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Everything posted by deebug

  1. Want some one think of the pretzels? NO+NO= HELL NO
  2. I have never seen Nev get angry before, so what ever it was must have upset him a lot?
  3. If he wants to come back and play, then yes.?
  4. Hate that mob, the media keep c*&*!@ on about them. On a little side note, i was watching a U-Tube video about the MCG. Now you would think when they were showing AFL clubs the Dee's would have been shown, no instead it was Methadon and collingwood.?
  6. Shut the hell up Judd, it's our club not yours so p*^^ off?
  7. Oh our baby boy, they grow up so fast.
  8. No over joyed scared the s*#@ out of my son? The tears will come when the siren has sounded in the last Q of the GF, then the flood gates will open up.
  9. On Ya Sammy keep it up, good game today.?
  10. You could also add some hypnotherapy before each game, at this stage i'm willing to try any thing.
  11. I saw a father and son today, the son was wearing a demon t-shirt and and a red and blue jacket, the father had a demon key ring. So for me if i see fellow dee's before the game it's good luck, how ever if i see the other team colours it's always bad. So all good for this week?
  12. Robbie was the most under rated player in VFL/AFL history, he was a star, and should have one 10 Brownlows and more. Always a legend for me as well SWYL.
  13. The whole team needs a kick up the a%#* If they can not perform on the field as a team, which they are not at the moment, then at the end of the season they need to bring in players who are willing to take this club to the next level. Sunday was a rabble it was a big step back wards, and even by some glimmer of hope we make finals, we will be out the first week, playing that c*#^.
  14. If that were to happen Gil would call an AFL meeting so that he can over turn the free kick count and give them to meth coast.
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