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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. It looks like the regular losses are really starting to take a mental toll on some supporters. Hang in there champ, things will turn around!
  2. Hopefully with another number 1 pick, and the addition of a number 2 pick, the spotlight will come off Watts, and he can develop without being under the microscope as much as he is now. With Scully, he should be good to go round 1, and be picking up touches from the outset, so you wouldn't imagine he would cop it to the same extent as Watts.
  3. I've gotta say, I'm not as bullish as some. The young list we are assembling, with the addition of a few more young guns this year, will provide a terrific platform to build on, and see future success. But the problem is our midfield. We are a number of years away from having our young midfield develop into one that can challenge for finals football, so I'm tipping we won't see finals until 2014. A few more years of pain to come unfortunately!
  4. I'm a long term Wheatley fan, and still think he has a lot to offer. Because he hasn't played for a while, I think people forget how good he can be. And if blokes like Guerra and Dew can play in premiership teams, then there's no reason a player like Wheatley couldn't when he is up and firing. The problem is, with the young players still a number of years away, he won't be around to see it.
  5. Is there a double standard going on here with Watts? He clearly isn't ready, yet has been fast tracked into the team. From what I've seen, he really hasn't contributed a lot in his first two outtings. If Lynden Dunn played the previous 2 weeks, we would have seen more output. Don't get me wrong, I think Watts will be an absolute cracker for us, but I just don't think he is ready yet. He hasn't fought hard and earnt his spot in the team. So what is the right way to go. It tells me that by playing him, we are not genuinely serious about winning games at the moment, because he is being carried, and we effectively go in half a player less than the opposition each week. Without a full preseason, and much greater match fitness, he will continue to be carried. I don't have a problem with the club going down this path, and getting games into him........it's great experience for him..........but let's not get too upset when we continue to lose each week, because the focus clearly isn't on winning, but development.
  6. We may not be officially tanking, but we are playing a multiple of players clearly not ready to play senior football at this stage. In the end, we get the same result!
  7. Etihad has nothing on the "G" but I'd rather Etihad than Waverley! I don't mind the place...........been there for plenty of Victory games, and the occasional MFC game, and it's not that bad!
  8. I reckon the way the forward line has been structured all year has aided the tanking process, as has the team selection on Friday night! I told a mate of mine who is a Bombers supporter (who was worried they were playing us) that from the team selected, there was no way in hell we would beat the Bombes on Friday night. I'm not sure why people were suprised by the result..........it was orchestrated from our end!
  9. Some genuine common sense at last! Watts will be a gem, make no mistake about it! And Hannabal, you are spot on with the midfield..........our ability to butcher the footy by foot is without compare in the AFL at present. We need some genuine class in the midfield, and need it fast, otherwise it will make no difference who we have up forward. I rate the Bombers midfield as junk, and they clearly outclassed our mids last night.
  10. If I had a choice of any coach going around, then I'd say Paul Roos. Having said that, I'm happy with Bailey, and hope he is the one to deliver premiership success!
  11. I'm not generally one to be critical of MFC players, but on Newton I'll make an exception.............I don't think he's going to make it!
  12. One being better than the other discussions now is futile! Having said that, Natanui looks like being a cracker..............but I think Watts will be a ripper for us as well........both clubs will win!
  13. I agree..........it's been great seeing him improve over the last few weeks, and hope he can keep it up! I always held out hope for Col because his talent was clear to see, just the application was lacking. He would need to deliver a few seasons of consistent footy, and start acting like a leader around the club before he would even be up for consideration. Still a long, long way away IMO..........but not impossible if he wants it. He is starting from a long way back in the respect stakes.
  14. Some really smart suggestions here............so we trade off / retire our current midfield.....so who then plays in there. Don't say trade players without coming up with alternatives...........it shows a genuine lack of imagination, and also isn't even being remotely realistic!
  15. What a great read! I think it's great this article has come out and explained exactly where Col is at................supporters have always wanted to love him, but he's just given us very little opportunity to over the years. Hopefully he can continue his steady improvement, and from the sounds of it, the penny has finally dropped for him. Good luck Col!
  16. Nice work! I'll go with 71,334
  17. Who cares what the public perception is! There's a positive buzz around the club, and this just adds to it. I've never been more excited as a supporter when we've be so low on the ladder in all my life. It doesn't matter whether he has 5 goals, or only gets 5 touches............it's another piece of the puzzle coming together, and I think it's great. We're a good chance to win the game, so for me, Monday cannot come quick enough!
  18. A gig on the Footy Show last week, and now a go on One Week At A Time......................succession planning?
  19. Absolutely agree.............I've never seen him run so hard and freely and unhindered........it's great to see!
  20. Wow........what a suggestion..........have you ever considered a career in coaching?
  21. Trade Brock.....what a ripping idea. I've got my new thread ready to go after next weeks game "Trade Cale Morton!"
  22. In the words of the many great footballing ignoramuses that make regular contributions on here "Trade him!"
  23. Go Brock! He's doing a great job......doesn't seem nervous at all!
  24. You would like to think that our recent move back to being aligned with the MCC will see our financial arrangement eventually improve. It annoys me knowing that Collingwood gets a better stadium deal from the MCC than we do!
  25. Hang on a sec.........just read this, and felt obliged to object.........Bell's disposal is awful, yet you want Newton back in??????? And you lose all credibilty calling for Junior to go out.........at least be serious! I slightly agree with Bate........not sure he has been completely shocking, but looks to be a little out of touch, and a spell may not hurt him, especially when there is competiton for spots. Newton is not worth persisting with IMO............and I'm not just basing it on last week..........I have not seen much in him since he debuted. Bell I must confess.......I'm a fan.......I didn't see much of the Casey game on Sat, so can't say whether he's worthy of a call up, but he was flying preseason, and I rate the guys courage and attack on the ball. Is a solid mark, and can be a little inconsistent by foot, but no more so than others in our team. I wouldn't make any changes to this weeks team............give the same team the chance against a lessor opponent, and see how they go!
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