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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. Beggars cant be choosers Hawthorn is a good example A chance to increase memberships Also Etihad isn't the issue - it's the 16,000 game attendances at the G which hurt us more.
  2. Higher than GWS, St Kilda and hopefully WBD. Brisbane's current state should make for some interesting games.
  3. I'd say lets not get ahead of ourselves but somehow last night I put a keg on that we will finish higher than the Bulldogs. I'm excited about our trades this draft period but what I'm most excited about is to see Toumpas' and Viney's improvement. Go Dees!
  4. And his second cousin from Italy is Ravi Rioli On a serious note though something tells me that those 88kgs aren't all muscle. Would have to trim down a bit and if Garlett was available for P40 I'd rather pick him.
  5. You'd take him to the toilet store and I'd bring my trident
  6. Spot on; only thing stopping him from playing a full season was a hip injury.
  7. Sigh. It was a joke on the connection between David MacKay, Mr. McKay from South Park and his catch phrase: "Drugs are bad... mmmkay", and you saying you offered him bikkies. It's a tough life being a modest, ridiculously good looking comedic genius... and anal moron.
  8. Yeah, jump on board with the rest of us!
  9. The current collar might not be the traditional peak collar, but collars have been around on guernsey's since the 10 rules of the MFC when there was far more contact.
  10. Remember because North have had to use #8 on MacDonald (FS) our pick is really #8. You could also extend that and say that because GWS are having to pick up Boyd at #1, in terms of mids our pick is really #7. As others pointed out there isn't too much depth this draft - but pick 9 leaves us still in the thick of it with quite a few great options! Ps, I know what you mean though.
  11. Pick 2 will let us have first dibs at the best midfielder in the country through the draft, not to mention trades - a golden opportunity. Got to think long-term here. I'd rather a star such as Aish or Shiel than one good player (Buggs) who we would have to play in a different position, one unproven (Buntine) and pick 9 which considering the depth of this draft isn't the best (I'd be going for Freeman but you've got to hope someone else doesn't him up inbetween). Vince (and hopefully Cross) will provide a short-term immediate impact; not to mention Toumpas, Viney and Evans improving next year.
  12. I dont like the Bugg and Buntine deal. We've got enough defenders (Frawley, Garland, T Mac, Terlich, Clisby, Grimes, Strauss and there is always Pedersen who did improve towards the end of the season) We need mids, and a star so its either Shiel or to the draft and get Aish.
  13. If you ever need to hire a car don't forget about Hertz - they do a good deal (15% off if within Australia)
  14. Kate Upton... type her name and cat daddy into youtube and you can thank me later Or staring contest.
  15. Well played. I like it. But if Silvia compo is band 3 - possibly use it on Jones and use Pick 20 +36 on Vince and Lyons?
  16. However it is believed that Thomas (4 year contract) is going to have better compensation than Franklin (9 year contract). Given Sylvia's age, previous contract, and contract at Freo - I'm hoping for Band 3 but might be Band 4.
  17. Feels more like a marathon these days instead of a sprint... not to mention groundhog like: "Carlton is interested in XXX, Carlton is interested in YYY, Carlton is interested in anything with a pulse, scrap that Carlton is interested even if it doesn't have a pulse"
  18. You're right, in terms of disposals that was his worst game all season. PS, lucky you didn't see him in Round 4 against us!
  19. I know what you mean, but from what I've heard about this draft and where we are currently/what we need it would be the best use of pick 2. Also as is he would be our second best mid not bad for a 20 year old. Would love to see if the club is proposing more than a straight swap, ie pick 2 + Sylvia compo for Shields and a better pick.
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