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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. So Hird still gets paid but his payment for 2014 is paid in 2013... What a croc. Fundamentally he is better off having his 2014 salary paid in a lump sum in 2013 than originally (periodically throughout the 2014 year). Laughable.
  2. Amazing that this saga has cost them around $3.9 million so far. If the players (more like when) they get served this cost will sky rocket and it wont be pretty...
  3. Alot of pretty disgusting comments in this thread. These schemes are made to lure people in. Madoff's ponsie scheme got up to around $50 billion by the time he was caught. From what the media has been saying this seems alot more detailed. It's a bit cowardly to plug a bloke who made a mistake in his personal life on an online forum behind a keyboard when no one knows your financials. It's a personal issue, nothing to do with the club. Shut it down or move it to the general thread.
  4. I reckon that's spot on. Right now they probably have enough on Hird and co (just speculating), but they way I see it is that Dank's information cements everything and also would show who took what. The final nail in the coffin of sorts.
  5. Already been done for next season. Not to mention the EFC still makes them more profit than other teams like us and the Bulldogs + imagine the pro-EFC stuff the club will have the media pushing through... "they are deliberately discriminating against us, we've got our penalties, they are trying to run us into the ground blah blah blah". Would draw unwanted drama to Vlad when he is trying to repair the ALF's and his image. It's aggressive view which I don't like and a move which the club pre-Little wouldn't have done.
  6. Yep. The last person to cross Vlad was Evans (remember the investigation tip off? Vlad tipped of Evans, Evans told everyone at the emergency meeting Vlad called him, Hird's PR camp, most likely, leaked it later)... a couple of days after that was leaked Evans quit. Coincidence? Me thinks not.
  7. At the same time though why should Essendon care? The AFL have fined them and that's that, nothing the AFL can do now - should have put it in writing. Also this way Hird, who will most likely end up wearing all this including a shortened career, gets paid and keeps quiet. I don't particularly agree with this view, and Essendon are hedging their bets because if ASADA/WADA come down tough with player sanctions their sponsors, players and most importantly supporters will go... then they will be back at the AFL HQ asking for aid. Don't bite the hand that will probably end up feeding you!
  8. Ultimately with what has been leaked and published, anything Dank says will incriminate him. My guess is that they are building the case in a way that they pre-Dank interview they will have enough to charge him with something and then give him a deal for the truth on Hird/EFC and all the 'lost' documents on who received what.
  9. Spot on. What's the big deal? Behind the tough bravado the EFC and AFL were always going to try and make a deal. The AFL sanctions were a farce - this all ends with ASADA.
  10. Best unappreciated joke on DL.An innocent victim of the likes tab being removed. Kudos.
  11. Hope Jordie turns in something like Crowley. Very similar. Was nothing and going to be dropped pre-Llyon and now one of the best taggers in the league.
  12. + Allegedly May tried to get Rihanna's autograph
  13. Is there a link or can someone expand on Bails concussion issue?
  14. Should have got more for the Strauss incident considering his rap sheet and he challenged it.
  15. Don't know if that's entirely fair. I thought we traded him to Sydney and he ended up leaving the Swans for Collingwood to come back to Victoria because his wife had severe postnatal depression.
  16. From what I've read from the papers it was pretty clear cut. He took a non-match day only supplement, by a supplement company he is sponsored by, on a match day. 18 month suspension, back dated so 16 months from now for a single event involving one person and an energy drink. Imagine the penalties for a systematic, structured drug program involving tens of thousands of dollars, an entire team and multiple banned, performance enhancing drugs.
  17. A pastime? You have been a member on this site for just over 2 years and since 'contributed' over 4 thousand rude, narcissistic and anti-social posts. Get another hobby - I can't imagine this is too healthy.
  18. "I see no difference between the talent available at picks 2 and 9. guys like Lennon and Freeman are every bit as good as Aish and Scharenberg" You seemed to rate him not that long ago. Freeman is a good prospect, but we picked another good prospect. Just leave it at that and wait till they play a game.
  19. Viney, Salem, Toumpas, Tyson Building a very exciting foundation. Now combine that with Jones, Cross, Vince, if Evans and McKenzie can get up and with Michie as a development player we might have a midfield!!
  20. I thought the "hardest team to play against" was in response to what he wanted to make the MFC into. What would you have said, "to be a mediocre team", "to sometimes be a hard to play against, other times easy". He hoped, tried and failed. We have a new coach - time to move on. But If you're and outsider and read DL I wouldn't be surprised if you thought he hung out with CW, kicked an old lady down the stairs, was a smug racist and in his spare time kayaks out to sea and turns back the boats, slashed your tyres, was a struggling mayor of Toronto, and pooped on your car.
  21. What I'd like to feel like in 2014... St Kilda Bulldogs Brisbane
  22. Glad he has your approval WYL. Do I, or anyone else for that matter, have your approval to be part of the Demon family? It's a joke how personal people take things.
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