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deelete my account

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Everything posted by deelete my account

  1. Hang on, the two teams that lost the preliminary final were clubs that hadn't made the finals the year earlier and were not bulletproof. One of which were a Geelong side down by 6 goals at 3/4 in round 23 v Richmond, who only beat Fitzy's long bomb goaled top 4 Hawthorn because of Isaac Smiths over-confidence and then played their bogey team (Sydney) who smashed them at Simmonds stadium a month earlier. Even GWS were one kick away (or a mark encroachment 50m penalty and 10 incorrect disposal calls) from ruining your tiny sample size conclusion. You could even say that GWS had the benefit of playing Sydney who are often spooked by GWS, in the QF. A few weeks earlier they lost at home to WCE and had shown signs of inexperience in close matches. They were also lucky to have had Adelaide drop a match and let them into the 4. Need a bigger sample size to assume the bye affected their preliminary final matches, and they weren't just coming up against superior opposition.
  2. They played last year and we should've won that game by 50 points. Big chance irrespective of who's in. (discounting umpiring)
  3. Except he wasn't a backup ruckmen for more than 2 games when needed to be called upon for 10. Why would we assume Spencer wont get injured again if Gawn was injured next year? He's not the most reliable back up. I said this earlier after the richmond game but Spencer was reckless in getting injured. Did not need to be diving with his shoulder into the oncoming Richmond player. We didnt need TWO ruckmen acting like midfielders. Gawn said himself that he shouldnt have overextended himself to tackle Selwood. Why on earth would a backup ruck follow suit and copy Gawns style of injury (diving into contact) ? Unreliable backup imo. The q is would we be better off bringing in another ruckmen or ruck /fwd as BACKUP and delisting him rather than delisting Spencer and not making anymore list additions. I think we would be better off with a different backup.
  4. Ha! So then we want Geelong as top spot at the MCG. Even though a win would see us within % of them, need 1 of GWS/ADEL to drop down to make it worthwhile which is very unrealistic. If we knock the Dogs off its open season on the Cats though. I hope us and Richmond can hunt down a top 4 spot at their expense personally.
  5. How high is our ceiling DL? Do we want geelong and adelaide to falter and open up the chase for a home qualifying Final at 2nd? Or do we want Wet Toast to depart the finals chase?
  6. Hate to drag over the List management stuff into a match selection page, but I think we should trade Dom Tyson (who is surplus to our needs) for Zak Jones. And I should pick a new username.
  7. We? You should think a little deeper outside the hive-mind. Not all 'Give 110% effort!' and 'never give up' tactics are correct all the time. If you know your limitations, you play smarter and contest in a different way. If there's no way you can run down a player, don't chase (Edit: Sprint) Why bother trying to do something 'symbolic' for the fans appeasement? That's just dumb. Brayshaw will come in and have to learn a similar way of playing differently to the consensus of how you should go about it with his concussion issues, just like Jordan is doing with the adjustments he has to make with his speed limitation and energy output.
  8. I've noticed a lot of demonlanders trash Lewis 'effort' when he 'gives up' chasing. I think he just knows his speed limitation and is conserving energy. It may look ugly, but if it helps him still be running around at the end of the game and not sitting on the bench due to fatigue impacting the clubs rotations, then it's fine.
  9. The one that sticks out for me was Brad Green taking a chest mark in the last quarter of a final v Carlton I think, in 00? It wasn't anything remarkable, it was just the context. These young guns were firing on all cylinders. Cam Bruce, Adem Yze etc. Just an avalanche of goals as we overran the opposition. It just seemed so unlikely that this young kid had come into the side and was beating his defender and kicking these pure straight goals. A very surreal experience that year with (Almost) everything clicking. Edit: FOund it!
  10. We'll be even with Port if they lose and we win and we'll pass Essendon even with a win. We can pick off Richmond's 4th spot on our own instead of conceding it to Port?
  11. Knowing our luck, we'll lose to Collingwood and then beat The Dogs & Eagles, and it would not surprise me. They've picked up their form and are currently playing better than most teams outside the 8. If we both go toe to toe and it's a great match and we lose by a kick, it's not the end and it doesn't define the season. So I Fail to see why there would be no excuses. No excuses for a match without a 4/4 effort and No excuses for a quarter where we leak goals and never catch up. If Collingwood show up and its a great effort from both sides, win or loss, there is still time to beat other teams. Sorry for the optimistic pessimism.
  12. Just watched the St K v Adel replay in about 5 minutes after avoiding footy news. The skip button is useful. What an atrocious match.
  13. They had an OK year with 15 wins and 8 points seperating them from 1st ?
  14. Motlop had a 44 goal season in 13 and a 36 goal season in 15, in that regard he's a big upgrade on Kent. I think the problem for Geelong was that they've tried to turn him into an outside running midfield and he just is not up to the task, park him in the forward line and I think he could show a fair bit. People took aim at me last year for saying we have a good culture for him in regard to other indigenous players by saying "how is his ethnicity relevant?" Well there could be a sense of kinship there surrounded by a player like Neville Jetta who's a stand up community leader and Garlett playing exceptionally well this year to keep Motlop training hard as his reputation is being lazy even with Selwood and Dangerfield around him. So in that regard, we could perhaps provide something Geelong can't . We also don't make our players drink our captains bathwater.
  15. Let's come back to the present though, would we give up a pick 10-14 at the end of the year for Zak Jones? On current form, would we trade Dom Tyson for Jones? I think most would say yes. Or going back to the draft year, would we take Salem + Jones instead of Salem + Tyson OVER Kelly? Why bring up Tyson? Well I think he's round about the kind of player we'd select with pick 10-14 i think.
  16. http://demonland.com/forums/topic/42163-the-k-tip-thread/?do=findComment&comment=1413390
  17. I have to wonder, if they're trying to off-load Tippett or Reid to keep Zak Jones, then we'd be best not taking the bait (if facebook tippett rumour is true) and instead making a push for Jones and considering Pedo as our full time CHF/ruck chop out for next year and re-assessing the ruck/fwd need in 2018. That gives Sydney not enough time to find a buyer for K-Tip/Reid, and then we can sew the idea more into Jones' head of a move south. When opportunity knocks sums up the Zak Jones idea. So we give up a first round? Wouldn't we trade Dom Tyson (1st Rnd) for Zak Jones right now? I would.
  18. We should just offer a nice deal to Zak Jones And forget k tip. Maybe bring in a third tall like gunston and keep omac defending in vfl as depth. Tmac and Watts back up ruck, Spencer still ruck depth. If no club bites on k tip, then maybe it frees up Zak Jones. So maybe the Swans are stalling us and selling us a lemon to keep ZJ, knowing that we actually have more than a passing interest, and have actually convinced Zak to consider us in light of a current low ball swan offer
  19. How do we typically play off a bye? If we're slow starters most matches then i fear that we'll be asleep again in the first as we 'dust off the cobwebs' on our game style. Oh and this is the champion data 1st vs 18th midfield battle isn't it?
  20. Wanting Collingwood to win for our benefit is good in theory, but is just not practical at all. It would even be hard barracking for them if we needed them to win to make the finals. Would be tempted to call off the year
  21. This is why I want the Pies to win today, as it's totally in our control with 2 games against them. Freo on the other hand need to hurry up and get out of the way.
  22. For those familiar with cricket, Dharamsala is the perfect place to play any sport. Currently 27 degrees and sunny with fresh air coming off the Himalaya's. Probably better to play it in early May though as June it is getting a little hotter. I doubt AFL footballers would be on the street eating street food though, they'd be eating 5 star hotels. Travel time is about 8 hours to KL, and then 5 hours to Mumbai or Delhi. 13 rather than 15. If the game was in Mumbai, it would need to be March IMO, or late August night time after an afternoon monsoon shower. No way you'd play it in May-July
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