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deelete my account

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Everything posted by deelete my account

  1. We may as well develop Oscar & Weideman for the same position at CHF or FF if Lever/May, Tmac, Frost are our tall defensive spine going forward, save injury. That way there is insurance on the forward position if one of them doesn't make the grade and another does and insurance on a defensive post. Double insurance if they are both adequate forwards and one of them nets us a trade. If not, then what was the plan for Garland next year? Delist him and give OMAC the Garland role that contends with a new recruit?
  2. Who exactly are the gigantic american basketball defender equivalents that combatted these players and delivered premierships for the Dogs and Hawks over the past few years? I don't recall Franklin, Reid, Tippet, Patton, Lobbe having much influence in last years games against the Dogs? Boyd won the Dogs their premiership playing the Gawn ruck role, not as a forward with long arms. All games are won in the midfield, Getting pro-active would be looking at bringing in a 200+cm forward to add to the dynamic, not throwing a Mason Cox in defence. Max Gawn can drop back in defence as a ruckmen, anything else would sacrifice our speed and agility. I don't see any gigantic defenders running around for Adelaide, GWS, Geelong or the Dogs right now. They do have 196cm defenders though. Maybe we'll have to wait and see how good Joel Smiths leap is in defence and whether we can use him to advantage if we do not land Lever or another.
  3. I've already forgotten the 3peat and want Hawthorn to play well and contest for the 8, so it looks like our loss to them wasn't so atrocious and embarrassing and so StK don't get a top 5 pick. Who's with me? Go Hawks!
  4. Pulling in all of my biases, I like your thinking. We sneak into the top 4 vs a top seeded Simmonds Stadium side that has been undefeated in 2nd half of year and proceed to maul them at the G and win by 50. (Shades of 00 v Kangas) GWS destroys the Crows, and the Crows limp off to a home loss against the Dogs. We play the Dogs in an epic prelim tussle that sees Hogan kick a goal after the siren to win it for us. GWS easily dispense with the Cats at home. Melb v GWS - Heavy weight battle Number 1. It's like the Cavs v GSW every year. We have Lebron Oliver and they have a manufactured super-team Reaches for the tissue
  5. Just a thought, but he'd probably have got far more recognition nowadays if we'd traded him to West Coast instead of lowly Freo as it would've handed them both the 2006 AND 2005 premierships and put him back on the big MCG stage in September where he belongs!
  6. And on this topic, Paul Roos on League Teams said he'd like to see OMac play forward (Instead of TMAC) while we have the holes in our spine, as he played forward as a kid. Wouldn't it be ironic if OMac became a more than adequate forward with an ability to take a grab (add in some goalkicking training) and Wiedeman became a Dustin Fletcher esqe defender in the VFL (hopefully AFL too) - Worth a try if it plugged even 1 hole.
  7. When will he be? This season is showing that recruiting for a premiership in the next two years is what many teams should be doing including us, with one eye on the long term with responsible balance between using their draft picks for young players or trading them for established players. Zak Jones is a player that is ready to make an impact and be a solid contributor in 2018-2019. Stretch is currently in the VFL with no guarantee that he will become better than Zak Jones after 3 or 4 years. Same line of thinking goes into why we're wanting to recruit another forward or ruck/forward and not put all our eggs in the basket of hoping Weideman is a great player long term when the next 2 years are important in filling our holes because there is no guarantee that he will come on and if he doesn't, the team falls behind others long term and in the short term you're stuck with VFL level players rotating in and out of the side.
  8. Maybe im influenced by his history with the Dogs VFL side, but he reminds me of a plucky Jake Stringer. His strength and aerial capabilities, and ability to get into the right spot and make a snap decision and execute. Listening to his interview the other week, he's an intelligent well spoken guy that doesn't answer in cliches, probably goes some way to explaining why he can read the play well enough to get into the right positions and contest at an effort level that does not put his position in the team in jeopardy .
  9. I get that QB is a big game for the club and i'll try not to be over confident about this, but he'd be far more valuable with an extra week recovery and ready to go against the Dogs, followed with a home visit back to WA and ready to fire against the Eagles.
  10. I'd take a 3 goal Harmes game over a Bugg game where he never even looks like coming close to accurately kicking one through the sticks. Bugg definitely should make way this week imo.
  11. I know Oscar played a decent game and this is nitpicky, but i would just once like to see him dissapointed with himself over a poor kick/turn over. Just looks like he accepts it as part of his game and doesn't look like he strongly desires to make amends. Of course no point dwelling on mistakes too long either.
  12. Hawks apparently shopped around Sicily and may do it again this year, i wonder if he's worth a punt as a 3rd tall with a good set of hands on him who may be down on his form this year purely from confidence.
  13. Thoughts on Paul Roos saying Oscar McDonald should swing forward as he "was a good forward as a kid" DL ?
  14. I disagree on the urgency. If Pederson goes down next year, how much burden is placed on the shoulders of Hogan and Watts again while we wait for other players training wheels to come off and for how long? And if training wheels never come off and Pedo retires, we're at square 1 with a 2 year older Jack Watts and Hogan nearing contract end. Ditto for if Watts or Hogan go down. Fwd insurance is almost as much an imperative as Defence Imo. A ready to go AFL standard forward to spread the load should be part of the overall picture for next year.
  15. Even if Oscar or Wiedemann really come on in two years, that leaves two years of stressful weight being placed on the other players imo. It doesn't lend well to contract extensions in the future for players who could feel burnt out. And if they don't come on, then we've got to insure ourselves against it. Two reasons to recruit May/Def and Wright/Fwd
  16. Josh Schache? Admitedly i only watch 1 or 2 bris games a year. But a promising 199cm forward that could pinch hit in ruck at some point ? Could he swing in defence too? Josh Schache has been granted two weeks leave from Brisbane as he weighs up his football future @SportsdayRadio https://mobile.twitter.com/cleary_mitch/status/867300594523881472
  17. Nah. Not ready yet. Pederson should take off his boot and use it to reach for the ruck tap this week. I mean, it can't be illegal if it hasn't happened yet? Right???
  18. A few Sydney fans have said Zak has not been playing in defence most weeks but as an outside mid and only moved down there to help out a depleted backline earlier in the year as he's comfy 22, and developed there the years prior because that was where the only oppurtunity was (Stacked midfield). So he would be on the wing or would rotate through the middle at our club. They expect him to develop into an outside mid as Rohan winds down me thinks. Edit: Ok Rohan is younger than i expected at 26, but he's so injury prone anyway. and Kieran Jack also finished.
  19. Did you hear his interview at the end of the game? Sounded like a really mature, well spoken and intelligent fella
  20. His wikipedia page says he's from NT, but went to school at Melboure grammar. I wonder if he's itching to get back into a blazer and toff around again.
  21. Did you notice that they also beat Adelaide? Or do you only watch MFC games? Edit: It's not making excuses to be realistic about the opposition you faced. People aren't saying it was one of the best games for nothing, North showed up and played great footy. We didn't for periods of the game.
  22. Frost could get a gig in a premiership side. Have a look at all of the premiership players running around in Hawthorn jumpers right now.
  23. Ive heard he's a podiatrist. Ironic really. He had such a donkey kick on him.
  24. Kents soft shirk of the contest in the last quarter when we were surging was [censored] diabolical. Should be dropped for at least 3 weeks for that and the match effort.
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