to offend someone, then fair enough if they voice their complaint, but don't just use me as a weapon. It's a substandard act, pulled by someone who obviously does not have enough faith in his footy to play it properly. Go Ricky, stand up for your Mum!
  19. You might think it's bad that our supporters didn't turn out - but remember it was Carlton's HOME GAME and they should have had a better turn out, particularly after last week's performance, surely they were confident of a win? Yet the crowd wasn't all that big - what does that say about Carlton supporters?
  20. I heard him (on the car radio in the carpark!) too, and the both of us had a good laugh over that! Yes, there were some funny decisions, but they went both ways, we got some we probably didn't deserve, but so did they. So the umpiring really had no effect on the contest. Go to the HS website and have a laugh reading all the Tigers supporters blaming the umpires for their loss today. The Tigers played well I thought, we just played better.
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