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Everything posted by Chook

  1. While this article is a fantastic insight into the history of the ANZACs, I'm not sure I agree with its conclusion that ANZAC Day football should only involve whatever club "sacrificed" the most in World War I. By this article's logic, every club should play on Anzac Day because that would maximise the representation of clubmen who died in the war. Even if you admit to the impracticalities of putting every club on the same day--ignoring of course that this is how the game was marketed in the days before and after the War--simply using World War I as the metric for the team you consider "most deserving" would disrespect all the other Diggers who have sacrificed all or part of their lives for this country. There have been many wars since our landing at Gallipoli, and they deserve to be remembered too. The fact is that it is now tradition for Collingwood and Essendon to play on ANZAC Day. Sometimes you need to respect tradition, regardless of the motivations behind that tradition's inception. Otherwise it will be open season for everyone who feels they have a claim to some part of our culture--whether it be ANZAC Day or Good Friday or anything else for that matter--to co-opt it in order to serve their own interests.
  2. . Quidquidne latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound. Case in point: Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam. I have a catapult. Give me all the gold or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.
  3. . Here's the link for proof: . http://www.sydneyswans.com.au/news/2014-04-22/tippett-out-tall-trio-of-tests Remember kids: Always use citations. It lets everyone know you're not trolling.
  4. If wishes were horses, beggars would be full.
  5. If you turn four corners, chances are you'll quickly find youself back where you started.
  6. You do if you're want to become the best forklift driver in the business.
  7. It's simple. Kick the ball as quickly as possible to the player as far from his opponent as possible. Failing that, THEN you go long down the boundary.
  8. Cam Pederson got CRUCIFIED for squibbing a mark in his first game. He's since proved his bravery numerous times. Surely Jack Watts deserves to be criticised for his perennially insufficient efforts, regardless of his draft pick.
  9. I hope our players are jealous too.
  10. It's a test. God is waiting to see how long it will be before some enraged Melbourne supporter runs onto the ground and murders Terlich out of pure aggrivation.
  11. So should Paul Roos and co just throw up their hands and say "Got nothing for you" when the players ask what they did right?
  12. I saw Jack Watts lay a tackle (if gently hugging your opponent counts as a tackle). After the tackle he fell over onto the ground, then slowly got up and started taking a leisurely Sunday stroll along the grass--even though the ball was probably 10 feet away and still in dispute. Does that count?
  13. I think Jack Watts needs to take a long hard look at himself.
  14. Need I say more about Jack Watts?
  15. Dunn to Howe to Dawes to goal. Would have liked a bit more of that today. Should have been a goal after the siren to win us the game, BTW. Shitty umpiring. Shitty first half. Shitty Jack Watts. Promising signs all the same.
  16. So [censored] off right now. We should be 1 point down with a minute to go.
  17. Watts is just an embarrassment... Brushed off like a bit of lint you find in the crack of your bellybutton.
  18. When even the Channel 7 commentators are resigned to the fact that the game is over, you can bet it's iced.
  19. Should be 7 points down. Instead we're in junktime. Also, Jeremy Howe is a forward. We got back into this game the moment he went back where he belongs.
  20. And Jetta gets his head ripped off and receives nothing but a headache for his trouble. What a joke.
  21. Gary Ablett is the best player in the competition. The umpires don't need to be giving him cheapies like that.
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