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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. Why bother posting this thread then? You said Johnson is crap, and have questioned whether he should be "allowed" to play AFL. What kind of response did you expect?
  2. I'm rapt to see Robbo back.................he's a club legend, provides a spark and excitement when he plays, and has fought back from a damn serious injury that could have ended his career. Good luck Robbo...........footy's a much better game to watch with players like you back on the park!
  3. I don't want to see us lose games, but from a long term point of view, we are lacking a genuine A grade midfielder. I don't know if Scully is the one, but it's our last chance for a while to land a genuine top pick. Is 1 or 2 extra wins really going to make a difference to the psyche and development of a young team? I doubt it. Bringing in more young guns that are used to winning could be just as beneficial. It doesn't really matter what we want as supporters anyway..........what we end up with is ultmately up to the current players. I'd say they've got 10-12 weeks to win as many as they can, then it's "list management" time. If the opportunity arises later in the year to secure the top 2 picks, the club won't make the same mistake as last time. With senior players coming back in, and youngsters continuing to improve, I think there's a very good chance we will get over 5 wins for the year. Time will tell.
  4. I loved watching Steven Stretch play.............he used to take some rippng marks, and was a damn good player! As for Bate / Newton..................the difference is Bate has previously shown something...........Newton has shown nothing at senior level. Right decision IMO.
  5. Good question.............I recall him having some involement with the club on the recruiting side, but not sure in what capacity.
  6. Don't get me wrong, those players have potential from what I have seen and can tell................but whether we can build that potential into players of a premiership calibre is a tough thing to know. Our track record in developing players IMO has been poor!
  7. Spot on........midfield class, and forwards are our weaknesses. I heard Brock's comments too, and it was sad to hear we can't offer our players all they need to perform. I've always had a fear we don't develop our players to their full potential, and a lack of resources is the reason.
  8. It's not a simple yes / no answer. How can Cheney, Jetta, Bennell, Grimes etc etc be listed as yes? We have seen hardly anything from these guys yet to be making calls like this.
  9. And I read on Demonland somewhere that Col doesn't give a toss about the club........well i think that puts that idea to bed! Well done Col, great effort to sign up those members!
  10. Bell was one of our best preseason, then he get's injured. I wouldn't be letting Bell go anywhere! Let's be honest...................5 weeks into a season is a little too soon to be putting a line through players anyway. A lot can change between now and round 22.
  11. Did I hear Neil Craig was disappointed with our supporters booing Nathan Bock? Well Neil, take a look at the crap your team dished up, then have a think about why we booed him and other players! Most of the time the boos were for the chronic time wasting in your back half of which Bock was a part of!
  12. As much as we butchered the ball today, the ultra defensive Adelaide, with numbers stacked behind the ball nearly all game, played some of the ugliest and most uninspiring football I think I have ever seen. I've watched plenty of football over the years, but never have I sat there and thought "why am I watching this sport?" It was simply an attrocious brand of football, and the worst game I have ever been to. They played one of the bottom teams, and at no stage did they look interested in taking the game on, and using their skills to win the game. Adelaide............you are a joke, and are clearly going nowhere this season! Their supporters could get no joy, or feel any pride in the way they went about it today. Pathetic!
  13. Fair point, and if it was the normal 2.00pm start, I would say no excuse, but the twighlight game is just stupid. I would regard myself as pretty passionate supporter, and the time and weather doesn't bother me in the slightest, but I can understand not taking a young family out on a Sunday night before school.
  14. The backline is coming along beautifully! So strong, and committed, and hard to penetrate.............been a real highlight this year. Been really impressed with Warnock and Frawley...........both have made big steps this year.
  15. Newton simply has too many obvious flaws for me to believe he can ever be a consistent and valuable member of the team. Very disappointing today, and wasted way too many opportunites the week before. Back to Casey to work harder on the fundamentals!
  16. Was always going to be a shocking crowd. Twilight games...........what's the point? And the weather was crap. I went to the game, but if I had young kids, there is no way in hell I would take them out to the MCG on Sunday night in the freezing cold, and I don't blame families for not coming out to see the game. Sure, we have to be passionate, and get along and support the club, but I can certainly understand people not turning up to the game tonight.
  17. I thought Col was terrific today..........I watched him a fair bit during the game, and he does look like he struggled to run out the game. But some of his vision and passing to teammates was very good, and the two goals on the run were great to watch. Would love to see more of the same in the coming weeks!
  18. The thing I like about Bailey is the quiet confidence he has......there's no fuss or song and dance routine.............he has his plan, and he's sticking to it. Whether he knows what he's doing or not, he's got me convinced that he does! If you look at how Bailey handles himself compared to Mark Harvey, they are chalk and cheese. I would cry if we had Harvey as coach seeing how he goes about it. He looks completely in over his head!
  19. I know two of them were Moloney (snap shot) and Jetta from the set shot.
  20. Unless there are MFC players running around for the team, I have no interest.
  21. Agreed with the player bashing comment. I thought he worked hard, and if he had kicked straighter and took his chances, he would have had a very good game. He will never be the dominant power forward we are all looking for..............but he can still play an important role for the team and club when the opportunities arise. Not every player can be a champion! Doesn't mean they haven't made it, or they are failures.........damn, I'd be happy to make it onto an AFL list!
  22. Not a lot of light at the end of the tunnel for the Tiges..............at least we have something to look forward to.
  23. Agreed........he has been terrific so far this season. His pace and creativity have been very important!
  24. I hate the idea of tanking, but don't honestly think we will need to resort to it this year anyway........I think we will struggle to win 4 games. Looking at the list, I think we need an injection of genuine quality in the midfield before we can even begin to think premierships. I think the backline is developing well, and if Watts develops like we all hope, our achilles heal that will prevent our rise is the midfield. For that reason, I agree, to get picks 1 & 2 this year would make a big, big difference to our future ambitions.
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