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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. I thought Buckley played a good game today, and took another step forward.......disposal was a lot better as well. Just watched the replay of the game on Foxtel, and the Channel 7 commentators (Commetti, Watson, and McAvaney) praised him numerous times, and said he looks like a real talent for the the future.
  2. McLean was our best today IMO.........didn't stop hitting in hard all day......I thought Moloney was excellent too.....best game I have seen him play for a while......he was tough in the middle all day.....26 touches and 9 tackles.......that's a fair days work!
  3. I was pretty disappointed by the turn up of Demons supporters. I was on the bottom level of the Southern Stand, and was easily outnumbered in my area by Hawks fans. We were easily outnumbered on the day..........and not a total surprise considering this was one of the substitute games Hawks members get in Melbourne for one of the four they play in Tas, and they are flying at the minute. Credit where it's due.......the Hawks fans all stood and applauded the great man on his lap of honor, and the guard of honor at the end of the game was terrific as well.
  4. I canned this idea earlier, but now I'm liking it. If the Hawks can sell off home games in Tassie, then surely we can play a few down the highway from the MCG. I'd rather we play games at Casey than play them in Canberra, or Brisbane etc. If it generates better profits for the the club come game day, then we need it.........it has to happen. If stadium deals is the biggest inequity we face compared to bigger clubs, then we have to fix it. I would have no problem traveling out to Casey to watch us play games there, especially if it meant the club benefits financially from it. We have to do something new, and reinvent ourselves as a club.........the old ways of running the club keep bringing us back to the same point over and over!
  5. What a class act....knows we are struggling at the minute, and puts the club before himself! http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story...5012432,00.html
  6. Hey Casey Scorp.........this is growing legs: http://www.realfooty.com.au/news/news/dees...1183110808.html
  7. I want to see a close hard fought win, with Brock McLean playing a blinder, grabbing his jumper at the end of the game and pointing down the camera and saying "That's your football club Melbourne!"
  8. Well don't listen.........that's well thought out.....thanks for that. Did you even hear the interview with KB? The last two times I have heard him on KB's show, he sounds like a guy screaming out for some football credibility, and with little knowledge of other clubs, uses the MFC as his fall back topic, and his easy out for a bit of discussion. As a member (my help to the club) I don't want a supposed Melbourne person grandstanding on the radio telling the world what is wrong without being prepared to do his bit to fix the problem. I don't get on the radio and belt the club when it's down.......we have enough non Melbourne people ready to do that. He's no journo, he's no ex player.......so from my point of view he's just a Melbourne supporter in the media............what is he hoping to achieve? Another board spill, some more instability, perhaps tarnish the clubs reputation a little more? He speaks as though the club or someone there has done him wrong in the past, not a passionate Melbourne person. There's a difference between criticism and blatant cheap shots at the club.......Turf chose the latter! We have copped it in the media all year about our financial plight, and he comes in and sinks the boot in as well, like he is telling something we don't already know! But if your happy to hear your club continually put down in the media, especially by Melbourne people, then good luck to you.........pretty soon it starts to become a self fulfilling prophecy though!
  9. Spot on Hards..........it's a long standing problem.......nothing new........the need to sort things out is getting more and more urgent.
  10. Here it is: http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...8-19742,00.html There's only one way to shut blokes like Kennett up..........get our act together!!!!!!! The Hawks have done it, Geelong has done it, Collingwood has done it.........granted with different strengths and weaknesses compared to us, but surely it can't be mission impossible! I'm sick to death of our club being the whipping boy of the AFL competition!
  11. We do need to work to becoming self sustainable though..............the longer we rely on AFL handouts, we continue to be at their mercy. No real news in this article though.........we have already heard of our financial plight more than once this year! This is the time when CEO's earn their money........thinking outside the sqaure, and coming up with strategies not previously considered that can make a true difference to the club. Living and dying by what happens on the field year after years is nuts.
  12. Criticism is fair so long as it's balanced, reasonable and thought out. Some of the crap I've seen lately regarding players, Buckley and Garland as examples, has been simpy ridiculous. And it probably comes from the same dills who scream out "play the kids, play the kids!" The fact is, we all happily sit back here on our computers bashing away and churning out our opinons on posts like this one, armed with little more than our perception of what's going on. No facts, no direct insight, nothing more than our view of the world, and how we see it, and most of the time people make the mistake of thinking their view on things is right.
  13. Okay.......maybe it's not a pipe dream.....but I personally can't see it happening. I don't mind if it does, as it would only be a 25 min drive for me to get there, but it wouldn't make sense for the AFL to do this after walking away from other grounds. Your softening my stance on this Casey Scorp.......I can see benefits in it.........a York Park style ground in the growth corridor of Melbourne to play interstate teams, and the club cleans up on gate receipts........sounds positive.......sure as hell beats selling home games to Brisbane / Canberra!
  14. Don't worry about how many people will turn up to a North game.........we can't get supporters to Telstra Dome.......bang in the middle of the city with public transport access etc.....how many supporters do you expect to turn up at Casey Fields........a 40 km expedition into the far outer eastern suburbs???????????
  15. A stadium at Casey is a pipe dream.........it aint gonna happen.........see Waverley Park, Princes Park etc etc as completely suitable grounds that are no longer used due to the AFL's ground rationalisation. Casey Fields is inferior as a location to both those venues.........even if the City of Casey threw a truckload of money at it, it wouldn't fly as a venture without the AFL's support, and there's no way they would even look at it. As a summer training base, and an area to promote the club at a grassroots level, that's a great idea........but playing for premiership points out there.......come on!
  16. Completely agree! If his form justifies him playing, then he plays.
  17. Not the first time he has potted the board this year. I don't have a problem with criticism where it's due, but Dr.Turf never offers a solution to the problem, and is "too busy" to get more involved with the club because he has young kids and other commitments. That's fine, but I think it's pretty pathetic to sit there and pot the board, when committed MFC people like Paul Gardner, with equally busy lives and careers, do the best they can to run the club. My opinion of Dr.Turf is put up or shut up! As a supposed Melbourne person Turf, I don't want to hear you opinion on the club unless you want to do something to help.
  18. At this early stage, I think most would prefer to focus on what has been a great career..............maybe we could leave the discussion until after his lap of honour, and his fans have said goodbye...........put this one decision into context of a great career over 15 years, and it becomes insignificant anyway.
  19. I'll be there..............I just hope a big crowd with plenty of MFC supporters turn up to give him a send off!
  20. My god.......this is gold! You can't even spell it correctly, and you're calling him a half wit! See the computer monitor in front of you..........start slamming your head into it as hard as you can........then come back on here and post.........perhaps then you may come up with something semi intelligent.
  21. I say leave it until Queens birthday, and get him to lead the march to the G as part of the 150th celebrations!
  22. It's bloody sad isn't it! Absolute champion......an out and out champion make no mistake about it! Loved watching him play........nothing better than to see him in full flight.......on his day, he was unstoppable! And when he'd boot as goal, and run back to rev up his teammates holding the one finger in the air, that was gold! Will miss you Neita, you've been a star!!!!!!!! Some good pics from his career here..... http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/gallery/0...5006020,00.html
  23. Pretty sad day for the MFC.........Neita's a champion of the highest order, and it's pretty sad to think we won't see the big number 9 back out there again leading us. What will his send off be? Lap of honour on Queens Birthday?
  24. Taking one specky doesn't make him the heir apparent to Neitz. He has done little to show he has what it takes to be a regular senior player, much less replace a club icon!
  25. The challenge isn't finding a smaller stadium, it's filling a bigger one! There's no easy way out........build the supporter base / membership, and grow the business........moving into a smaller stadium is taking the easy way out, and the first step in our demise. Show me a club in the AFL that has thrived by downsizing? Let's be serious!
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