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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Everyone needs to vent from time to time. ?
  2. Could’ve been worse… could’ve been a magpies scarf. ?
  3. Unlike the old ladies at Arden Street in the 70’s. North were well-known for the abundance of ‘grannies’ at their home games. But these were mostly really nice old ladies. When I was about 9, during one match, Sam Kekovich kicked the ball out of bounds on the full and the ball hit me in the head (also on the full). I was knocked unconscious. When I came to, the first thing I saw was a circle of (blue rinsed) old ladies hovering over me. One had draped a knitted blanket over me and another was trying to get me to sip a cup of tea!
  4. I found this by googling who does Clint Stanaway barrack for? It’ so interesting! But I won’t lie, I kinda wish I hadn’t read the Essendrug list. I could’ve happily gone to my grave not knowing Tim Minchin barracks for those filthy bottom-feeders. #iStillLoveHimTho Edit: It’s Freo for Tim Minchin, not Essendon! So happy to have made a mistake.
  5. This is true. There is one journo who comes to mind and that’s Nick McCallum. He’s a Dees diehard just like all of us. ❤️?
  6. Same. When I was a kid my older brother took me to the footy every Saturday arvo. The only ground we wouldn’t attend was Windy Hill. He said he’d go to Windy Hill if he was to go with mates or on his own. But he said that was the only ground where he’d worry about the safety of a little sister.
  7. Agree with this. The media froth over Richmond this year. Just as they did in 2018, 2019 and last year. But in 2017, they didn’t. It’s like a team is a novelty until they create a ‘dynasty.’ Think Geelong, Hawthorn and Richmond, of late.
  8. I read the whole article. So funny. Thank you for posting. ?
  9. I just heard on the news that singing is not allowed in SA
  10. If only it was for a mere three minutes. Might’ve made watching the match tolerable. Some of them are probs still booing now!
  11. So, had he WON as opposed to being PAID OUT early, would there be a difference? Because as far as I understand it, for every dollar he outlays he gets back $23. Therefore, the odds in this case were 23 to one because: $100 x 23 = $2,300
  12. And climate change. Don’t forget climate change. The umpires are to blame for that too.
  13. I say, let’s try it!!!! It worked for Dolly the sheep.
  14. Wow. That’s great! Yeah, that’d be a drop in the ocean for them. I also am not a gambler but I back against the Dees every week, have done for years. Sadly, I’ve collected much more than I’d like. This year, I’m bleeding money like there’s no tomoz and couldn’t be happier. ❤️?
  15. Wow! That’s insane! Why on Earth would they do that? I thought these betting agencies would grudgingly hand over the winnings once we’ve won the flag. But I never imagined they’d pay out BEFORE the grannie. What’s in it for them? I guess I’m just spewing because I also put money on us winning the flag but the TAB obviously doesn’t pay out early. All good, I don’t care if and/or when they pay me any amount; as long as we win the flag. GO DEEEEES!
  16. But if* he did receive $2,300, that means the odds were, in fact, 23 to one. What he won would be $2,200 coz that’s minus his $100 stake. *I say ‘if’ because I’m not convinced this actually happened. Methinks someone might just be taking the pi$$ (?) ?
  17. But it’s true! And yeah, we’re all gonna be told we’re biased, which I guess is accurate. But if neutrals are anything to go by then the fact remains: the media are 100% not on our side. Case in point: my son (not interested in footy by any stretch), when we were 9-0 said to me “Geez mum, by the sports part of the channel seven news, you wouldn’t know your team’s on top and killing it.” And I am not a conspiracy theorist, an all too common label that gets bandied around in these convos.
  18. Who does that to a 6yo and an 8yo?!?! You didn’t mention if this rude piece of works was an Essendon supporter but the fact that she said “boo” sorta gives it away. ?
  19. Just seems a shame that there was people who would love to have been there, and 5000-odd empty seats.
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