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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. Demoniac you're acting like we have a choice in the matter. It's here to stay. I don't mean to be too blunt but get used to it. We have the chance to re-sign Frawley until his contract expires and to match another offer (pretty sure he is restricted). The club needs to do everything in their capacity to keep players, and also to take advantages of FA. PS, if you're going to put in All Australian for Frawley then you should mention that Dawes is a premiership winner... and Cleo Bachelor of the Year
  2. Most likely band 3 - which would make it around pick 20 I think
  3. It's a matter of perspective; some see opportunity in threats and some see threats in opportunity. I've always seen it as a good opportunity for struggling clubs to poach good players at good clubs who struggle to get a game (such as Dawes). There is a case that compensation does not take into consideration where the club is on the ladder and the difference between the compensation which is a pick at a young player in the draft compared to the existing, experienced player who is leaving but these picks can be traded and as Machiavelli said its up to the clubs to figure how to use this to their best advantage - it's not going to go away.
  4. I also saw that in the Herald Sun. But its believed that Carlton did up to three medicals and are happy enough to offer him $700,000 a year.
  5. Come on now BH. You've turned someone's post which was saying Silvia was more important to our list than others have suggested (which is sub industry standard) to a comparison of the Swan's midfield (significantly above industry standard) - not to mention a specific comparison to Mitchell who is an exemption nonetheless when it comes to rookies. As Theox said - you're not comparing apples to apples; you're trying to compare tomatoes to Japanese Watermelon.
  6. Can someone change the title of the thread to: "Colin Silvia going... going... gone"
  7. Heard this the other day: Grisly Adams did have a beard.
  8. Can he please please take a few extra steps back from the mark when kicking... has to be the most smothered player on the list and his hospital kicks turned what little leads there were into a pack contest.
  9. You know what they say; self-admission is the first step! You've only got another 11 steps to go!
  10. Since Round 13 Tippett had the most amount of kicks to when inside their 50 out of any other player in the league. When he was injured it showed they relied on him too much and had no one to fall back on (something Collingwood should be worried about...) Makes sense for them to offer so much to Buddy. With him and Tippett playing it will be an imposing set up. But might cause some issues when their young guns want a pay rise.
  11. Thanks for clearing that od... think its time I start wearing my glasses again - dont know how I missed that. Its a good question. Normally it isn't a career ending injury for smaller players however for taller players it can be a very serious issue - very fiddly Good to hear that his recovery is going well though and it was good of the club to send someone over with Dawes and Clark to help them. Hate for anything to happen and it get worse
  12. I think for the QB game against Collingwood they scored 6 goals directly from turnovers. Silvia was on around 45% for effective disposals that game...
  13. Bring back Nathan Carroll! Rate the display picture
  14. Rubbish game from Freo - in particular Dawson, Fyfe and Ballantyne. Inexperience and nerves cost what could have very easily have been theirs.
  15. I heard that Carr had promised Martin he would get him on $600k and that's why contract talks have taken so long... don't make promises you can't keep! You're right about his dad though. Last night on the Footy Show Riewoldt said something along the lines that Martin has to talk about the offer with his manager and dad. You don't hear publicly about Watts needing to talk about his contract with his dad, or Silvia, or Thomas, or Shaw, or anyone...
  16. For what? Pick 88? Contracted till next year, wouldn't get anything for him if traded so better to wait and see for another season
  17. Pretty naive but I'm amazed how all of this comes down to organised crime... latest club to fall under ASADAs gaze are 6 players from the Roosters after testing which showed elevated hormone levels of these players were found on a crime figures phone.
  18. It's all about our improving the midfield, turnovers and fitness. I don't think if everything goes to plan we would be any where near Port's improvement - towards the end of the season they were playing like a regular finals team and that die hard attitude is something that can't be taught. To be honest I just want us to beat St. Kilda, Brisbane and Carlton...
  19. They tried to do it with snow sports and also set up part of their school at Mt Buller - failed, cost too much money and had to shut it down.
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