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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I’m happy for all the DL-ers who were at the match. ? It’s sooo cold tonight, losing to the drug cheats would have made it such a miserable trek home. ❤️?
  2. Someone tell McLachlan there’s TWO teams out there.
  4. This is gonna be the loooongest seven minutes ever.
  5. Great goal!!! ?❤️ Still can’t relax though.
  6. McLachlan: another three goals will put the bombers in front. #barrackingMuch?
  7. Wish I could say the same! I can’t/won’t relax until the siren sounds and we’ve won.
  8. Why single out one incident? They literally boo at everything. Everything. EVERYTHING.
  9. The lookaway handball is the flavour of the month.
  10. Yeah but for a reason. Even a small reason. These bottom-feeders boo nonstop.
  11. According to McLachlan he was saying hello to someone he knew in the crowd. He’s such an [censored].
  12. The double fifty!!! we’ll take it, thanks.
  13. Heat of the moment comments ought to be taken with a grain of salt.
  14. All the great defensive work not being rewarded in our forward 50. Frustrating to watch. ?
  15. They boo for anything and everything. I despise them.
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