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Everything posted by Hellaintabadplacetobe

  1. I reckon I said the same 18 months ago, nothing has changed my mind.
  2. Can any other Premium members advise if we have designated bays as in previous years ?
  3. Staggered that some people are disappointed with the performance. It looked like we could lose by 10 goals at one stage but they fought it out. Most non Dees fans would not have known more than half our team out there today. Plenty to like in my opinion.
  4. Paul Bryce get a Guernsey?
  5. I got the email too which is unusual as Premium members normally get a few bays designated.... Is this no longer happening??
  6. Lol Mick Malthouse
  7. Earl Spalding ?
  8. Gerard Healy unlucky....
  9. He was closer to 50 out actually. Was such a bizarre ending, the siren went well before he marked the ball too, almost seemed rigged. Watching Dees fans jumping and screaming in delight when we lost was hard to believe. Karma hit is for years after that game.
  10. And players will still be required to be inside the square until the goal umpire has signalled the behind.
  11. Round 22 Western Oval was so special after missing finals for 20 plus years. Elimination Final against Geelong last year with my 2 young boys was an unforgettable night too.
  12. 87 Prelim easily. I had played in a losing Grand Final same day, was BOG so everyone in the team had to buy me a beer to drink out of a pewter mug. Reckon i was 15 beers in when the siren went. I sat there and didn't speak for half an hour with tears in my eyes.
  13. Geez that's shocking if true
  14. A real shame for Wines, I enjoy watching him play. Let's hope he is fit and firing for Round 2....?
  15. Might be temporary Soidee, seems odd? Mine too is the usual plastic as a few others have already mentioned .
  16. Just wanted something with Hell in it because we Demons live in Hell. If it wasn't such a long name I would have chosen "Hell ain't a bad place to be ".
  17. Matters little where they rank us. Fact is we were the highest scoring team by nearly 20 goals last year. Yes we lose some goals from Hogan but we will leak far less goals in defence this year to compensate and we'll get more goals from Weed. Our premiership window is wide open.
  18. Mike Sheehan was more than happy for Jesse to go, said he would straight swap May for Hogan in a heartbeat not to mention KK and picks. I thought he was crazy at the time but I'd suggest he had very good mail OD
  19. This still gives me goosebumps!
  20. Don't know about a new one but I know AHG aren't going round again.
  21. Thought I'd be brave and venture into this thread for the first time since it was created 7 years ago, to find out what the hell goes on in here.......fair to say after a 10 minute read I've still got no idea. I'll show myself out the door folks, carry on!!
  22. Very sad end to his life. RIP Col.
  23. FWIW Derm thinks we did best of all clubs this trade period! C+ my arze Terry
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