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deelete my account

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Everything posted by deelete my account

  1. Say what you will about our lack of tackles, but it was Collingwood that played finals level footy yesterday, not us. Yes our fault for not turning up, but lets not pretend we have it in the bag against a collingwood who've shown they can smash teams for a half, before choking the 2nd. They did it to Geelong a week earlier. They had one of those halves where everything goes their way. Made their own luck through a very physical and attacking game. Beat us at our own game. Collingwood [censored] their year up earlier than us, but their pieces still come together from time to time and when it works its top 8 footy. Our fault for being in this position, collingwoods fault for beating us fair and square. Bit sick of the "we choked to a 2nd rate pies" talk. We started choking two months ago, but other teams also stepped up and played brilliant footy.
  2. Yes our fault for not showing up, but we need to stop pretending we're premiers in waiting if it werent for us choking. Other teams can show up and play finals level footy like the Pies did yesterday. The Hawks against us too when they had a mid year hot streak. So its not totally our fault for being in this position, other teams share the blame for beating us fair and square, and for professionally resting to get pick 10 for Lever
  3. Anyone for WILDCARD WEEKEND instead of doing nothing? Ess v St K | Melb v WCE. Winner to be as tired as [censored] and get pantsed by Syd/Port by 100 points the following week.
  4. I bet when we beat Adelaide away, they will tarnish it with bye talk.
  5. Said it before but gws were a kick away from a gf and choked when 14 points up. Wouldve killed any anti-bye logic. Added onto the fact that gws snd geel werent even finalists the year before and had a bit of luck getting into prelims (isaac smith missing, rich beating geel by 36 at 3/4 r23, adel losing to wce and gifting gws top 4 against a team they have wood over in syd Even this year there are 10 prelim matchups i can think of that will be 50/50. Will we blame the bye if gws beat adel in adel? Or syd beat geel again in melb?
  6. Then we'd have Frawley and wouldnt need Lever too?
  7. I love how wooden and unstressed he is. Would hate to have a heart on his sleeve indefensible nuffie like Hardwick for a coach.
  8. It's a little unprofessional on their part, if true. More so, if it was a Tmac move to draft OMac, or he'd split. But I doubt that, as he's a pretty mature guy and buys in. Cant think of a player wielding that much power ever. If you look at the Talia brothers, doesnt seem to be any pressure to draft one to play with the other. On the topic of Frost v Omac, id leave it up to the coaches as they know who is ticking the boxes. Do we know whos had #1 defender also predominantly while Tmac went forward? Frost is all flare and dash, but one suspects that Omac holds down the fort a little better. We need stats (I'm lazy af)
  9. Outside 50 from the boundary after the siren in Tasmania, I know who I wouldn't pick...
  10. "You mean all I have to do is get it, sprint out of defence and then bomb it long into empty space for Eddie & Tex?" Would be on Sams mind. Our Defence already contains Hunt and Hibberd for our athletic sprinting out of defence, both have way more upside on their disposal
  11. Mitch Cleary browses DL? Frost talk heated up in the last few weeks ever since being dropped.
  12. Mitch Hannan has banked them on a nice angle 40 out when it mattered recently. When i saw it was his golden locks with the mark v bris in the last few mins, i breathed a sigh of relief... i think he then passed it, which was also smart.
  13. Chant "Sack Bucks" in a sacrificial satanic cult voice for a good minute.
  14. Considering we're a finals bound team with many valued players tradewise even without his addition, shows we've still done well out of that trade. To have a player become a superstar like him and come to us, means we'd be paying unders to get him ie we have enough depth if we trade a good player and our first round picks are not high ones. 2x Pick 12-18
  15. Re-signed with the Hawks. Will keep the most punchable face in the AFL title for another 3 years. Delete this revolting thread!
  16. Cam Bruce has gone mad. Cam Bruce has gone mad. Can Bruce has gone mad. CAM BRUCE HAS GONE COMPLETELY MAD.
  17. The year after next, The aging injury prone player Eddie will recruit, will be Scott Pendlebury as coach. Another unlikeable overly serious captain that will have half the playing groups respect.
  18. I think thats all of our hunches at this point, that our upside is way more brutal and spectacular than most in the 8, if we can find it again and for more than a half.
  19. You might be a pesimistic in that life cant be so great as to let Richmond choke a 4th finals campaign in 5 years!
  20. While thats true, there were 10 teams in the premiership race when fresh legs created no segregation in the pack. Richmond have been far more consistent in the last 3 months and should beat us, while Port haven't. A rich win would be a glorious upset and a signal that our early season form is back though.
  21. A little concerning that their game is on Sunday, after Adel find out whether they have the minor premiership wrapped up.
  22. Sounds terrible. I can't even sit and watch a game on the telly with my family when they heave and shout angrily at mistakes - but that's pretty common for more serious fans than me. (They're quieter at the footy than in the lounge room) - As for targetting players all game, that's just a whole new level of awful.
  23. I missed the game and Collingwoods first half v Geelong, and only read post-match. The finals talk is a bit concerning as WCE v Adel may be a dead rubber still for the Crows. Are the Pies actually in better form if they play the way they did against Geelong? Or was it a Geelong issue? Should we be concerned here? Is it the elephant in the room atm? I know some responses will be: If we cant beat pies then we don't deserve to be in the finals, but i disagree. Coll can beat anyone on any day if they play at their peak (As can we) - And a team that lost to them, could bounce back and win a premiership.
  24. I'd like to believe we're more professional than that and would have some gage on whether Frost is too. If he isn't (buying in), then he should be on the trade table anyway. Footy is a professional industry and Frost should be contributing fully towards being a part of our 2017 campaign with the knowledge that doing so would have it's own individual AND collective rewards. If the club is actually not playing him for that reason, then we're sacrificing a decent player and the ability to have TMAC forward to kick a bag. But i just think Frost was down on form and now has to earn his way back in with Pedo holding down a forward spot and TMAC moving back.
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