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Everything posted by Chook

  1. About an hour after Mark Neeld got sacked. Brent Moloney sucks, but Mark Neeld sucks even more. If I had to pick between them, I'd have kept Moloney; but luckily we didn't have to make that choice because they both got the arse.
  2. Part of what we're missing is the fact that Jack Watts wilts under the slightest bit of body pressure. He's easy to spoil because he can't hold front spot in a contest.
  3. James Strauss is another one I just can't imagine anyone ever seeing anything in. Out of all our early picks in recent years, Luke Tapscott, James Strauss, Addam Maric and Lucas Cook are the four I just scratch my head over. The rest had so much upside or were so highly rated that I can understand us having picked them, but these four seemed to me to be total duds from day one.
  4. We are still SO inexperienced! When was the last time we had the oldest or most experienced list in the competition? And when will it happen again I wonder?
  5. As a LOST fan, I have absolutely no idea what this means.
  6. One mark for Mark Jamar is a significantly higher percentage of his total possessions than one mark for Dean Cox. Though that obviously doesn't make Jamar a better player than Cox, it does mean that marking the ball is a bigger part of Jamar's game than it is Cox's. EDIT: Yay! My 5000th post!
  7. What a sobering article. With the sheer number of germs out there in the world, I often find it a wonder that we all don't just die the first time we ever cut our skin open. It's a credit to the immune system that we can recover from even the most minor injuries, and it's a MAJOR credit to human ingenuity that we can save people who suffer bigger injuries like this. David Armitage would probably have died had this happened a few thousand years ago. In fact, he might have even died had this happened a hundred years ago.
  8. Yep. i'd nix them both. In fact, I think that's just what we did do.
  9. The more you know. I'll go ahead and file that up here:
  10. Algae is harmless. Barrett is malicious. To say he's a lower form of life is one hell of an understatement.
  11. Wonaeamirri, Jurrah, Clark, Hogan. Obviously our poor performance is all our own fault and we don't deserve draft assistance.
  12. I wonder how this guy would have turned out if he'd stayed at Geelong. I'm certainly not a fan of his at all, but that's a "what if" I'd love to know the answer to.
  13. I'm a bit in the Brian Taylor camp about milestones such as this, but congratulations to him all the same. In terms of the way he plays, Rohan Bail has got tunnel vision like nobody's business. I wish he'd dish it off more often inside 50, but other than that I think he gives us a lot of run and effort.
  14. Could be a real Ryan O'Keefe type player for us. Unfortunately that doesn't mean as much as it used to.
  15. I thought it was the flood recognition jumper.
  16. Which is why you shouldn't muzzle him when he treadeth out the corn.
  17. . One less than he needs to get suspended.
  18. I don't know what leadership he's offering off-field, but I reckon we all know what he's offering on-field at the moment. "Match ability" or not, it's invaluable to the team. I'm not saying he's a leader BECAUSE he's waiting and seeing; I'm saying he's a leader DESPITE waiting and seeing. Do you really want to drop one of our best players this year based on what he might do next year? How does that even make sense?
  19. James Frawley -- Overrated as a backman, but a legitimately game-changing forward.
  20. There's a difference between kicking someone out of the leadership group because he's a bad leader and kicking him out because he might leave next year. I trust that James Frawley was put into the leadership group for a reason. Taking him out now would be silly.
  21. Then why don't they ever overestimate recovery times?
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