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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. In short Barrett is sensationalising regarding "serious doubt to when he will be able to play again" Dawes thinks he will be a star and recovery doesn't have a specific frame but not going to rush anything (could very well be this month, the next - who knows - long term priorities) Barrett thinks there will be a meeting... doesn't know which week, or with who, but there will be a meeting (insightful) Barrett still has an ugly baby face Barrett: "Thank you Gaz, um, talking about a young Melbourne player then in Christian Salem, but there has been a significant set back to another young Melbourne gun [*checks iPad because its too hard to remember 2 names*], by the name of Jesse Hogan. We know that he is yet to make his AFL début because of stress fractures in his back and what we can tell you tonight is those stress fractures have not responded to the initial rehab program set by down for him by the footy club [*TV in the background showing Hogan stretching his back several times*] and that right now there is serious doubt to when he will be able to play football again. The club today has confirmed to us... Lyon: [*interjects*] "What, again at all or again this year?" Barrett: "Again this yea- well he hasn't even played a game as you know and there is serious doubt to when he will be able to play - [*doesn't really answer GL's question and continues to read the Teleprompter which begs the question as to why he has the dicky iPad - it doesn't make him look anymore important than the joke he is*] the club Gaz has confirmed to us today that he has had a set back in what Josh Mahoney, the head of football, said is that the club is compiling all information relating to the stress fracture in his back, there's going to be a meeting this week, or early next week [*good use of not saying a concrete date or week*] with Hogan [*you'd hope so...*] and all other key play-[*stutters*]-people to work out what the next steps are. I mean Mahoney did say he wanted, expected, or hoped [*which is it?*] Hogan would be back in the side next month but we can tell you that there is serious doubt when that may be the case. Mahoney did add what they are doing with Hogan is they are committed to what is best for him. We'll just ask Chris while we are talking about Hogan, its obviously tough what he is going through [*why didn't you just wait to ask Hawkins... he could tell you from first hand experience*] Dawes: "Yeah definitely, I think you know the frustration for him being a young bloke with a lot of hype around him and the fact that we need key forwards out there that will be the most frustrating thing for him but, ah, I think the club has said and they're going to take what I think is the right approach which is not worry about him playing this season - although I think he will he could well play in a month - they'll worry about a young key position bloke who's going to be a star for 10 years and they'll wont rush him. Particularly with a back injury, there's no point trying to rush him back risking further damage" [*Fin*]
  2. I raise you Jeremy Howe. He had some crackers last year, and the ones that didn't were some of the best hospital kicks going around.
  3. I don't blame him - have you guys tried driving in Sydney?... nightmare
  4. Exceeded: Tyson - Unfortunately been tagged by the best but his earlier performances were great Spencer - No Gawn or Jamar and has had to fill the void. Has a lot to improve but I like his pressure and pace, particularly in a team which has been lacking effort Pedersen - Better than last season and has some value with our constant injuries both back and forward Dunn - Saw him training with Frawley running up and down Anderson Street Hill over summer which has paid off and has stopped the silly decisions Frawley - Didn't think him going forward would work, and proved very wrong Met: (not meant to be negative, expected big things from these guys and they have met them) N. Jones Dawes JHK
  5. They way I viewed last week was that JKH was more annoyed than Dawes (see him [JKH] saying sorry, looking agitated at the next bounce and smacking his hand) He backed himself and kicked a goal - can't be too upset with that!
  6. Macaffer proved valuable just tagging Cotchin (and in response to your previous post did give away 4 frees) Just playing the devils advocate, and I agree with everything else you've said
  7. Had to punch a wall to feel manly again... Go Dees!!!
  8. The players get paid on average $250k, I'm sure if they are legitimately concerned they could fork out some of their own money, instead of their cash strapped club's, for a few sessions.
  9. Considering we might only win a couple... upset of the season
  10. I did see him lay some tackles and give someone a tour of the stadium. Also saw him put in some second efforts and pressured Mumford the whole time - even when he dropped forward. I think he had an ok game, better than most!
  11. I did see him lay some tackles and give someone a tour of the stadium. Also saw him put in some second efforts and pressured Mumford the whole time - even when he dropped forward. I think he had an ok game, better than most!
  12. Would have been good if Brad Johnson could have pronounced Melbourne right most of the time. Its not "Malburn", like its not "Wasturn" Bulldogs
  13. This whole blame the culture and development really grinds my gears. The players need to taken some serious responsibility. At the end of the day the club has gone through two boards, two presidents, two CEOs, two coaches, and numerous staff... whats the largest common demoninator? I'll give you a hint; it's the people who actually play. Subjected to 'Melbourne conditioning' - spare me. They get paid on average $250k, and if you're a Melbourne player, for not a lot of work. If they think they will be the best, or elite, just by doing what's required of them then not only are they lazy but dumb. Ablett, Swan, Cotchin, you get the picture, do you think they got to where they are just by going what's required of them? Do you think they needed people to hold their hand and tell them that their job is from 9 to 5 but their career is made from what they do outside of that? If Jones thinks some players didn't try last week then he should go to Roos and request for them to be dropped. Exactly what the leadership squad at Essendon did this week with Courtenay Dempsey and his training standards. They don't deserve to play. Not to mention that the players who have to carry them and the supporters deserve better - I'd rather see a worse list but effort than whatever that was last week. When will the tide turn? When this lazy, overpaid, and gutless list take some responsibility and when the supporters demand better from them instead of also blaming everything else under the sun. The players should take a bit of inspiration from Harry Truman and I don't mean the misconstrued interpretation that the blame goes through the chain of command and stops at the top... Your decisions are your responsibility. Don't blame anyone else.
  14. So if Jones thinks players werent trying their hardest you would assume they that they wont be selected next week? If they arent going to try, dont play them. Id rather see a worse line up but full of players that will try than what we witnessed on the weekend... Ball is your court Jones and Roos
  15. Third q, in the first 10 minutes... Had the chance to bump him too.
  16. Haha I know. Currently at the club Jones and Dawes. External options? Possibly a few out of Sydney soon in response to the whole taking a pay cut for Franklin issue. All we have to offer is money or a place on a list for an older star getting pushed out (ie Chapman) Both Geelong and Hawthorn have an ageing list which might fit this.
  17. Toumpas, Tyson, Hogan and Viney. They will be our superstars.
  18. I thought last trade period that Stevens was categorically out of bounds despite their willingness to trade anyone else (ie McEnvoy).
  19. Got shut down pretty well as a response for Q1- expected. Dont think they can keep it up Kicked back because of injuries to the forwardine - expected. Not the end of the world. Expecting a big last half for us.
  20. OD hope you can see this - cant multi quote on my phone. There a few spots: 1) Aurora lane - its free but not alot of spots and fill up very early 2) Fox's car show building - they have limited parking for around $10 off memory 3) Under Etihad - dont bother. Its $30 and a s**tstorm to get out after the game 4) Private parking opposite Etihad under ground - too expensivr 5) Woolworths at the end of bourke (keep going past NAB and down to the end) - $12 and about a 10 min walk 6) Repremand centre - apparently free but havent been and about a 10-15 min walk 7) Street parking - most of them expire around 6 30 -7:30 and are 1 - 2 hrs so will cost you maybe $5 unil its unlimited. More near the NAB building It just depends how early you get there. Personally i search for street parking near NAB and if none i drive further down and pay the flat $12 at Woolworths (becareful of your entry tjme and when thr flat rate starts!) Hope this helps!
  21. Saw him training before the new year with Frawley sprinting up Anderson Street Hill around the Tan.
  22. Spot on. Will be a different story when we have a full forward set up - but chances are this year we will rarely have Clark, Hogan, Dawes, Howe, JKH/Trengove all playing at once.
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