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Everything posted by Damo

  1. Damo

    I have crabs

    reminds me of the great crab plague of '79. Get yourself a can of tropical Mortien (or Rid). Get a lice comb. Go in the bathroom. take a good look at yourself, lock the door, get in the shower,(very important, you may infect a sibling, Im figuring that you are under 20) get to work. When finished give yourself a number one, and hope that is enough. you may need a crack,back and sack job.
  2. Every time I met someone who played a game in the firsts Ive been rapt. Always buy them a drink, guys! I continually hope this type of post doesnt put off the old boys. It seems to come up three times a year. because even if you DO rate an old player, your dissing their mates. Just keep it in mind. cheers.
  3. Armchair experts! How many of you have hung around after training your ass off to see the team pinned up on the board. Just happy to be in the firsts. How many of you have played out of position with injuries just to keep your spot. I wish I had had the toughness to be considered by the Melbourne Football Club to be asked to training. Warren Dean(for example) was a star who played at CHF when he was a wingman. Its a sad state of affairs when posts like this ask supporters to eat their own.
  4. My recollection is that you are right, Running Russell. I was disappointed with Rons' statement which is one reason I remember it so clearly. I believe it was on the occasion of Schimma's 300th but may have been another illustious celebration. Having been in the IT industry for a while, I followed Schimma's career and was well aware what he was giving up to become a full-time coach. Neale Daniher and he had shining Computer Programming/ management backgrounds. As history shows two of todays coaches colluded to shaft him(not btw ND). Whether he deserved it or not, he wasnt paid out for that current year. Nowadays this would not happen. He was shamed into resigning by a man he loved and admired. Thus started cleaning floors to support his large family. Dont know why he didnt at least resume programming. maybe he hated it. I did.
  5. Actually Barrassi used to state that Schimma was the better player of the two as wingmen. I fully respect Schimma especially as his business life was decimated by North and its then President. He never complained to the press. Maybe because of this and his closer association with RDB and his fantastic career Ron made such a sweeping statement. I saw Schimma as a great captain and he certainly won many games off his own boot. Super courageous as well. Not as good as Robert Flower.
  6. Gidday MarK I would be very grateful to you and Ash for a copy. Cheers
  7. To quote Jack Dyer, circa early '80's, on World of Sport, "Ive seen em come and go but the best footballer Ive seen, Week Week out, is Ron Barassi". He whacked the table of the panel with the back of his wrist, to emphasive his opinion. Others were talking Whitten(who was there) and Lethal. RDB wasnt on the panel. I dont believe Dyer would mouth platitudes about such an important issue anyway. Flower is not ever talked about in terms of best ever. But Ron didnt have the skill of Daicos and the poise of Hird. But, from when I got my MCC membership in 1976, if I wasnt playing and I was in town, I would go see Robbie play. He made Rhyse-Jones look a fool and slow, so Rhyse clocked him on the wing, Rob got up and got on with it. Flower was so good he looked best when it was raining. Ash I would love a video, if possible.
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