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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. 1. Viney - underated, but a genuine star! 2. Yze - May have been an outside mid, but in his prime, was an elite kick, and very dangerous player 3. McDonald - true warrior of the club, and has given his all for the MFC All terrific players, but is it any wonder supporters are screaming for a Scully at the club!
  2. Nearly teared up reading this............what an amazing fella he is Jim Stynes............coming back from major surgery, and still pumping up the club! http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...89-2862,00.html
  3. We've worked so hard to get ourselves into the position of earning that priority pick! Why get a rush of blood now, and undo all that good work! I don't care if we roll the top 7 teams over the next 7 weeks....................the priority pick was the goal set at the start of the season, so don't deviate from the plan!
  4. I'm wrapped Belly has another 12 months..........has been stiff with injury this year, and was in very good touch throughout the preseason........we haven't seen the best of Belly yet!!!!!!
  5. Spot on Hannabal! Losing now only increases the likelihood of winning, and being successful in the future. A successful culture isn't built on the back of junk time wins! We lack gun players................we need an injection of A grade talent, and this is our last genuine crack at it! You're right................it is too big a chance to let slide.
  6. Sorry Dimmy.........I think you're off the mark. The science of drafting improves year on year................it's not the hit and miss affair it used to be. A few top picks can quickly turn a teams fortunes around in a few seasons. The Blues with Gibbs, Murphy and Kruezer are a vastly different side than they were before, and these kids haven't even started to peak yet! The Hawks won a flag ahead of time by adding two key forwards in Franklin and Roughhead, and a gun midfielder in Lewis to complement their existing number 1 pick in Hodge. Cooney and Griffin at the Dogs........absolute A graders, and have been critical in turning them around. Even Collingwood look far more potent in the midfield with Pendlebury and Thomas. The simple fact of the matter is, we have some good developing players in different positions................but what we lack, and have done for as long as I can remember, is a genuine A grade champion midfielder/s. We can go into the lucky dip with every other club, and hope we can snare a Hird type late in the draft, but the odds are against it these days! Our midfield in quite simply, poor, and not able to get us into the finals. Grimes looks great.......but we need more than one to get us anywhere! Make no mistake about it, and I don't mean to over dramitise things here, but securing a player like Scully, along with another top midfielder, could be the difference between winning and losing a premiership in the future. Take Hodge and Lewis out of the Hawks team last year, and they don't win the flag! Take Voss and Black from the Lions teams, and they don't 3 peat! Take Ablett and Bartel from the Cats, and they aren't the powerhouse they have been for the last 3 years. We don't have the luxury of getting a father / son pick like Ablett, or Brown, or draft concessions like Gold Coast will, or Brisbane did...........now is our opportunity to get some genuine class into our team, and we cannot be so flippant about it! Scully is a must, along with the next best young gun midfielder we can get. If we can't land some guns this year, we will be short on talent in the midfield for years to come. We will still win games, and improve, but I can't see a flag materialise unless we can land some champion mids sooner rather than later!
  7. Can't agree.................I see us beating both those teams!
  8. Either way, the footy dept knows they are safe for next year, but would also be aware that if they bring a kid like Scully into the club next season, he will help us improve in his first season, and subsequently improve their chances of sticking around longer as well! We will know what they are thinking in the next few weeks.
  9. Make no mistake about it.............without intervention from the coaching dept, this team will win more than 5 games this year, and we will lose the number 1 pick! The work rate is back up from the team, and the difference now is, they have belief! Will be a very interesting run home!
  10. Good call!!!!!!!!!! LaidleyByeBye!!!!!
  11. I've defended Sylvia to the hilt and urged patience with him beause you could see he had talent, just lacked in discipline and work rate, and struggled with injury. I can't do the same with Newton. I don't dislike him, but he just isn't an AFL standard footballer.
  12. The club and Col can't complain about him getting the 3 weeks.........pretty fair whack to the chops he gave Selwood. He hasn't been hard done by in the slightest!
  13. Is having a terrific year, and seems to get better each week. A key player for us going forward. I thought Rivers played a good game on the weekend too. He made a few errors by foot, but otherwise looked to be getting his confidence and touch back!
  14. It will have more to do with which Port Adelaide team turns up this week. We busted our hump on the weekend, and scratched out a 20 point win against a pretty ordinary Eagles team without Kerr. If Port turn up to play, they are a better team than us at present, and should win the game regardless. I hate to say it, but and honourable loss is in the clubs best long term interests, even though I desperately want another win!
  15. Grimes went out and played like most supporters wished they could on such a big occasion for Jimmy............it was like he had grown up watching Jimmys career, and genuinely wanted to go out there and honour him! He is an absolute cracker...............for the time being, forget Jack Watts........it Grimes time!
  16. 14,667 The weather will scare many off!
  17. Great post, and spot on! Rebuilding was always going to be painful, but we are on our way, and let's be honest, we can get much worse!
  18. If they are the type of bloke that lays down on his teammates to serve his own best interests, then you wouldn't want them at your club!
  19. Rapt to see Col turning things around. I've defended him throughout, because you could see he had the talent, but he has to keep backing it up week after week, season after season. Now we just need to get him a few mates, and we'll be okay!
  20. I know exactly what you were saying, but if taking a risk means flushing $400k down the drain to give him the Tijuana Brass, then it aint going to happen. Having said that, we did it with Paul McNamee, so I guess anything is possible!
  21. He won't be available at the end of next year.
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