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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. Based on some of the comments here, there are some truly pathetic people supporting this club. If Wheaters is to retire, then thanks for the memories Paul........it's been a pleasure watching you in the red & blue for the past 10 years! A fantastic career, and one us mug supporters can only dream of! All the best for the future!
  2. Just saw the Troy Simmonds hit from Long.............I'm getting angry even now watching that! The speed and impact he hit him with had the potential to break his neck! Long should have been laid out for that!
  3. The job is Bailey's to lose! Get some genuine improvement next year, and he will get a new contract...............if not, I wouldn't rule anything out!
  4. Let's just look forward to the big flogging we are going to dish out to Freo!!!!!!
  5. Was always on the cards after last week! The club wanted to lose this game, and last weeks, and the players know it. Now they are playing like they know it!
  6. He'll be back for the Freo game for a win and a send off for Robbo!
  7. Could not agree more! The fact of the matter is, apart from maybe Warnock and Frawley forward, I have seen most of the players / positions before. McDonald has played back before, Johnson has played CHB before, Miller has taken centre bounces before etc etc, so the excitement over players being out of position is a bit over the top. And when you actually look at what both Johnson and Newton had delivered in the forward line for most of the game, it was sweet stuff all! Warnock and Frawley actually provided a contest, whereas the other two were irrelevent all game!
  8. Absolutely spot on Einstein! Either way, we are screwed, so we may as well take the picks!
  9. Can't see how the AFL is a disgrace for wanting to make the competition more even by having priority picks. This whole tanking debate is just a media beat up of monumental proportions.
  10. We aren't cheating, just playing the cards that have been dealt! Take Franklin and Roughead out of the Hawks team, and they don't win the flag last year...........do you think having them in the Hawks team cheapened their success. That's potentially how important these picks are, and for a club that has been on struggle street for 2 years, it's a fair result. The media circus about this whole debate is farcical, and as usual, we are a soft target.
  11. Two more top 5 picks, and we have a serious group of young talent that will go places. All top teams have 3, 4, or 5 genuine stars, and that's where need to get to. The list as is, doesn't have the top end talent just yet.
  12. Short term pain for long term gain. Tanking hasn't hurt the Blues none..........sure we hate them with a passion, but we are a club with little resentment from opposition supporters, so I can live with us being unpopular! I hate the fact I wanted us to lose, but love the fact we may end up with two potential gamebreaking stars in our club. When Scully is on the "G" putting another team to the sword in the famous red and blue, the bleak end to this season will be a distant memory, and the losses just another irrelevant stat in the history of football. I would argue that the club is showing a far greater passion for winning and success by what took place today, than had it won a meaningless game against a hack team. 18 months into a total rebuild, this is absolutely the right course of action for the future of the club.
  13. When we are out to try to win as many games as we can next year, I can't believe he will still be on the list, but someone like Robbo quite possibly won't be be!
  14. Normally I'd agree, but for a game we would have some chance to win, why risk him!
  15. I think they will ignore it because it's a garbage survey! AFL's best player........you get to choose one from the nominated list which includes names like Josh Drummond, Jobe Watson, Andrew Lovatt, yet excludes players like Adam Cooney (only the Brownlow medallist last year), Matthew Pavlich, Fevola, Scott Thompson etc etc And the West Sydney vs Tasmania debate..........91% say Tasmania...........based on what? Because they play footy in Tasmania.......well that makes it sustainable I guess. Are the Gold Coast concessions too much? Most people who responded to this survey wouldn't even truly know the exact nature of the concessions. Is Andrew Demitriou worth his $1.6m pay packet..............of course he isn't because he gets paid so much more than Joe Public! The AFL would be filing this survey in the bin where it belongs!
  16. Garbage survey IMO. The AFL should ignore it, and I'm sure they will.
  17. A player who simply cannot do the fundamentals required by a key forward.............reliable mark, and an accurate kick.
  18. Players can't win! He would have been castigated for leaving for the Bulldogs, and would have been considered a disloyal so and so for leaving the MFC. He decides to stick it out with us, and now, after coming back from a shocking injury, many want to hang him out to dry! Poor form people! Robbo has been a cracking player for the MFC..........his time may be up, and that's a decision for the coaching staff, but let's show some respect..........Robbo has lived and breathed the MFC since arriving at the club, and he deserves nothing less than that!
  19. Okay maybe one.......but that won't be enough! The top teams have 3-4 genuine stars.
  20. Many people on here suffer from box fever.............every club can roll out a list of names and point to the future, and say it looks good! I've got an Essendon mate who craps on about how good their kids are all the time, and based on how they are travelling at present, maybe he is right! Watts.....plenty of promise Blease - We know nothing yet, apart from the fact that every other club had a pick before him in that draft, and would have equally high expectations of their picks.....why is Blease so special? Strauss - see Blease Cheney - shown some promise, but no game breaker! Buckley - see Cheney Bennell - promising, but I can't see him coming on to be the next Judd, Ablett, Hodge etc etc Wona - Had a couple of good games last year, and some and a well publicised highlight reel, but I wouldn't hang my hat on him being a star yet. Garland - looks promising, and along with his fellow defenders, we look to have makings of a very good defence. Some of these players will be hits, and others misses. I've seen nothing yet to tell me we have an Ablett, Bartel, Selwood, Judd, Cousins, Kerr, Voss, Akermanis, Black, Power, Lappin, Hodge, Lewis, Mitchell, Goddard, Dal Santo, Hayes on our hands yet..............players with the kind of talent needed to win flags. Forget a flag unless we can deliver some players the ilk of this list. From what I can see we don't have them at the club yet. We need to get them, and two top 5 picks greatly increases our chances!
  21. I hate to say it, but I think you're right!
  22. We've been butchering our kick ins all year, so I don't see this as any new tactic for us to lose.
  23. Couldn't agree more dee-luded! Just watched Luke Hodge tear up the MCG and scorch the Pies................we have no one anywhere near a player like him in the midfield!
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