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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. Game plan is good, execution was poor. 60 more disposals but considerably less inside 50s and where it matters - on the scoreboard. A lot of new players, so good to learn and get this over and done with in the NAB and not the h&a season!
  2. He was hitting out to advantage for Brisbane last season!
  3. Haha its now at U18's. U16's was a bit tasteless but mind you so is Nixon!
  4. Seriously excited gents. Hope you're all ready to be beaten by Ricky's favourite chicks!
  5. If anyone is interested in average time spent on ground here is a good link As RPFC pointed out not alot of midfielders play more than 90%, but exceptions are Ablett, McVeigh, Cornes and Mitchell.
  6. You're joking right? A loss which meant that Garland and Tommy Mac could step up, made room for Terlich and combined with Grimes this year will make a pretty formidable defense. Only thing he would have done is clog to the list with injury like he did to Geelongs.
  7. Probably would rather Clark, Hogan, Dawes, Cameron, Cloak, Schultz, Tippett, Franklin, Roughead, Pavlich... you get the picture. Howe won't be good as a FF as he would draw their #1 defender. He is best where he is most dangerous; in the forward pocket, with their #3/#4 defender.
  8. Dom Barry ($115,200) in the midfield. Anyone considering him? Definitely rate him higher than the rookie price he is given considering he has had an extra year on everyone. Only issue is that I can't see him breaking into the best 22 and getting regular games for a quick cash cow. If there are injuries then before him in line as replacements would be Evans, Salem or Barry. Having said that Roos said he doesn't expect Salem to play a lot of footy this year...
  9. I have included him but have him on the bench. It was a bit of a squeeze to get him on there (cant afford too many $200k plus benchers) But he will stay depending on when he is predicted to return. Might be better value to play someone and gain some money then purchase him. Either way, at that price and for his skills he will be in my team no matter what. Wbu?
  10. What Grant is trying to say is that he also saw $1.5 million and that it's hypocritical to say that they were so bad and needed me/I'm their savour when he is the same pay bracket as Clarkson. If you want a good coach, you have to pay good money. What I took from it was that Grant thinks he is the right man for the job and forecasting a bright future.
  11. This is a pretty good article in regards to fitness and including Garland's perspective. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-03-20/dees-were-unfit-last-year-garland Just because you don't believe other people and not willing to do your own research, doesn't mean they are wrong or the opposite might be true.
  12. Misson made several comments regarding the overall fitness - quoting 3 to 4 years to get to AFL standard - when he came under Neeld. He has pretty good experience coming from St Kilda's peak. I think the issue of fitness originated from both the end ND's era and DB. We relied on alot of experienced players to carry the team and when most of them were pushed out or retired we were left with an unfit and inexperienced list. The unfortunate thing about fitness is that you only get the preseason to improve it. During the season it's just maintenance, otherwise you will end up like Essendon in 2012 with 18+ soft tissue injuries.
  13. Glad you raised that up RR. Interestingly it wasnt long after that wass made public that Evans resigned.
  14. I think the only reason why the AFL dropped their case was if it went to court the AFL wouldnt have had enough at that stage to win (didnt know who took what and he can aviod that with patient privs.) and also some clever PR dropping those 'leaked' emails which made him look very good. His big test will be worksafe - he was the club doctor which presided over 4,000 injections, where no one knows who had what given, including banned substances (assuming) and substances not yet fit for human consumption (known). Not looking good! Does anyone knlw that, hypothetically, plagers were issued infractions for taking bammed substances they could sue Reid?
  15. My vote is with Fantasy. Whilst there is a usual $3k price increase on most top tier players on VS from Fantasy I don't like their pricing on bottom tier players. There is a big jump between new players and established players. When you combine this with a lower salary cap it does make it more interesting (if you make a mistake early on your done for) and means you wont be able to have the same line up as your FT. Also I prefer how in Fantasy you can search for players regardless of their position category and you can include them in your team even though you might be over the cap.
  16. PJ_12345


    Got to laugh at talking about degrees of BS-ness. From what I've heard that's right. At Sydney, when Roos would talk about your performance he would always say the nice stuff - then send you to the next room where Lyon was who would give you a bit of a grilling.
  17. "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." (Churchill) It's going to be a while till any infraction notices are given and then the [censored] storm will begin!
  18. The NAB Cup is like dancing with your sister [paraphrased Sheedy] That's why its important to play the younger guys, ie Barry, Michie, JKH. You'd think that Clark wouldn't play and Fitzy and Gawn might have a stint forward.
  19. DL keyboard warriors at their finest; someone does more community service than most people on this forum combined but still find the nerve to criticise. The award as a whole is flawed, it's silly to appoint one person Australian of the year over others. All should receive an order and that's it. But as for comments such as he does it part time in a sense it's half arsed are inane. As for the 13 year old girls comments... It was the indigenous round, emotions were high, what she said was wrong, and FFS he wasn't trying to shame her in front of the nation he was trying to show the security guard who said the comment so they could deal with it - it was the president of the club she supported which shamed her and went overboard.
  20. - Roughead is the raining coleman winner bc of the game plan I just talked about. - The fact they were planning to go together to the states should say a bit about how they train and work together - Clark can run when not injured - Dawes would be played a FF for that reason (good im a contest) ... I cant be bothered anymore. From my first post I have been describing a collective group, a team. All you have done is shown examples of individual members in situations where they have been for the most part by themselves. So let me revert back to my first point; if Dawes, Clark, Hogan and Howe could all play together - do you think we would be unstoppable up forward?
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