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Everything posted by Damo

  1. His speech when winning the B+F was about being a one club player. Links are above. If this is a typical example of possible player defections on this board, then I assume we wont be trading.
  2. Rory's mum posted the link to his speech on FB. Really sounds like he is coming back...
  3. What price can I get for Eade mentoring Scott Burns?
  4. Another Stat. "Demons had 35 interchange that 3rd quarter to bring up a total of 97 for the game". "What does that tell you Alastair"?. Nothing. except its just a relatively meaningless stat that will be examined and reported by meaningless commentators. Does this mean another AFL stats man that may give a 50Metre penalty at the 30 minute mark of the last quarter?
  5. I honestly cant believe some posters have the gall to predict we are one or two mid-fielders away from being competitive. So many experts here believe it. Well I actually dont think they do, but they dont want to see if we blink. So they keep our chins up. Thanks... That next to the "oh the umpires just dont get us" routine is sad and predictable. Ive heard this shite for so long. Give me a break. Youre not talking to the faithful any more, believe me.
  6. Strong statement. And you are certain because?
  7. Out of all possibles, Rodney Eade is my least choice. Unlike most on this thread, I dont know if he is a good coach or ready to go again. But my opinion is that of 5 possibles spoken about, the only one behind Neil Craig is Rocket. I dont think any other club would appoint him as head coach. I can see most others vying for positions.
  8. A really top Demon died earlier this week. Graham Conningsby who played at Prahran and Melbourne. He was on the committee in the '80s. All who knew him, knew a tremendously fun and great bloke. Would think there may be black arm bands from more than just demons tonight as he grew to love the Suns as well (but not as much) through his grand daughter Lauren Phillips.
  9. Both Eddie Obeid and James Hird have been using the line where they cant wait for the truth to come out to show how innocent they are. Their speeches have been nearly identical. Now James is getting ready to go with "I cant discuss it until the report has been fully released", while employing the most expensive QC in the land to stop the report from being released. Yet his supporters (including it would seem Andrew D) keep on keeping on.
  10. I always picture Grant Thomas when I see B-H posts. Very good at summarizing players abilities, can be illuminating at times, very good football knowledge and strong self confidence. Not caring in the least what other opinions may be. He doesnt usually come on only to negate others posts (which unfortunately some other interesting posters do) but he is pretty good at it.
  11. Ray Donovan has gone to the top of my "look for new episodes" list. Not for everyone and it Takes a little bit to get used to, but the character Jon Voight plays is a classic.
  12. I havent commented. I stated the facts as i know them without any opinion.
  13. 2 years at $800,000 and he has played 15 games. Over $100,000 per game.
  14. People forget that WYL doesnt go to the football and gathers information from watching the TV set.
  15. ix-nayed? Thats about all I know about the coaching position.
  16. Im lead to believe Daisy Thomas has been made an offer by Carlton. If Collingwood dont match it, Daisy will go to the Blues is the whisper. MM doesnt get along with Chris Yarran it seems. Yarran is an exceptionally talented player that most coaches would want to have on-board.
  17. i know the family and they all say how happy he is in Adelaide. But his partner is from the dandenongs too and so are most of his mates. he stays in touch, comes back for all the 21sts etc. Up to last Christmas Rory was very happy with new house, dogs, partner moved in and AFC. My sisters who go to the footy with his parents havent told me differently. If Ruscutto really said he would trade him for picks/players it is a bit baffling. It wouldnt be Rorys idea, I believe. I was discussing it with my Osteo who is the melbourne side trainer for the crows and he says Rory is very close to Neil Craig and Crows are going to be very active in the trade period. But we both said yeah nuh. Who knows? My wish is that he would come to MFC, but my head says no.
  18. Sorry I meant Yarran may be up for trade. I hear more about Carlton than MFC
  19. I would trade Fitzpatrick for Yarran. My mail is that he will be offered for trade. Many are canning the OPs idea without saying what they would do. We need mid fielders. We have KPFs.
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