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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Wow, what a list. The crème de la crème, right there. What must I do to make it onto this list?!
  2. Oh my. You weren’t joking when you said you drink. ?
  3. Please don’t go there! I’m still recovering from sore stomach muscles as a result of last Thursday’s Suns match DL comments. I laughed soooo hard.
  4. Coz of his haircut, right? Who needs a spirit level?
  5. The Footscray fan in the white cardigan begs to differ. She’s like, meh. ?
  6. I definitely am! And loving it. The amount I outlay each week varies depending on how much I dislike the oppos. When we beat Essendon I lost $100 and was beside myself with joy. ❤️?
  7. I back against us every single game for this very reason. Been doing it for years. No amount of money can deaden the pain, but it sure takes the edge off it some.
  8. Those non-words aren’t mistakes, they’re intentional abbreviations. They’re also the product of having a teenage son. In my case, anyways. And if you’re gonna pick me up on non-word usage, get it right: I say ‘ima,’ not ‘imma.’ Coz that’d be silly. ?
  9. I know I’m missing the point but you’ve used the word ‘proven’ as a verb when it’s actually an adjective. Soz, couldn’t resist. Back to the point: Kev shouldn’t be referred to as a nuffie (either directly or indirectly) just because he expressed his opinion. Not referring to you THBT, referring to some others, just don’t know how to quote two posters at once. ?
  10. I wouldn’t leave Vic for fear of not being able to return. With covid things can change in a heartbeat.
  11. Can’t speak for Fork ‘em, but I’m defs serious. All good though coz apparently @Ethan Trembley is gonna email Roger Federer to ask him to sort this out, as promised in an earlier post in this thread. ?
  12. To really make your point perhaps you ought to say you’re the Bernard Tomic of DL. ? At least Nick can play tennis.
  13. Cheers, saves me the time of having to do it.
  14. Yes, I actually do. Well, not at a lack of an outward expression of gratitude. I think at the very least the players should make eye contact with the ball/towel kids. A little raise of the eyebrows to acknowledge the kid wouldn’t go astray either. It’s simply common decency.
  15. There’s ALWAYS room for thanks. I think it was after the 2006 grannie, the players going up to receive their medallions on the podium, all bar a couple of them totally ignored the little Aus Kicker who handed them the baseball cap. These little kids had been waiting all year for this moment and I’ll bet many of them didn’t sleep a wink the night before, such was their level of excitement. Anyways, it never happened again since there was so much public outrage about it having happened in the first place. So you can’t excuse the rudeness by saying the players are on edge. Because if players who’ve just minutes before won a flag are expected to be polite (in their heightened sense of euphoria) then everyone should be.
  16. And this might be partly why it continues to happen and continues to be accepted behaviour. Issues such as this should be discussed. Btw, I’ve only been on DL for a couple of months, but in that short time I’ve lost count of thread topics more unwarranted than this one. ?
  17. ? all I want for Christmas is… Max King in red and blue ?
  18. I know it’s beside the point but I don’t like the word “pretenders” in this context. Much like another thread that asked do you trust MFC. These words imply deliberate intent. The players and coaching staff don’t intend for things to go south.
  19. What’s the bet that fan is a schoolteacher or at the very least a dad? Most polite Collingwood fan I’ve ever heard. ?
  20. LOL Ump paid a free against Roughead, who immediately starts to remonstrate asking the ump all the whys and wherefores. Fan in the front row screams out to the ump, “ANSWER HIM!” Certainly not what an ump would expect to hear. ?
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