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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. We have... just been the opposition kicking them!
  2. They have trained together, ffs Dawes and Clark went overseas together to train this preseason. Think about it this way. Franklin took every oppositions #1 defender and dragged them in to the mid all year leaving Roughhead with the #2 leaving Gunston with the #3. We can do the same thing with Clark, Dawes, Hogan and Howe. Howe would draw the #4 defender... #4. That would worry any defence... Quick paced Clark, Hogan and Dawes who are a bit agro and would run through you and you have Howe who prefers to mark on top of you... With the exception of Hogan, they are proven, no one apart from you has disputed that. But as i referenced its a matter of if they can all play together due to their injuries.
  3. Dawes, Clark, Hogan, Howe Dawes, Clark, Hogan, Howe If they can play all together we will be unstoppable... as a mate put it - what team can man all of them effectively? Throw in JKH and thats a headache for any opposition. Say it again! Dawes, Clark, Hogan, Howe
  4. PJ_12345


    Priorities people. Just get the formalities over and get back to whats important - getting ready for the season so we can win some games.
  5. Daniher would be hoping they don't play him in the ruck. Wouldn't stand a chance against any much bigger bodied, established opposition.
  6. Thompson hired the Weapon at Geelong and brought him to Essendon. Who knows what will happen to Hird. Lol, when you look at what's happened so far, his club has copped the biggest fine in history but he still has a job lined up after his suspension AND he still is getting paid.
  7. Goes without saying. But the majority (2/3) of all Essendon supporters I have talked with, whilst ashamed, still believe JH will be coaching again. RE the other stuff, thats just my personal view.
  8. Nixon'sChicksU18s... ready to make some more bad choices!
  9. Try saying that to a Essendon supporter - I have and its futile... "No you're wrong. Trust me Hird will be coaching again." Worrying. I can't see a future for AD or JH after this. Someone will have to be the scapegoat. Evans and Corcoran are gone, Reid has a probably the best image after the AFL dropped their charges and Thompson is small compared to Hird. Just a matter of time till Hird gets thrown under the bus and labelled as a loose cannon.
  10. Only reason I want a statement is to make them squirm after reading Little's comments at their last AGM
  11. Someone posted that Worksafe should (speculating) make a move after ASADA's investigation as they will be relying on most of their information. Makes sense when you think about it, but their silence has been a bit deafening. At least come out with a statement!
  12. A better question of association would be, who brought the Weapon to Essendon? Where did the Weapon previously work? Who did the AFL charge? Who was coaching when Geelong bulked up so much?
  13. Food for thought; http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/pokie-licence-debt-forcing-rsl-and-community-clubs-to-close/story-fni0fit3-1226686865712 Lets take Collingwood as a random example, on average one of their machines brings in $68,000 (gross). Take away licence fees and maintenance and things start to get interesting. I'm not saying they aren't profitable, they are very, but outside the tax free nature of football clubs if you don't have the right location and business, after the costs and tax you can very easily loose like the people who play them. Edit; unsure if figure is gross or net.
  14. Can a mod correct his name on the thread title? (bit hypocritical from someone who misspelt Trengrove for too long)
  15. True Sue. Haha I have no doubt Hird is in some capacity still actively involved.
  16. An article earlier this week re Hird's payments put the total costs so far for the drug saga to around $3.9m! They better hope that the players don't get infraction notices. Otherwise the sponsors will run, supporters will be fed up, and they will be staring down a $5m + hole. Then the only way they can plug it will be a generous donation from Little himself.
  17. You're wrong in the sense that he earned his $1 million not for doing nothing, but for doing the wrong thing! Hypothetically, if he is charged by ASADA what happens to the million? If you're a paid up member would you be happy if you donated money to the club, particularly considering this has cost them to date just under $4 million, and Hird who was at the helm of all of this has been paid?! He shouldn't have taken the money. Not with how much he has cost and damaged the club, players and supporters. On the other hand maybe he knows what's coming and getting as much as he can get before the charges. PS: Great last line! 4,000+ injections... OVER FOUR THOUSAND! What's more worrying is WorkSafe's silence.
  18. Signed in but cant see any forums, not even the normal forums viewed as a guest.
  19. "A life" wasn't meant to be rude; it's the only reason I can think of. I just tried to make an account to see what else could stop me from just signing up and looking at the forum. It asked me an Essendon related question "to protect from spammers" and after I clicked register this popped up: "Thank you XXX. Your registration has been successful. The administrator wishes to preview all new registered accounts before posting permissions are granted. The administrator has been notified of your registration."
  20. A life... Don't shoot the messenger. Just repeating what I read!
  21. Probably was, and just moved to the private forum for all ASADA/Drug threads, so people like us cant read it.
  22. I think during The Weapon's interview the site went into melt down so they made a separate forum only available to members (I remember reading an admin post on the site saying this and all ASADA/Drug related threads will be moved there). It was a great read prior to that though!
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