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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I was at the fence for a bit (until security booted me back to my assigned seat ?) and I saw Jayden’s face as he ran past on his way to one of his “brain farts” as some are calling them. It was as though his life depended on his next move. He had a look of burning determination that as a supporter you really wanna see. So yeah, lay off him. Please. edit: not you, DD. I’m referring to those who want his head.
  2. Well, not a bicycle. More like the bicycle version of a centaur or Minotaur. A cycletaur, if you will. ? Silly reply, I know. But this is a silly thread so, whatevs.
  3. I’m only just now getting feeling back in my extremities. My fingers and toes didn’t know what hit them. The last thing I wanna read right now is someone shaming fans who didn’t go today, as well as the fans who were there but apparently not making enough noise. So yeah, seemingly all fans. This thread is a waste of space and ought to be closed.
  4. Thank you ❤️? I heard similar from our “supporters” and yes, they’re blowing off steam but show a little respect by saying sh*t like that quietly amongst yourselves.
  5. LET’S DO THIS! GO THE MIGHTY DEES!!!!!! ❤️?❤️?❤️?
  6. Back in the day this applied. Not so easy to foresee nowadays. ☹️
  7. I just spotted a Giants supporter! I swear I’m not lying. Ima take a blurry pic of him and send it into Paranormal Caught on Camera.
  8. God I love how many little mini-Dees I’m seeing. It warms my ❤️ and ? heart.
  9. Well, you learn something new every day… I just did the unthinkable and used the public loo at Nth Melb train station. I never knew toilet paper came in 1/4 ply! It’s like using gossamer.
  10. Perhaps you’re right. I’ve heard The Bends is a horrible affliction.
  11. I trust you immediately went home and burned the clothes you were wearing.
  12. Or you could plummet to my level and catch the train replacement bus. ?
  13. My weather app says top temp of 9 degrees. Every degree matters when there’s not many of em. ?
  14. God forbid anyone should disparage the golden boy. ?
  15. Do you want a couple? Gotta be honest tho, they’re not into footy by any stretch. Which is why I’m looking to offload them. ?
  16. Yeah nah, I tried, put in a solid two minutes, I did. Just for you. ? But Stringer makes it impossible. Soz.
  17. Fair dinkum, you learn more from Daisy’s special comments than you do from the entire commentary. #LoveDaisyLots
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