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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Chook

    Best 22

    I can no longer tell. Are these good teams or not? These past four years have totally ruined by ability to distinguish a good Melbourne side from a poor one.
  2. Ross Lyon should be ashamed of himself.
  3. The way you put it, I'd do the same as him, boot studs or not.
  4. I just think there's a more logical explanation than abuction by Giants, Mulder.
  5. Chook

    The Window

    Perhaps we never could top Carlton's offer. But ifwe could have, he would have come to us. Ergo, our financial situation was one of the key reasons we didn't pick him up. I don't see that there is any basis for your claim that I have somehow "missed the point," when it seems clear that we are talking about the financial basis for Chris Judd's decision to go to Carlton. WYL and I have both said that our poor financial state (a team's over-inflated salary cap is obviously a huge aspect of this) contributed to our inability to attract Chris Judd to our club. You also have not taken into account the fact that if Judd thought there was any possiblity that we could have outbid Carlton, he would have been less hasty in his decision to sign with them. It was well-known that we were in no position to be making outlandish bids for any player, so Judd had no reason to go searching anywhere else for a higher offer. I have said more than I meant to, but it comes down to this. Chris Judd agreed to go to Carlton because he knew no other club had the financial power to pick him up that Carlton did. If we had that power, he may have come to us. Therefore, our poor financial situation at the time led to our inability to attract him to our Club.
  6. Well, judging from this years performances, we've only got monkeys to work with, so it makes sense that they've been payed peanuts.
  7. Compare that to the Dean Bailey approach. "Well, we just wanted to put in a competitive offer. I put a reasonable Powerpoint presentation forward, but things didn't pan out. Maybe in 2051, we'll be able to attract new names to the Club."
  8. No. Put yourself in Aussie's shoes. If I were him, I would feel gratitude to the club that supported me through tough times. I would recognise that I owe them, not the other way around.
  9. Impossible to see, the future is. But seriously, I think it'll be Nathan Buckley taking the heat for Collingwood's loss of staff and resulting problems living up to the vast expectation of the media and their supporters. Richmond will also come under fire for the reasons you mentioned. Also us, if Clarke just sits on his hands all year.
  10. They don't call it MFCSS for nothing. It runs deep in some, leaping from father to son and mother to daughter - bounding from generation to generation and infecting the red and blue blood of otherwise healthy football followers. There is only one cure - Premierships. Yae it is so.
  11. We have him. His name is Liam Jurrah. Don't let his size fool you, he is about as good a crumbing small forward as you will ever find. Austin Wonaeamirri is currently a blimp, so there's nothing 'small' about him. Perhaps he can get in shape, but until then - and maybe even after that happens - Jurrah is a better option.
  12. I seem to rate him higher than most people here. I'd put him in the team before Bartram, regardless of size match-ups.
  13. Give him a chance. He just hasn't had the opportunity to really flourish. I say we put him on a 4 year contract, just to really give him the confidence to go out there and take some speccies, which we all know is WAY more important than kicking goals.
  14. Hell, yes! I'm stoked about this. Every time I watched him play this year, I really saw good signs from him. I'm a very happy chicken.
  15. It makes one wonder if they are truely all the best candidates, or if their association with the archetypal "successful coach" has artificially inflated their value.
  16. You mean the ones who run 10k to and from school, books in hand, every day from the age of 5? It must just be genetics, right?
  17. Waah, waah, waah! Why didn't we get that Darling kid? Now we're screwed! Another tall skinny Melbourne kid who needs time. Boy do we need a Protein supplement sponsor.
  18. I would be amazed if Brad Green would want the Captaincy at all. He didn't seem to enjoy it this year.
  19. And that's a problem. If your best game was last millenium, you won't have much bargaining power. Brad Green should come to terms with the fact that job security is not a given for a professional athlete at the best of times - and that the best way to ensure another contract is at the selection table, not the bargaining table.
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