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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. I don't want to lose Davey, but also don't want the club giving away the farm to keep him either. I think if push comes to shove, the club will give him what he wants, and that has to do with Brock already leaving, and the message it would send to the members if Davey left as well. The question is, will he be the difference between us winning or not winning our next flag.............I'd say categorically no, and based on that, if he does leave, I won't be losing too much sleep over it. We have enough genuine talent on the list, and about to be added, that our future is bright with or without Davey!
  2. The guy is a yobbo no doubt......but plenty of people cut loose and have one too many from time to time. His season is over, and he can let his hair down after a long season. Stupid channel 9 asked him to do Street Talk from the Brownlow..........what did they expect? Just saw some of the footage from the Brownlow, and had to laugh at some of it. The guy is never going to be launching rockets from his back yard.............not sure why people are suprised by his latest effort.......he is just an average yobbo from the burbs who can play footy, and hasn't grown up yet. Being a good footy player doesn't make him smart, it just gives him the profile!
  3. Gun premiership winning key forwards in their prime don't go to back to back wooden spoon teams.
  4. As each day goes by, Judd only makes himself look more and more stupid. Of recent note was his feeble attempt to explain what he did as an ambassador for Visy, and now this with a moronic response to the media about trying to hit a pressure point. This guy is a fool, and moving to Melbourne is giving us the opportunity to see his true colours. Deserves his 3 weeks!
  5. I heard that, and the question is, why would we need him? We've got much bigger holes than our defence.
  6. McLean would be my preferred option, but would also be rapt if Davey ended up getting it as well. Davey is a genuine star player, and I love the level he has taken his game to!
  7. I've loved Wheatley as a player, and it's sad to see him leave the MFC, but he won't be getting picked up by another AFL club next year, and there will be better players than him in the same position from other clubs.
  8. Good call! I'll be there to hopefully see all 3 of them go around for the last time in the red and blue, and possibly for good!
  9. That's a good call, and appears that's how the club is viewing things by apparently giving him the extension.
  10. Good call Dappa! I'm not a huge fan of Newton, but first of all he deserves some respect.........he's done more than I could ever hope to on the footy field, and achieved something I would love to have, and that's to pull on the red and blue and run out onto the MCG! And from a reputation point of view, the last thing we want to look like is an employer looking to get out of contracts by unfairly cutting players. There was some bad press when we cut Carroll early, and then there was a legitimate reason then. Newton has a contract, and has the right to play it out with the club.
  11. I think as supporters it's very easy to underestimate our own players. The thing holding Bate back from being seriously recognised in that bracket is the performance of the team. The top 50 is such a subjective thing, and is very much about the current form of players. As an example, Birchall was in Sheahans top 50 earlier this year on the back of a flag with the Hawks, but Bate would have had a better season than him this year, so based on that, Bate's name in the top 50 doesn't look out of place. Is Brett Deleidio a better player than Bate.........looks to be more talented, but Bate is a more valuable player to his team IMO. Cameron Ling is well down on last years form as well, so Bate could take his spot this year as well! As I stated earlier, it so subjective, but I don't think Gary was way off the mark in suggesting it at all.
  12. And after all our hard work lose pick 2.........no thanks!
  13. At least Jack Watts gets to share the pressure of a number 1 pick at the MFC with someone else! That's got to make his life a little easier now, and let him just get on with his footy. There are some very special times ahead for this club..........I can't wait for us to climb from the depths and take the league by storm again!
  14. We've done the hard yards with Col now, and are just starting to see a return on that patience and effort. There is no way known we should be moving him on now...........he's shown how important he can be at his best, and we've seen that more often than not this season. I think we can start to get genuinely excited about Col's future with the MFC, and the next few years him delivering some top football for us!
  15. Agreed they are at present a better team, but we weren't without a chance of winning that game under normal circumstances. We go in with 3 ruckman, McLean plays forward for most of the game, Frawley comes off for a break to give McNamara experience on Fev..........all fine for development, but not going to win us the game.
  16. It's clear to see the path the club is taking to maximise draft picks this year, but today just sucked! Sitting in the crowd surrounded by those arrogant, moronic, pathetic human beings that are Carlton supporters, I wanted nothing more than for us to [censored] their joke of a team, but I knew before even turning up to the game we were never serious about winning. Every time Judd came to the bench, it was almost a standing ovation by the morons around me. I know the path we are taking, and the need to land the top 2 picks in the draft, but I would have given that extra pick up today to see us beat those clowns. Very, very tough to sit through and watch, and little wonder so few of us actually turned up to cheer us on!
  17. Good observation, because looking at the remaing forward options, I'm not sure where the goals are going to come from!
  18. Probably won't do it justice to try to explain what he said.......something that needs to be watched.......very passionate, and from the heart.......no doubt it will bob up on youtube soon enough.
  19. Just watched Robbo's speech to the playing group on The Footy Show........unbelieveable to watch........Robbo.......you're all class!
  20. Let's be honest, apart from the hope of seeing us win a flag, and playing finals, watching players like Robbo is what makes watching footy so damn enjoyable! Will absolutely miss jumping up and screaming "Robbo" whenever he flies for a mark or takes a hanger! Very sad to see him go..............thanks for the brilliant memories Robbo...........you've been a star, and we're going to miss you! Good luck if you end up at another club................a footy career is too short, and you only get one crack at it, so hopefully you get the chance to finish on your terms, and maybe even get to play another final or two!
  21. I hate the Bombers, but have to say I'm impressed how well they have been able to mold a competitive team without bottoming out. They play some very exciting footy when they are on, and are a good team to watch, with some good young players coming through.
  22. I love the way our rotations for the previous two weeks were around 50, yet today we were up around 100. Tells me the coach has things well and truly in hand!
  23. I say go for it Robbo............if he can get another year or two out of his body, and can get a gig with the Dogs, and more than likely play some finals, then why wouldn't he do it?
  24. It is sad, all 3 have been fantastic servants of the club, and have had terrific careers.
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