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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. Is someone who decided twice they didn't want the job the best possible candidate?
  2. We he is playing well, Shaw is a gun. He won't be leaving the Pies though.
  3. Our players travelling to Casey for preseason training is no different to the Tiges players having to travel to Craigieburn for their preseason training, or Saints heading to Frankston full time, Hawks at Waverley etc etc. And with Eastlink up and running now, it's a better drive compared to what it used to be.
  4. Sylvia won't be going anywhere.............and seriously, what would any of you hope to get for him anyway? Some lottery draft pick around 20-30? No thanks! The guy has talent, and with Bailey in charge, I reckon we will start to see more of it going forward. Yesterdays game shows what he is capable of.........and I reckon he can still improve a hell of a lot on yesterday. And still yet to complete a full preseason! http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...4-19742,00.html
  5. This thread is some kind of joke right? For the sake of all humanity, can someone please confirm this is a joke!
  6. I'll always defend Miller, Sylvia, Bell, Bruce, Green, Wheatley............even though it's early days, I can't see myself defending Newton.
  7. I hate supporters writing off players, and I won't do that to Juice as he does definitly have some ability. However, watching him play, and even how he looks physically, work rate doesn't appear to be his forte. To become a solid player, and regular contributor, he is going to need to work a lot harder than he shown so far.
  8. Good call.........so would I !
  9. I'm not so sure he is having his break out year..............I've seen him play plenty of good footy over the years.........I think he has just been grossly underrated by our own fans, and is finally getting the credit he deserves!
  10. It's a fair point............you're right.............we can't ask supporters to bail the club out every 5 or so years when we are nearly on our death bed. I don't have a problem with Stynes coming in, and asking all stakeholders in the MFC to contrubute to wipe the debt, and give his administration a clean slate to work with. But after that, it's time that long term plans are put in place to make the club profitable, and self sustainable. This yoyo effect with the clubs finances cannot be allowed to keep happening. I know it's not an easy task, but it's not impossible. Stynes and him team know this, and know that clearing the debt is only the first step in our revival. I have to say, it's impressive that they have convinved Foxtel to cough up $100k to help the club................what's in it for them??????????
  11. I love "I told you so" threads! It highlights just how little some supporters know about football when they pontificate over our players careers like they actually know something, and then get found out to have no idea at all!
  12. The magic being spun here is gold! Like the club in bursting at the seams with players that can actually have an influence on games at the moment. And some of the scientists on here want to kick out a player who has been seriously injury prone early in his career, who was a high draft pick who is still only 22 for some mid range draft pick now that he is finally starting to get on the ground consistently and deliver on his promise. Is it just me, or is the absurdity beyond belief? Telling me I'm missing something here.
  13. I'm getting sick of expert supporters putting lines through players names each week.........let's leave it for the people who know better at the club!
  14. I think you need a lobotomy!
  15. I received my copy of 4 Quarters in the mail today (AFL publication sent as part of AFL membership) and read the following quote in it from a book due out in July....a biography of the great Norm Smith: "I was tough with players. I was hard. I was demanding of them. You've got to be all these things, or it's no good being in it. You can say I lacked tact and you could be right. Sure, I could have tried a different approach. I could have been loved by the players. But I wouldn't have been successful and neither would Melbourne." I'm not normally a big book reader, but I think this would be a fascinating read! Thought others may be interested.......I hadn't heard anything about it before. http://www.gspbooks.com.au/
  16. I have to agree........I like her! It's actually good to hear a women talking about football and having an opinion on the game who knows what she is talking about. I don't always agree with what she says, but it beats hearing from ex players in the media all the time who can get damn boring and repetitive. I'd rather hear her opinion on football matters than someone like Robert Walls! I rate Footy Classified.......by far and away the best footy show on TV at the minute. But it wouldn't be as good if she wasn't on it........you need a contrast in people and opinions to make a show like that work, and I think they have a good balance at the minute.
  17. Not to mention a broken ankle a few season ago, and nearly suffering a major neck injury thanks to the Pies last year......he has copped his fair share of pain for the MFC. I prefer to look at the upside.........strong body, good pace, one of the best tacklers in the team, and as courageous as the day is long! He is a solid mark, and when his confidence is up, he is an accurate and penetrating kick. He had a few bad clangers yesterday, and looks down on confidence. But then again, he is part of a team who is 1-10 this season, and he has plenty of mates riding the low confidence bus at the minute. He does need a spell at Sandy for a few weeks, but to suggest getting rid of him is farcical!
  18. Throw the player out.......that's the way! Put 50 games into him, and send on his way! A brilliant initiative.........and a guarantee to bring future success! I'd send Green on his way with him too.........those couple of set shots he missed are career ending stuff, and I can't believe we tolerate that crap!
  19. I think I'll reserve my judgment until after I've seen the full list.
  20. I think it's an average jumper.......we could certainly do a whole lot better than that. I didn't mind the all red one with the blue demon head on it, and I don't see the problem in having to have a clash strip. Doubt the jumper issue would have been raised had we won though......it's a bit of a storm in a tea cup.
  21. They still have a long way to go, but if they can keep improving, then the signs are positive. As well as they played on the weekend, I think having Green down there to give them assistance made a huge difference, as did the pressure from the midfield. As a unit, they all seemed to help each other out which was most pleasing.
  22. I like Dutchy......mainly because he is an honest player.......you know what your going to get each time he plays. Not the most skilled, or the quickest, but I've never seen him shirk a contest or not go in hard.
  23. Absolutely spot on!!! Especially when they are kids........it's the occasional freak player who will step right in to AFL footy, and be a stand out. For most, it takes time, experience, and plenty of guidance from the coaches to improve a player. Patience is a virtue.
  24. I'm sure the allure of going to watch top level football at a local level would appeal to many.........that has to be one of the real selling points. I've watched a couple of games down at York Park, and it's just like the good old days of suburban football!
  25. Agree.......I'd like to see CJ get some more games as well, and hopefully he will get his chance and take it!
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